the butterfly poison • trio x reader

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I'm sorry if this wasn't what you asked for,,, I tried my best, I promise,, it's just.....these days I can't seem to follow a request and just write whatever
I'm so sorry


[ Set in New York in the 1980s where crime is most active and mafia gangs are all over the city ]

Y/n is a dangerous woman, a poison specialist, who offers her services in exchange for a very good price. Today, three people have entered her shop to ask for help.
Norman leads Ray and Emma through the entrance door, and then to the back room where the woman herself was waiting. Pushing past a brown curtain, the three entered a large kitchen-like room that was dimly lit. There was one window in the corner. Cabinets were on the walls and there were counters all around with elaborate experimental set-ups on them. Norman walks to the center island and takes a seat on a barstool. Emma and Ray do the same. Y/n was already sitting across them.

"We're here to talk business." Norman declares.
Y/n raises a brow, signifying him to clarify his intentions for coming into her shop. Norman clears his throat.
"The new toxin I ordered?"
He gives a sideways glance to his companions. Emma looked a bit pale. Ray was nonchalant about all this. Looking back to Y/n, he watches as she gets up and takes a tray with four vial bottles that looked like they came from the medieval times. The bottles contained a bright purple mixture that glared at the three.

"It's not exactly a new one, Norman." Y/n sneers. "I've been perfecting this for quite some time now. Plus, you weren't the only people who wanted to buy this."
Y/n takes a seat and pushes the tray to the middle. They all watch with cautious eyes as if the bottles were going to explode at any given time.

"What is it?" Ray asks.
"My butterfly poison." She grins. Y/n takes a sample vial, shakes it a little and shows it to the group. "Like the insect, the poison itself 'flutters' around and throughout your body and spreads through the veins."
She puts back the vial and continues.
"It's like having butterflies in your stomach, making you feel nauseous and filled with anxiety. Except this time, the butterflies are slowly and surely killing you from the inside."

Basically, anyone who takes in the poison can and will literally die of anxiety. The science behind it was complicated and needed no explanation from an idiot like me. It was her best work yet. The poison's been tested on five people- who are now obviously dead. It was always the incompetent men from a variety of gangs all around the city who have been sent to her doorstep. She didn't mind having to experiment on men, especially since she didn't want to use animals. Y/n always achieved desired results with her toxin experiments, which guaranteed her a way to deal with people who might try to buy her shop. She's been successful in killing a few of those people.

"Is there a cu- an antidote?" Emma stuttered.
Y/n fixates her gaze to Emma. She furrows her brows at the other girl.

Norman ushered Emma and Ray to wait outside while he spoke privately to Y/n. She decided to put away everything on her counters except for the butterfly poison vials. Norman crossed his arms and watched her move about. He rubs his temples.
"Listen, Y/n, I need the toxin right now."
Y/n continues to clean out the room, packing up bottles and ingredients into a large black luggage. Norman had a slight idea as to why she was doing this, but he decided not to say anything about it. She turns her head to face Norman.

"And who, may I ask, are you planning to kill this time?"
"Peter Ratri."

Y/n halts. She and Norman fall silent. They look over to the table, the four vials still glowing. Y/n nods her head and quietly resumes cleaning up. Norman took this as a confirmation to take the vial. He swipes one bottle from the counter and is about to leave until a hand stops him. He looks up at Y/n. Her face was close to his, her eyes swirled deep with concern.
"Norman." She whispers. "Please take care."
"Don't worry, Y/n. It'll be fine." He flashes her a look of assurance; a sign that he'll come back as he was after the deed is done.

Ray watches as Norman leaves the shop in a hurry. He noted the vial of butterfly poison that his friend carried out the door. Sighing, Ray tells Emma to wait where she stood and went back to the room to have a word with Y/n. The dark-haired male had kept quiet about his connection to the mad scientist and pretended he didn't know her.

"Was Norman really going for it?" He sighed again.
"Obviously." Y/n dusts off her pants and moves her luggage bag to the small window. "This is Norman we're talking about. He's...he's determined."

Ray and Y/n looked at each other with worry. They couldn't talk too much about Norman, but they were thinking of the same thing. Their friend went on his own way to change the world- or that was what he said he'd do. Norman's group, Lambda, was against the Ratri Clan and Norman led the rebellion against those rats. Y/n hated the Ratri syndicate as much as Ray did, but neither of them had a solid opinion.

"You taking one?"
Y/n gestured to the vials on the table. There were three left. Ray gave her a half-smile and made his way to where she was standing. Y/n and Ray share a hug, the kind that was between two people who trusted each other wisely.
"I'll take it for now, but make me a better one next time." He chuckles.

Emma waited until Ray left the back room. She told him to go ahead, as she wanted to ask Y/n a question. That was a white lie. The thing is, Emma knew Y/n too. She knew her longer than the other two did. Entering the back room once again, Emma noticed the room was now clean and rid of all evidence. Y/n then goes to sit on the counter, a patient smile on her face. Emma joins her.

"What about the rest of your shop?" The redhead asks.
"I paid a good sum to a third party to do whatever they want with the place. They'll either burn it down or make it their own shop and pretend I was never here."
Y/n lets out a breath of relief. She'll miss the place but she can always find another. Emma turns to the center island. There were two vials left. The tray was gone.

"I'll pack those up." Y/n says as she gets off the counter. She puts the vials away in her case and carefully pushes the luggage out of the corner window.
"There." Y/n turns to Emma. "Ready to go?" She extends a hand out, to which Emma gladly takes. They both slip out the back through the window and escape down the alley, hand in hand, and hoping for the best.

"Remind me again what the next phase is?" Emma asks.
"Darling, no need to get anxious." Y/n grins, adjusting her grip on her luggage bag. "We'll be leaving the city-"
"Yes, I know that part."
"Don and Gilda will be picking us up at rendezvous point A. Ray will go and pick up Norman to meet us at point B."
"And then?"
"We'll live a better life. All of us. It's what you wanted right?"
Y/n stops in her tracks, holding Emma's hand tightly. She kisses the redhead on the cheek.
"It'll be alright. I promise. No need to worry. The butterfly poison will do that for Ratri."

President and CEO of the large trading company and the Ratri Clan, Peter Ratri, was found dead yesterday morning at 1:00 AM. The autopsy finds that Mr. Ratri has died of extreme anxiety and an unknown substance that he had previously consumed. It was later found that the Ratri Clan was responsible for multiple cases of human and child trafficking throughout New York.
The FBI has suspicions that the freedom fighter group called Lambda is responsible for Ratri's death. It was also reported that two other parties have been involved; the lethal sniper called Mister R and a poison specialist under the name-

The TV switches off.
"Don't watch the news, Phil. Nothing but bad stuff out there."


So I guess I was going for something vague...idk man some ghost just possessed me and made this piece of whatever

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