Slightly important?

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Edit: published in both of my tpn oneshot books (just so people can see it)

In the words of (the hopefully dead) William Afton (a.k.a Springtrap, the man behind the slaughter, Peepaw Willy, etc...), "I always come back."

Sigh... it seems I'm never really gone, am I? I have yet returned to share with you one image that I find very nice which I got from the Discord server of Midjourney - an A.I art-generator.

Guys it looks like Emma

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Guys it looks like Emma. I shit you not. This piece was not made or generated by me, unfortunately. However, I still love it and deem it as real art. It seems to fit the theme of TPN in a sense, seeing as how Emma is still the lovable character we hold in our hearts.

Credits go out to whoever made this, I know it wasn't meant to be TPN but it came out that way and it just makes me feel warm inside. I love Emma, I still do, and I still wished for better outcomes for her.

This is where I leave and... who knows when I'll be returning next. Mainly, I've been publishing TPN-related content here because nobody else checked out my "author book" for other announcements and shitposts but either way, I'm still an active writer and I hope you guys check out my Yuugo x reader fic.

P.S. Yes, I am still working on original books. Unfortunately, my audience reach isn't that wide and marketing is obviously a flop so I can only get some friends and faithful followers to check out any new books I manage to shit out...

Also, who likes the new book covers? No? Ok...

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