umbrella sharing • norman

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[ school au ]
*flashback/prequel of Morning Rain


"I'm grateful that the crazy weather allowed me to fall in love with you back then."

Undoubtedly, high school years are one of the worst anyone's been through. If you say your high school memories were good then maybe you went to a fictional school. Having to attend a government-run facility containing all these adolescent f*ckers everyday drains your very life energy. It straight up sucks. Anyway, getting to the story...

You went to a normal school, you got good grades in your first year, which got you a commendation from your teachers. At that time, you thought your life was going great. But come second year, the rollercoaster started going down. Your father had left you and your mother, the latter started working more hours just to support the both of you. If it ain't the usual backstory drama, add in the fact that you get sick most of the time. It almost always rains after school, and you almost always never had an umbrella with you. You either end up running in the heavy rain to get to the station or just staying at school and waiting for the rain to let up. Often you went for the latter option. When you did get sick due to the rain, your school would forgive you, since you did really well in school and they understand your situation at home. You felt like a burden to your mother.

The bad times went on for a while, and halfway through the semester you still had no friends. Everyone saw you as a smart but poor girl. Not exactly poor, but more or less below average and struggling with finances. There was a few who noticed you, but not out of pity. The first was Emma. She was one of your very first friends in school. Then came along her two other friends, Ray and Norman. Ray was a bit distant, as he always was, but he remained close by. Norman, on the other hand, was the one who was interested in you the most.

It all started on a rainy afternoon. The sky turned dim, the clouds seemed like cursing you and your life.

You had met Norman just recently but you didn't know him well. It was after school that you had your first conversation with the boy. Again, you didn't have an umbrella so you decided to stay back and wait for it to stop. Norman had noticed this quite a few times. On numerous occasions, he'd do the same and made sure you got home safe. Sure, call him a stalker. He'd either be that or your guardian angel. Today, Norman did something different. He walks up to you, smiles gently.

"Forgot your umbrella?" He asks, as if that wasn't obvious already.

"Yeah." You nodded timidly. "I'll just wait for it to get clear."

The taller boy takes his umbrella from the rack and opens it up as he was out the building. He stops and looks back at you. Smiling once again, he gestures you to stand beside him. You hesitated.

"Come on."

Shyly, you shuffled over to Norman. Obviously, you wondered why he was offering to share his umbrella with you. The walk to the station was silent. All you could hear was the wind, the rain, cars passing by, and your heart beating against your chest. Is this what umbrella sharing feels like? Although you and Norman weren't close, you felt at ease as he sheltered you from the rain- that, and he also kept you close to him to make sure you weren't getting wet.
At some point in your walk, there was a car speeding by, and the expected came to greet you. But instead of meeting a splash of water, you found yourself meeting Norman's chest. He protected you and pulled you out the way. And let me tell ya, he held you really close.

"Are you okay?" He looks down at you, checking to see if you were still alive. At that time, he might as well have noticed your bright red blush as you remained trapped in his arms.

"Y-yeah...I'm good."

You arrived safely at the station, dry and grateful. Norman waited with you there for a while since the rain got stronger. Your mind wouldn't stop going back to that moment earlier, your heart couldn't stop pounding either. Looking to Norman, you tell him thanks.

"How can I ever repay you?"

The blue-eyed boy simply smiled- the same gentle one he gave earlier- and leaned forward. He kisses your forehead. This causes you to blush even brighter- if that was even possible. He hands you his umbrella and stands. Out of the corner of your eye, you noticed that the rain had already let up.

"Let me get to know you this weekend. Meet me here tomorrow and bring back my umbrella." Norman smiles again. That smile. That damned smile.

That was the moment you fell in love. Don't worry, he fell in love too. You should know, you married him years later.

In the end, high school may have been the worst years of your life, but they weren't so bad with Norman by your side. The rollercoaster of life went up again. It got better, it always will. Up to this day, you'll remember how the rain brought you two together.

the end.

why *kicks chair* can't i *punches wall* write *hits head on the wall* GOOD?! AAAAAAAA

ugh do my oneshots have too much backstory in it? too little dialogue maybe? please rate my writing or something 😩💔

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