better life • oliver

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*Short oneshot... I couldn't write well cuz I was crying (like genuinely crying, it's not a joke)

[ this oneshot takes place years after the manga ending... no major spoilers here though ]

You and Oliver have been together nearly since childbirth. Growing up together, you were almost inseparable. Then the nightmares began. You suffered the most dreadful days in Goldy Pond as you watched innocent children get slaughtered. Oliver kept you safe, he protected you from the terrors and comforted you at night. Now, the fear ended, you were all safe in the human world...

It had been many, many years. All of you were living a better life. Most of your friends had went their separate ways, and you had time to see each other whenever the chance. Currently, you and Oliver lived together. For the most part, it was quiet, but you both enjoyed each other's presence and you find comfort in his arms.

The months were beginning to get cold; you were getting used to the winter season- although Oliver is not too fond of it. Snowflakes of various patterns came to fall from the sky. You watched with intensity as memories come back to you; the first time you saw snow. Oliver asks you what's wrong. Instead of replying normally, you got up and tugged on his arm.

'Let's go outside! It's snowing!'

'Huh? Y/n, you know I'm-'

'Please! It's gonna be fun... we'll build a snowman.'

Puppy eyes work on some instances, and it always works when you beg to Oliver. He sighs, knowing that he's helpless and complies to your wishes. If it makes you happy, he has no complains. With a grin, you rush to get dressed and head out the door. Oliver followed right after. Although the cold bit and nipped at your skin, it was fun. It got too cold later on and you both ended up rushing inside.

Sipping on hot cocoa, you continue to stare at the not-super-perfect snowman that was built. Bonus points for being creative on the nose since you didn't have a carrot. Oliver joins you on the couch by the window, bringing a nice thick blanket that he wraps around the both of you to share. He lets out a small chuckle.

'Better hope that snowman doesn't melt.' He tells you.

You look up at Oliver. 'No, he won't. He's like us. He'll make it through no matter what.'

You both smile and share another moment of grateful silence.

'This is a better life. For us.'

'For us.'

the end.

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