choose to live • ray

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* This is essentially a 2nd version of the very first ray oneshot I wrote in my first book (entitled "tendencies")
* I'm really hoping I did this one good cuz I don't wanna end this book with a oneshot that sucks :<


According to Ray, Y/n has high intelligence but low wisdom. She can get high scores every day but she can be imprudent when it comes to making decisions. It baffled Ray as to how she could be so clever but also so stupid. And when facing against Norman or Ray, any trace of that girl's intellect is tossed out of the window. But this doesn't mean that Y/n is hopeless. If anything, she's capable of surviving out there in the cruel, vicious world. Ray knows it.


"Good morning, Ray!"

Y/n, without a hint of embarrassment, would admit that her level of brilliance and strength couldn't compare to that of Ray, Norman, and Emma. It's not always that Y/n uses her brain to make decisions. She often uses her heart's reasoning and simply trusts her gut feeling because sometimes it's right.

"I see improving scores." Mama nods. "Excellent job, Y/n."

"Thank you, Mama!"

On the surface, Y/n is like every other child in the orphanage- living blissfully under the shadow of ignorance. It would seem as if she had no idea of what secrets lie in the darkest corners of the house. Except she did. Y/n had a few bad tendencies, meddling and snooping around, keeping to herself, carrying quiet burdens and heavy realizations. These inclinations of hers was what led her to finding the truth. It wasn't until the day before Conny's shipment that Y/n and Ray finally had a talk. Meeting in the library, Y/n drops her energetic demeanor and Ray drops his own aloof facade.

"Do you know what I know?" Ray asks.

"Oh, trust me. I definitely know what you know." Y/n confirms.

Ray crosses his arms. "How long have you known?"

"Just recently." Y/n answers. "And you?"

"Long time now."

Both children stood at a distance, unsure how the conversation is supposed to go. But if one thing was for sure, it was the fact that one of them has a sober preference for living and the other was hell-bent on suicidal plans. Of course Y/n wasn't the only one with bad tendencies. And while she and Ray would carry on with playing pretend, all the pieces continue to fall into place. Y/n, of course, minded her own business until the time to strike had come. But when that day was coming, Y/n confronted Ray once more.

"Damnit, Ray, I don't know what the hell you're planning but you better not-"

"What are you talking about? And watch your language, you're only ten."

Y/n marched up to Ray that night and dragged him to a corner in the library. They were away from Isabella's watch for a moment, Y/n talking to Ray under the guise of wanting to show him a toy that she put back together. An almost literal deadline was nearing. Everyone kept silent, soon getting ready to make their move at a moment's notice.

"Don't play coy with me, you know exactly what I'm talking about." She inhaled sharply. "Also I got it from you so don't tell me to watch my mouth. And I'm turning eleven-"

"You know you shouldn't be seen talking to me, Y/n." Ray lowered his head. "We can't get caught."

The child's face sank. All she asked was why. The reason why he was doing all of these unnecessary things for his selfish sake. How she came to know Ray's plans was through Norman but of course Ray had no idea that time.

He continued. "You have to understand, I have my reasons."

"No. I don't understand." She whined. "What reasons could you possibly-"

"You're not high grade meat, Y/n." He interrupted her for a third time that night. A grim look landed on his face. Ray always did have a different outlook on life and death. Y/n wishes he doesn't. She knows that he's fully aware of what his choices are and yet refuses to acknowledge the good window to his right.

But Y/n's had enough. If he was dumb enough to do this then she can only hope that Emma would change his mind. Scrunching up her face, Y/n spat, "Yeah, well, unlike you, I have a penchant for living. I'll choose to live. Why can't you?"

After she left, Ray shook his head and also left the room. The next following days put everything in incognito. Isabella broke Emma's leg, she and Ray pretended to give up, all the other kids trained in secret, and Norman left. Then everything was unveiling. Y/n played along, wanting to escape with the rest of her family. As they soon found themselves on the wall, Y/n was half-surprised to find Ray escaping with them. She believed Emma worked her magic.

"Just so you know," Ray gazed at her softly. "Emma woke me up. It made me realize a lot of things. Now, I made a choice."


"I chose to live." He smiled.

the end.

* You both lived, yay
* Hope this didn't suck.

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