in the middle • norman or anna

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I know I said I put this book on hold but I kinda had to rush these requests so that I can get it out of the way. Btw if anyone was wondering, my math grade is 40% rn...that's way too fucking low and I'm gonna cry. Also, I'm kinda grounded and I might put an end to this book and delete it maybe?


Growing up, Y/n was always caught in between sides. As the middle child, they often had to side with either of their siblings. This also applied to siding with either their mother or father when they argue. It was chaos. Even when in school, Y/n had friends in two separate groups and had to choose a side. This annoyed and frustrated the child. Instead of growing up to be a happy individual surrounded by friends and family, Y/n has gradually become void of emotion and all they want is to live alone for the rest of their life.

As a newly-turned adult, Y/n had no social life but was satisfied with not ever having to pick sides like they used to during their younger years. They refused to partake in any event or moment wherein there are two choices to pick from. Like politics or debate. In their current lifestyle, all Y/n can do is make decisions for themselves. Although they're indecisive when it comes to some things, it doesn't bother them as much. However, one can't always walk away from things. As a person, making choices is a part of life. Y/n has to face that fact.

Y/n first met Norman during a small company meeting. He was there as a consultant, and Y/n worked as a freelance designer. They worked on the same team as Gilda; who then revealed that she was an old friend who went to the same school as him. Y/n wasn't close to Gilda but she was kind and friendly to them when they first started working together. And now this Norman, who wasn't a very energetic sort of guy, sits down next to Y/n and extends a hand for them to shake. This would be the start of something new between them. (*I absolutely have no clue what I'm writing because I'm jobless)

Y/n met Anna on a Saturday. They both met in the bistro where Y/n worked an afternoon shift. It was a curious afternoon when Anna was the first to strike up a conversation, whilst Y/n was too shy to make a coherent reply. That was the start of something new between them. It wasn't long until they bonded and their friendship grew stronger. Y/n came to realize how Anna glowed underneath the light; her soft blonde hair and sky blue eyes complementing the day. It often reminded Y/n of another certain person with striking blue eyes.

Everything seemed to be going well. Y/n and Norman have established a trust with each other within weeks; the kind that one can rarely find these days, and this was special because Y/n wasn't very trusting of others so it's a miracle how Norman got to be friends with them. Meanwhile, Y/n finds themselves slowly having feelings for Anna. It's been weeks since they first met and it's a miracle how Y/n can keep up socializing, which she hasn't done so much in a while. Like I said, everything seemed to be going well. However, I was not present at the time when Norman and Anna met each other through Y/n. Next thing I knew, Y/n was caught in the middle once again. Although, this time, Anna and Norman said that they weren't forcing Y/n to choose between them, knowing that Y/n has had a difficult past with choosing sides.

I saw them at the park. Y/n stood there, facing one of their fears. It's like standing at a fork in the road and not knowing where to go. Y/n could just pick one but they're not sure which. Poor Y/n was in love with both, they could barely think straight to choose.

But then, Norman smiles. The same gentle smile he'd shown them the day they met. He reminisces the day they met and says, "I'm not forcing you to pick. You know this. But if you ever decide, you know where to find me. I'll be there for you." Norman turns to leave. He looks back at Y/n. "You can choose to take my hand anytime. I'll understand if you don't. Just know that I'll always have your back and I'll catch you if you fall." Then he leaves.

Anna smiles as well. It was the smile she had first flashed to Y/n upon their first meeting. Apparently, starting a conversation about the weather really did work. She opens her mouth to say, "No matter what you decide, I'll be happy for you. I'll respect your decision. You can let your heart choose freely. It's fine if it doesn't pick me. If you're happy, then I'll be happy too." Anna then leaves. Y/n was left alone with their thoughts.

(Keep reading to see separate endings.)


[ Norman ]

Taking Norman's hand was a moment you would often revisit in your head. You got to know him as the weeks flew by, and you learned to put your trust in him. And what he said was true; he wasn't forcing you at all. Norman knew you like the back of his mind and was always understanding, which is maybe the reason why you trust him entirely. Throughout your life, you didn't trust people a lot. But now, you thought of how Norman was most honest with you, and you were glad to be his friend. Now that it has come to this... of course you chose Norman. There was no other person in the world who understood you completely. And of course, you remained good friends with Anna. In the end, you and Norman end up together, hand in loving hand, the trust being permanent.


[ Anna ]

Your heart yearned for Anna. It ached more and more as each second passed. Your legs moved on their own, your heart leading your whole body to the one you love. Soon, you found yourself at Anna's doorstep. Of course, you chose her. A romantic relationship was something you had no experience with, but being with Anna healed you in a different way. You knew that there would be ups and downs to romance- and you were willing to take that risk. Anna was willing too. You knocked on her door. She opened it and lit up like the sun. You two share a warm embrace. This was a good decision; one you won't regret. Knowing you shouldn't be afraid to try new things, you and Anna will be willing to find a love to last. And of course, you remain good friends with Norman. In the end, both your hearts intertwine and love each other til the end.

The End.

Hey guys...I know that this was kinda rushed but I hope y'all liked it at least.
Guys, please pray for me so that I can bring my grades up...I don't want to disappoint my mother.
Thank you.

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