best boyfriend • oliver

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Imagine my oneshots in Ghibli animation and it'll probably be 10 times better.


You and Oliver have been in a loving relationship for the past six years. Ever since childhood, you both shared a wonderful journey together as best friends and as soulmates.

Oliver experienced love at first sight at the age of nine. At that time, you were eight and just moved in to the house next door. You both started out as neighbors, eventually becoming best friends as the years would pass.

One thing you had in common was that you were both orphans. Oliver was four when he was adopted by Lucas. Meanwhile, you were six when your parents adopted you.

Realizing how much you loved that boy, you were at the age of eleven. At that time, Oliver was twelve and he was going to grow taller and become mature. As you both became teenagers, you grew closer to one another despite height differences. You asked yourself, was it alright to conceal your feelings and play pretend?

By the time you were 16, he made the first move. Like the true man that he is, Oliver then professed his (more or less undying) love for you before he graduated. Of course, you cried and managed to choke out a confession of your own. And despite the difficulties you came across in college, the love between you and him knew no bounds and together, you jumped every hurdle that came along.

In the first year of your relationship, Oliver was the sweetest being on earth- and he still is, of course. Everyday, he kisses you and gives you flowers and showers you in gifts- you had to ask him to not spoil you too much. He's always gentleman and he always considers your needs before his.

During your second year of being together, there was more free time to spare, so he would regularly take you on romantic dates and he started learning how to cook and bake just for you. In all truth, he makes the best cakes ever. Whenever you were sick, he would be by your side in a flash. Not really caring if he would get sick, he'd promised to take care of you 24/7. And he sticks by this promise up to this day.

Third year of being official; things got more difficult. Unlike in college, life just had to make things harder. Aside from focusing on university, job opportunities came by, and this lessened the time you and Oliver would usually spend with each other. There were occasional arguments. And as mature adults, you both came around to resolve your problems together.

Hand in loving hand, it's been four, almost five years that you've been dating. After graduating with flying colors (and tears), you and Oliver found yourselves a really nice apartment to share. No, not like those ones with cheap rent and thin drywalls where you could hear your neighbors from all directions. This apartment that you got was even more than decent. Now having more freedom, you and Oliver enjoyed your days in the bedroom just snuggling. (Although, you already know that cuddling isn't the only thing happening in the bedroom.)

Oliver is undoubtedly the best, first, and only man you'd ever want to have. As he is your boyfriend, you got real lucky. But luck had nothing to do with the fact that he fell for you that day when you were kids. Through the course of nearly six years, he's done a lot for you that even most men won't think of doing. Tangentially, he's been hospitalized three times, declaring how he'd die for you. You smacked him really hard in the hospital and screamed at him not to die.

When your birthday came along, your boyfriend had planned the best surprise ever. Once again on a date at one of your favorite places, Oliver waited until sunset to surprise you.

'You're the best boyfriend ever, Ollie.'

You hug him tight. He hugs back, and you swore you felt his heart beat super loud. After pulling away, he held your hands in his.

'Listen, Y/n. From now on, I won't be your boyfriend anymore.'

Your heart suddenly made a cracking sound. Maybe that was your imagination but you heard it. Before anything else could process through your head, Oliver kneels down and takes out a small, very meaningful, box from his pocket. Your hand flew over your mouth. Tears began to well up in your eyes.

'From now and later on, I want us to be more than what we are now.' He began to open the box, revealing a beautiful ring that would fit you perfectly.

'Y/n, would you make me the happiest man on earth, and marry me?'

Do I have to say what your answer was?


the end.

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