locker talks • nigel

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This oneshot is gonna be kinda short cuz I'm tired but not tired tired if you get what I mean...also I haven't read the manga in a while so I tend to forget how the characters act and talk. Also I'm not that bad of a writer, right?


You met Nigel on a Saturday by a pond in a public park. Both in separate middle schools, you only got to meet every weekend. Come 3rd year of middle school, you both stopped seeing each other. You missed seeing him wearing his signature aviator hat and goggles, and you missed talking to him while laying on the grass.

Now that you were in high school, you never expected to see the boy again. But you were wrong. He stood right next to you- his locker was right next to yours actually, but neither of you noticed each other on the first day of school. That was because he didn't wear his usual hat. It was on the second day, right after classes, that you finally found each other again. A heartfelt reunion between friends took place by the lockers.

During the weekend, Nigel suggests to go take a walk to the park where you first met, to which you delightfully obliged.
(a/n: what is it with me and parks?)
Like in middle school, you found yourselves on the grass once again, chatting and catching up to each other's lives. While talking, you took note of how he wore his aviator cap outside more than in school, but you said nothing on the matter since you liked seeing more of his hair at school. It was even better when you found out he uses scented shampoos (of course he smells good, and this is despite the fact that he never washed his hat).

When it was back to school, you two would see each other in the hallway almost all the time, which then resulted in the locker talks. Whether before, in-between, or after classes, you both would find the time to simply converse about anything that came to mind.

Weeks later, Nigel got to know you a bit more and you got to know him as well. He figured it was time to ask for help from one of his friends with taking the next step.

Due to the unforgivable nature of wrong timing and terrible placement of a romantic cliché plot misunderstanding, you found Nigel talking to a girl you didn't know. They seem close, is what you thought of while you watched them laugh and talk together. Of course, you had already jumped to conclusions and by the time he saw you standing there, you ran away with the obvious amount of jealousy smacked on your face.

Running after you, Nigel gets a hold of your wrist before you could get away. He confronts you, asking what's going on with you. Flustered, you told him what you thought. He giggles at you and tells you that it was a misunderstanding. Of course it was.

"Gillian isn't my girlfriend. She's like a sister to me." Is what he says. "I was asking her for help so I could confess to you."

Embarrassed, you simply went along and decided to tell him how you feel as well. Nigel plants a tiny kiss on your nose. You hear some students go 'aww' as they watched the scene unfold. An almost awkward yet sweet confession took place in the middle of the hallway. And guess what? It happened right by your lockers. Not super romantic but it meant something.

the end.

So this didn't turn out the way I expected-

Okay I have to be honest, I've been rushing some of the oneshots cuz I couldn't write any better and I wanted to get things done before I went back to school...cuz once I start school, my phone privileges will be lessened and I might have to sacrifice some sleep to be able to write requests

But anyway, I wanna thank you guys for being so patient with me, truly

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