soft sheets • lucas

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*Not nsfw but I guess it's PG-13...also he has both of his arms here (maybe no scars either)

*Sorry for the wait and sorry for any spelling errors


"Penny for your thoughts?"

It was a little ways past 9:30 in the morning when Lucas asked you the question. You both stayed in bed minutes after waking up. Neither of you wanted to get up that day.

"Last night was fun."

You flash a small smile at him, recalling how it felt like although it was too long to even remember all of the details. Still, it was one of the greatest nights of your life. There was nothing but love on the soft sheets that night.

"I agree." Lucas scoots closer and snakes his arms around your waist. He buries his face in the crook of your neck and gives it a little kiss.

Under the covers, your legs entangle with his. Your hands would pull him closer. Lucas stares at you with nothing but love and puts his head back up to give you a long kiss on the lips. The kiss turns into a morning make out session- which was an early morning treat for you, of course. Admittedly, you managed to snag a great man so every minute with the total package was a delight. You simply adored the way he planted butterfly kisses all over you, and you loved it when he left behind tempting nibbles upon your soft skin. It was a quiet love in the quiet morning. There were soft, fuzzy feelings all over the place. There were soft sheets underneath.

Not long after, Lucas hovers over you and caresses your hair. You go back to kissing and loving each other again. It was all warm and engaging, you could feel the love radiating off of your bodies. He goes down to your shoulders and covered every inch of it with a smooch. A breath escapes your mouth, you were close to moaning. Your arms made its way to his strong back, and you could feel the love and warmth from there as well.

As soon as he bites the sweet spot on your neck, that's when you accidentally let out a cute moan- which almost sounded like a tiny squeak of a mouse, actually. Both of you froze for a second. Lucas stifles a laugh, thinking about how adorable that was. You break away from his hold, burying your face in your hands from all that embarrassment.

"You're so adorable." He giggles.

"Stop it..."

He gently takes your hands off your face and pecks you on the cheek. You both lie back down to your original positions and hold each other close. He brings his head down to your chest and he listens to your heartbeat. You sigh lovingly and plant a kiss on his head.

"I love you a lot."

"And I love you much more."

the end.

a/n: I'm planning to delete the oneshots that suck nghnhgn

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