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"Bro what the fuck are you doing," Kairi said to Mattia, who continued to mess up the sauce they were making.
"I'm adding the fucking salt," Mattia said in rebuttal.
"You don't need that much dumb ass," Kairi said, shoving Mattia aside to take over.

Goldi sat at the breakfast bar next to Alejandro, laughing at their argument.
"Goldi!" Kairi yelled in annoyance.
"What did I do," She laughed, Mattia continuing to try and out seasonings in the sauce.
"Can you get your fucking boyfriend," Kairi said, pushing him once again.
"No," Goldi said, "He's just vibing out," She said, directing Kairis attention to Mattia dancing while he stirred the sauce.
"I don't know why that had any relevance to what I said," Kairi said, shrugging in annoyance before returning his attention to the sauce. Goldi shook her head, looking at her phone.

It'd been a week since Halloween, her friends practically haven't left her alone.
She's been forced to start getting better, and she was extremely grateful for it. However, sometimes she just wanted to be alone and breathe, but she felt obligated to always act 100%.
It was a lot, and every once in a while she'd catch herself spacing out, thinking about what had happened. They had Mariano's court date the next day, she didn't want to go.
She knew they weren't going to do much, and honestly, she dreaded it so much.

"Gold, " Mattia said, bringing Goldi back to reality.
"Yeah, " She responded.
"Are you ok?" He asked as Kairi strained the noodles.
"Yeah, yeah I'm ok, " She said, Alejandro showing her a video on his phone.
She felt his eyes on her as she watched it, she hated the fact that he worried so much. It made her sick.

A plate of pasta was out in front of her a few minutes later, she thanked Kairi and Mattia before taking a bite.
"Is it good?" Kairi asked as he plated more food.
"Yeah, " Goldi responded.
It was hard for her to eat, but they made dinner and it would be rude to decline.

They all sat down to eat, talking amongst each other as music lightly played from Goldi's Alexa.
Kairi would occasionally get into arguments with Alejandro or Mattia.
Goldi laughed at their arguments, trying her best to finish the food she had.

She threw her plate away as she finally finished, drinking a glass of water as everyone talked.
She was already tired, it only being 9:30. She went upstairs so she could use the restroom, washing her hands and grabbing one of Mattia's hoodies.

She walked back downstairs, seeing Kairi, Alejandro, and Mattia cleaning up the kitchen.
She started helping them, sweeping up the kitchen floor. Kairi turned the music up, dancing around jokingly.
Kairi and Alejandro said bye to them as they finished, giving hugs before leaving.

Goldi practically fell into Mattia, him laughing as he wrapped his arms around her. He kissed the top of her head, Goldi's head nuzzled into his chest.
"I need to shower," She said lightly as Mattia let go of her.
"Can I come?" He asked making Goldi laugh.
"I don't care," she said, walking upstairs.

She grabbed 2 towels, seeing them on the bathroom counter as she started the shower water. She got undressed and got in, Mattia coming in right after her.
She ran shampoo through her hair, rinsing it out as Mattia did the same.

Mattia put soap on a loofa as she ran conditioner through her hair, running it across her back lightly.
She turned around as he kissed her lightly, running the loofa across her body.
"Who needs soapy titty pics when I got them right here?" Mattia said jokingly.
"Shut up," Goldi laughed, taking the loofa from him and continuing to wash her body.

She handed it back to Mattia as she finished, washing her face. Mattia came up behind her, pressing his body against hers and leaving kisses on her shoulder.
She laughed, turning around so they faced each other. The hot water ran down both of them.
Mattia lightly kissed her, their eyes beaming with love as they looked at each other.

They eventually got out, wrapping towels around themselves as they walked into Goldi's room.
Goli put on a pair of nike pros and one of Mattia's big hoodies, Mattia putting on grey sweats and a hoodie.
Goldi went to her vanity, brushing out her hair and putting on a face mask.
"Put it on my face, " Mattia said, scooting back onto Goldis bed.
She scooted over to him, applying the mask all over his face. They both laughed, taking funny pictures of each other.

Goldi felt distracted around him, he made everything so much better.
"I love you, " Mattia said, kissing her lightly.
"I love you too, " Goldi gleamed as she disconnected their lips, and they both meant it.


liked by goldi

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liked by goldi.spamzzz and 837 others
Mattiaphobia: now that your accounts are reactivated i just wanted to say this. whatever happens today, I love you my forever 🖤 @/goldi.spamzzz
(pretend this is them)

User1: y'all are cute or whatever
liked by mattiaphobia and 17 others

roshaun: simp
mattiaphobia: ugh you know it
user2: 👁👄👁

user3: we lost him, he said i love you
kairicosentino: y'all been lost him, this man is a simp for Goldi
mattiaphobia: he right ✋🙄

goldi.spamzzz: i love you 🖤

hater1: he isn't getting jail time, goldi's lying
mattiaphobia: got yourself removed

user5: what do they mean whatever happens?
user6: Mariano's trial is today

hater2: free mar he ain't do nun
comment was deleted by mattiaphobia

user7: good luck
goldi.spamzzz: thank you 💕


thank you all for 200 reads 🖤

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