my sunshine • emma

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*reader can be gender neutral here

{Y/n's POV}

I always wondered why I found the sun so beautiful. It's just a hot ball of gas up in the sky, shining during the day, hiding during the night. And then I met Emma. She became my sun. Never did she once fail to make anyone's day brighter. Emma always smiled. That's one of things I love about her.

'Y/n! Sorry, I'm late!'

'It's fine, I just got here myself.'

Everyday after school, we met up at this hill slope by the riverbank. It was my favorite spot because the sun would begin to set by the time I got there. And when I spent that time with Emma, all I had felt was the warmth of two suns with me.

'Hey, Y/n?' Emma moved closer.

'Yes, sunshine?' I turn to face the girl. I looked into her green eyes, which complimented her wild sunset hair. That's one of the things I love about her.

'Don't leave me.'

I'm almost on my way to graduate high school. I had to remind myself that Emma is only a year below me and that we might end up going our separate ways. But I don't want that to happen.

'I will never leave you, Emma. Not in a million years.' And I wasn't exaggerating. Seriously enough, I would be willing to do anything for the love of my life.

Emma smiles at me with relief. Tears began to well up in her eyes. My vision started to blur, I realized I was crying as well. I embraced my sunshine, we held each other tight and spilled tears of joy. While I cried, I thought about how lucky I am to have Emma in my life. She fulfills me more than anything in my life. I love her. A lot.

In the end, I graduated. But I made sure that I confessed my feelings to Emma before I left. I told her those three words, and I said that I'd wait for her no matter what. Now, after months had passed, I came back to my home town. By the hill, I waited for the sun to set.

Behind me, a familiar voice called out name. My sunshine had come home.



She runs into my arms and we cry once again.

'Thank you for waiting. I love you too.'

Ever since then, I had my sunshine with me. I kept her close and she would make me smile even on my darkest days. Because of this, I chose to marry her. And the reason why I found the sun so beautiful is because it'll always remind me of Emma.

the end.

a/n: Sorry about that, it was kinda short
I wasn't in the mood today cuz I've been binging angst shows lately

Also please give me some criticism so I can improve my oneshots in the future

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