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Goldi was questioned for almost an hour, first the nurse, then the officers
A lot of the questions from the officer were the same, just worded differently. She hated that she did that, it wasted time.

She got dressed again once everything was finished, walking out with the officers into the waiting room. She saw both Mattia and her dad, who had obviously had to leave work.
Mattia immediately stood up, quickly walking up to her and wrapping his arms around her.
She sunk her head into his chest, sighing lightly as he kissed the top of her head.

A single tear fell down her cheek, she wanted to stay in his arms forever. It was the only place she felt safe.
They had to talk to the officers, sitting down in front of them as they started to explain what would happen.
Her dad placed his hand on Goldi's shoulder in hopes to comfort her, making her slightly wince.

The officers told them they'd have to go to the police station either that day or the next. They had to interview Goldi, then Mariano.
They told her the samples were being tested for DNA, and that the results would be back within the hour.
If the DNA came back as Mariano he'd be immediately put in custody but they still have to build a case for the jury. Her dad had a good lawyer, meaning it'd be a lot easier.

Goldi noticed everyone being nicer since they were in her dad's presence, this slightly annoying her.
Goldi felt extremely numb, like her mental health was quickly failing beyond her control. Everything was getting better, and like always it crashed.
Mattia held her hand in hopes to comfort her, but knew she was in a state that couldn't be fixed just yet.
He hated that he couldn't make her feel better, and knew that once this got to social media it'd be horrible,

She stared straight at the wall, not wanting any part of the conversation.
The officers asked her a few more questions which she answered shortly, or bluntly.
They were finally released, leaving the building.
"I want to go to the police station now. This needs to be done as soon as possible," Goldi's dad said bluntly.
"Dad I don't know if I can handle this," Goldi muttered.
"You're gonna have to. Mattia, they aren't going to let you in the station," He said.
"Well I don't want to leave her alone today. I'm not going to," Mattia rebuttled.
"Fine, you can go stay at the house or something," Her dad said, walking away to the car.

"I'm sorry about him," Goldi said lightly, hugging him to say goodbye.
"It's fine, I'll see you later, ok?" He said.
"Yeah, um there's a pair of keys under the doormat. bye," She smiled weakly as he lightly pecked her lips.
"Bye," He responded as she walked up to the car.

She sat down as her dad started to drive, only wanting to be with Mattia.
Her dad was being insensitive, and even though she knew he would it hurt.
She tried to focus on getting through the day, but the heaviness in her chest wouldn't go away.
She knew nothing would ever be the same. Not her personality, relationships, confidence.
She wanted to go back in time.
She wanted to forget anything had happened.


liked by goldi

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liked by goldi.derossi and 30,427 others
Tiktokroom tiktok star #mattiapolibio girlfriend #goldiderossi has reportedly been sexually assaulted by #marianocastro just today. He is currently in custody.


user1: HUH?

hater1: Uhm.. sure
user1: not you putting down sexual assault victims.
hater2: not you believing the slut 🤣

goldi.derossi: literally how did y'all find out about this... it's none of any of your business.
liked by mattiapolibio and 649 others
hater3: you wanted attention, you got it
hater4: girl nobody believes you
user2: speak for yourself.

hater5: this doesn't sit right with me...
user3: were you there?

hater6: innocent until proven guilty.
mattiapolibio: why do you think he's in custody?
user4: victim until proven lying.

hater7: slut

hater8: OH NO! the whore thinks we believe her 🤣
user5: what is wrong with you...
hater9: why are you backing her up

hater10: he wouldn't do that, she's lying
amelia_: oh, do you know him personally?

hater11: she's just mad about their toxic relationship in Italy
kairicosentino: y'all know nothing...


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