52 ✨

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Goldi smiled as her and Mattia walked hand in hand, they were on their way to the party.
It was at the same house as new years, but the party was probably going to be more packed this time.
She wore a black bandeau top, slightly big light blue jeans, an oversized black zip-up, and her black and white converse.

She knew she wasn't anywhere near getting better, but for the sanity of herself and her friends, she wanted to try.
The house came into view and the teens walked in, people already everywhere.
They went straight to the alcohol, all taking a shot together as they laughed at people around them who were already drunk. Alejandro didn't want to drink much.

Music loudly played as everyone talked and danced, the 4 teens taking another round of shots, making themselves drinks before walking out into the living room.
Goldi looked around as Mattia pulled her down onto his lap, laughing joyfully as he talked with her.
She sat with him on the couch, Alejandro and Kairi sitting down as well.
He started talking to all of his friends for awhile Goldi joining in for small bits of their conversation. The way they talked was weird, and you could always tell Mattia was apart of the popular crowd.

Goldi noticed more people looking at her, anxiety shooting through her chest.
A second letter she saw Mariano and Jenna walk past her, Mar glancing at her with a smirk.
She shifted uncomfortably, Mattia wrapping his arms around her waist to calm her down.

She once again remembered that she wanted to talk to Kairi, pushing aside the anxiety of Mariano being there.
He still looked upset, she needed to talk to him as soon as possible.
Mattia lifted her bandeau to cover more, Goldi laughing as she readjusted it. Mattia's head laid

A second later Kairi rolled his eyes, standing up and walking upstairs. Goldi felt like she should follow him, telling Mattia she was going to see what was wrong.

She didn't understand why he was acting that way, happy she hadn't drank a lot since she'd have better judgment.
She saw him about to go into the bathroom, Goldi stopping him.
"Kai wait, we need to talk," She said, Kairi opening the door wider for her to come in.
"What Goldi," He said as she sat on the bathroom counter, her feet swaying in hopes to calm her.
"What's wrong? You've been upset lately," She said, Kairi rolling his eyes as he looked at the ground.
"I don't know if you want me to tell you that right now," He said in a slightly annoyed voice.
"What do you mean?" Goldi asked, now trying to think of anything that could've happened.

He took a deep breath, leaning slightly against the wall. He knew what he was about to say would hurt her, but it's been weighing on his mind.
"Goldi- shit," He said, holding his head in his hand.
"Kairi can you just fucking say it," Goldi said with an annoyed tone.
"Cynthia didn't drug Mattia. He's aware of what he did," Kairi spat out, Goldi's eyes going wide at what he said.
"Wait, you're serious?" Goldi said, her voice slightly cracking as tears started to pool in her eyes.

"Don't you think that we would've helped him if we suspected something like that was happening? He was just drunk, but he knew what he did," Kairi said, Goldi looking down and her hands as she fidgeted with her fingers.
"I-" She started, giving up on talking as tears started to fall more rapidly.
She brought her knees to her chest, the feeling in her chest was indescribable.

Seconds later Mattia walked in, looking at Goldi who seemed completely distraught. Kairi scooted out to give them time to talk.
"What's wrong," Mattia said, trying to hug her.
"Don't touch me Mattia, we're done," Goldi said angrily.
"What do you mean we're done? Goldi you can't just do that," He stammered out.
"Yes Mattia, I can. You can't fucking do this to me anymore," She said with obvious pain in her voice.

"Goldi don't do this. I'm fucking in love with you, more than I have been with any other girl. I can't be without you Goldi," He said, nearing towards her but she only backed up further.
"Mattia stop," She said angrily, not wanting him to win her back over, "I still love you, I will forever. I just can't do this anymore. You can't keep breaking my heart," She said as tears flowed down her face. All she wanted was for him to hug her, to just give in and fall deeper in love with him. But she couldn't, she had to stay strong, she wouldn't back down this time.

"What is this about Goldi? How did this just happen?"Mattia said, Goldi rolling her eyes while she wiped tears off of her cheek.
"I'm sorry, I love you forever," She stammered before walking back downstairs, not caring about the stares she'd get.

She wasn't paying attention, bumping into someone.
"I'm sorry," She said, moving past them without looking up.
"What's wrong baby?" The person said, grabbing her arm and pulling her back. She looked up as her stomach dropped, needing to leave as soon as possible.
"Don't fucking touch me," She said, tearing her arm away as she quickly walked towards the main area.
"You're never safe baby, don't forget that," He laughed as she walked away.

She needed to get out of this party, she couldn't be here anymore. Everything was falling, and there was nothing she could do to stop it.


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