25 ✨

214 5 2


big dick boys+girlies

hey guys I didn't tell y'all yesterday
mar only got 2.5 months :)

what the fuck?

wait but didn't the DNA test come
back positive for him?

yeah but he's a minor and
refuses to admit it happened

dude fuck him

do y'all know what's up with


he hasn't answered any of my
kinda worried lol

I think his family from Italy
came yesterday
he hasn't answered us either

tell him to text me if y'all talk to
him but I gotta go.
read 7:56 pm


Goldi laid on her bed, calling Mattia once again. She was extremely worried, she knew he would've told her if his family was over. She sat up, holding her head in her hands.

Thanksgiving was in about 2 weeks, which her family didn't really celebrate. However, she and her friends were going to Hailey's house and celebrating with her family.
Goldi got up, going downstairs to get a glass of water.
She sat on the counter
Suddenly the door opened, Mattia walking in. Goldi could immediately tell he was angry, getting up and walking up to him.

"Mattia," She said as he pulled her in quickly, wrapping his arms around her protectively.
She heard him sniffle lightly, his head tucked into her shoulder.
"Mattia, what's wrong are you ok?" Goldi asked with worry in her voice.
"Dude do I fucking look ok," He said with anger.
"Mattia I understand you're fucking mad but don't you dare take it out on me," Goldi said loudly, quickly getting annoyed with him.
"I shouldn't have come, j-just forget it," He said, turning around before Goldi grabbed his hand.
"No Mattia. you've been fucking ignoring me all day long, you need to tell me what's wrong right now," Goldi said, him turning around as he took an annoyed breath.

"I'm sorry," He said, hugging her again.
"What happened?" She asked demandingly.
"I got in a fight with my dad. it's not a big deal I'm just being dramatic," Mattia said, slight anger still laced in his voice.
"No, you aren't. Don't push your feelings aside," Goldi said as his head rested on her shoulder.
"Fuck dude," Mattia said as a tear escaped his eye.
Goldi hugged him tighter, having to stand on her tippy toes slightly.

"Can we just go to the bridge," Mattia said, his voice cracking slightly.
"Yeah, just let me put my shoes on," Goldi said, letting go as she ran upstairs.
She felt like there was something more going on, but she didn't want to badger him right now. He never cried, and that meant he was under a lot of stress right now. All she could think about was how this stress could've been caused by her.

She pushed it aside as she ran back downstairs, Mattia grabbing her hand as they walked up to his car.
He drove out of their neighborhood, playing music lightly from his radio.
Mattia's hand rested on Goldi's thigh, driving by the coast in a comfortable silence.
They finally reached the parking lot, getting out as the cold air hit them. Mattia wrapped his arm around Goldi's shoulder, pulling her closer to him as they walked onto the pier.

The two walked slowly as they talked to each other lightly. It was crazy, by now Mattia and Goldi knew almost everything about each other. All they ever did was talk about their dreams and aspirations, they've even planned their life out together.
"No, no, we have to name the boy Giovanni and the girl Camilla," Mattia said.
"Yes to Giovanni, no to Camilla it sounds so vanilla," Goldi laughed, "Oh wait you know what I do like?" Goldi said, looking up at Mattia as she gleamed with happiness.
"What do you like," He laughed
"Aurora, that's such a beautiful name," She said.
"Aurora it is," He said, kissing the top of her head.

They continued to walk, talking about everything and everything before they reached the bridge. They sat right in the middle, Mattia's arms wrapping around Goldi to warm her. Her head nuzzled into his chest as she looked up to the sky.
The moon was full, the plumpness reflecting off the ocean. The stars looked beautiful, in clusters as they blinked back at them.
Goldi smiled, the sounds of the ocean splashing against the shore and Mattia's light heartbeat being the only thing she heard. She looked up at him, his eyes like pools of honey in the moon's light before looking back up.

Mattia looked down at her, a smile creeping up on his face. He loved everything about her. The way she walked with a slight skip when she was happy, the look on her face whenever he walked into the room, the smile that'd creep on her face every time she watched the stars. He's so in love with her, and all he could think about is how badly he just fucked up.


had to give y'all that cute chapter before i fucked things up :)

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