beguiling sapphire • norman

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I did this request wrong. I am terribly ashamed of myself. I am a disgrace. I humbly apologize.


'Y/n? Are you here?' Norman called out by the door.

Upon entering, he noted that the living room was left alone, and he saw that the fridge in the kitchen was empty. Every other room in the house had no people in it. With the exception of the workshop behind the house, of course, because there was definitely someone there. Norman places the groceries on the kitchen counter, reminding himself to unload them later. He walked out back and knocked on the door. Stepping back, he waited. His eyes scan the repainted shed of his dearest Y/n. It's been three years since he met her.

The door makes a jingle as it opens. There she was.

'Ah, Norman! Welcome back. Come on in, and don't mind the mess.' She seemed out of creative breath as she scurried back to her work table.

As always, the shed was cluttered with the mess of just about anything. The painting began to chip away at some parts, but it meant that the place was being put to good use. Y/n even slept there more often than in her own room. On the desk was a series of new gem crafts lined up by the windowsill. The sun rays hit each one and illuminated the room in a way Norman couldn't describe.

The artist dabbles in many forms of art. However, her true ability lies in sculpting jewel stones with accurate and incredible detail. She crafts them into stunning jewelry and sells them online as a small business. Although the gems are fake, they actually contained particles of real diamond and rare minerals. At least they're worth something. It should be noted that the diamonds and minerals were an inheritance from Y/n's deceased grandfather.

Right now, the budding- no, struggling artist had just finished her 3rd model of sapphire stones. She'd been working on those for the past five months, always saying she never got it quite right the first time. It looked wonderful already but Y/n could never declare it "perfect" just yet. (She has to use clay for first drafts.)

'I'll try again next time,' she sighs. She puts down her tools and jumps off the chair. Norman, who had been standing idly by, goes to pull his girlfriend outside before she had the chance of starting another project.

They needed no words to communicate. Usually, a glance was all it took. And with a single look, Y/n already understood her dearest Norman. She willingly let him lead her out to the open fields behind the shed. Free from any distractions, this was the best spot to take a break. It was the kind of field where one could contemplate their place in the universe, but before of finding the answer, one's mind would drift away with the clouds, thoughts swept away by the breeze. It's nice.

'When I die,' Y/n began. 'I want to be buried right here in this field.'

Norman gave a sideways look. 'That came out of nowhere.'

'Went down like a lead balloon.' She mutters.

The couple lied down together, wide awake and hands carefully intertwined. Norman later moves himself to kneel by Y/n's head. He stared at his girlfriend with nothing but love and admiration in his eyes, and even if the view was upside down it remained gorgeous. Y/n looks deeply into his eyes. Blue had been her favorite color ever since they met. She puts her hands on his cheeks, pulling his face closer. Their lips remained far away.

'Such beguiling sapphire eyes.' She drowned in his gaze.

'I thought you said they were capri blu-'

'Nope. Sapphire. I can see it clearly now.'

Y/n kisses him in the end. After taking his breath away, she went back to studying his orbs. Grinning wildly, she got up and ran straight back to her workshop. Norman immediately knew that she finally found the missing element to complete the sapphire gems. Now that she's revived with energy, she'll finish the jewels in no time. Norman's glad he gets to inspire his girlfriend every now and then. He's lucky to have Y/n, and not just because she fell for his beguiling eyes. Like she mentioned before, she fell in love with all of him. That was enough for him to love her back entirely.

the end.

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