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Goldi laughed with Hailey and Aiyana, blasting music as they drove around town.
They sang along to the music, the sun setting creating an array of pinks and oranges. They had gotten McDonald's, eating quickly as they got closer to Goldi's house.

She felt super anxious today, but she'd been pushing it away so she could enjoy the day. They had hung out the entire day, Goldi having to go home to do homework.

Hailey pulled along the side of the street, all of them sitting in the car for a while as they finished their food.
They sang along to music loudly, dancing jokingly while they took videos of each other.
They made a couple of TikToks before Goldi gave them quick hugs, taking the bags and throwing them away in the dumpster.

Goldi's dad paced around the kitchen anxiously while she walked inside, Goldi was slightly worried about his expression.
"I need you to fucking find out if they were involved, " She heard her dad angrily say, but she could tell he cared about whatever he was talking about.
"Goldi, stay in the living room, " He said orderly.

She quickly sat down, confused at his urgency.
A few minutes later her dad threw his phone on the counter, obviously stressed.
"Dad, what's wrong?" Goldi asked, him looking at her with an extremely worried expression.
"Um, Goldi I need you to turn on Italia news, " He said shakily, Goldi's eyes immediately going wide as she grabbed the remote.

She found the channel, quickly pressing it. Her eyes widened at what she saw, not believing it at first.
Her hand covered her mouth, immediately being filled with stress and worry. The news reporter started talking with urgency.
"Ostia beach has reportedly been attacked during tonight's festival, resulting in a multitude of deaths and injuries. Italian police are still trying their best to identify all of the bodies, and all families will be contacted within the next few hours, " The news reporter said, Goldi immediately zoning out as tears started to stream down her face.

"We haven't found out, if Amelia and your mom were injured. But as soon as my Secretary's find out we'll know, " Her sad said shakily, Goldi barely being able to focus on what he was saying.
Amelia was just talking about how excited she was to go, who would've thought this would happen.

Her phone started to go off, multiple texts and calls blowing up her phone. She couldn't answer the calls, she could barely talk or think.
She started at her hands as her mouth hung open, the news channel switching screens to show the beach.
The entire beach was covered in black bags, with caution tape surrounding the entire area.
Areas over the entire beach were blurred out, but you could tell that there was blood everywhere.
Who would ever do this?

Goldi's dad's phone started to ring once again, preparing himself before he answered.
"Hello?" He said, Goldi feeling a second of numbness and hopefulness as she heard the distant buzz of someone talking come from his phone.
The feeling ended as quickly as it came, Goldi's sad hanging up the phone and slowly setting it down.
An expression Goldi's never seen filled his face, rubbing his eyes as he walked towards the staircase.
"They're dead, " He said in a monotoned voice as he walked up the stairs, Goldi's face immediately dropping.

Her knees came to her chest as tears immediately fell from her face, a pain worse than she'd ever felt before filling her chest.
The door swung open, revealing an anxious Mattia and Alejandro walk into her room.
She let out a choked sob as they ran over to her, feeling arms wrap around her.
The entire world became a blur, Goldi sobbing as her arms wrapped around Alejandro.

He was distraught, the girl he was quickly falling in love with left him so quickly.
Mattia stared at the wall as tears fell down his face, in complete shock from what had just happened.
He couldn't bear seeing Goldi right now, the pain she was going through was so contagious. He knew exactly the way she felt, and he couldn't do a single thing about it.



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Liked by Alejandrorosario and 42,834 othersGoldi

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Liked by Alejandrorosario and 42,834 others
Goldi.derossi to my beautiful sister, and my beautiful momma. Thank you for being my light. For keeping me stable no matter how hard the times were. Thank you for never giving up on me, no matter how hard times got. Thank you for everything you've ever done for me. I'm forever grateful that I was so lucky to have you both in my life. Possa la sua anima riposare in pace Mamma e Amelia. Per sempre ti amo, fino a quando ti riverdrò.
(may your soul rest in peace. i love you forever, until i see you again).

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