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Liked by gold.spamzzz and 948 others
Mattiadgaf: Uhm.. Shawty tbh?


User1: when did this happen... Again
Amelia_: that's what I'm trying to find out 👁👄👁

User2: i have a girl crush
mattiadgaf: no she's mine

goldi.spamzzz: THE WAY IM NAKED HERE-
mattiadgaf: as you should 😏
goldi.spamzzz: no mattia

User3: y'all are so cute
liked by mattiadgaf

hater1: that bitch is UGLY
mattiadgaf: removing people gives me so much serotonin

goldi.spamzzz: i luv u
mattiadgaf: i luv u too

User4: ur girlfriend is hot
mattiadgaf: ikr

alejandrorosario: @/amelia_ come back pls
amelia_: A FEW MORE DAYS

goldi.spamzzz: 👁👅👁

tiktokroom: ☕️
mattiadgaf: how did you get here


liked by goldi

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liked by goldi.derossi and 74,548 others
tiktokroom: we see they're back together ☕️


hater1: oh haha
user1: grl is jealous 🌝

amelia_: HAHAHA
hater2: pls shut up
goldi.derossi: i WAS excited to see you 🙄

hater3: why she trying to act all uNboThErEd
hater4: frls like girl we still don't like you

mattiapolibio: shawty
goldi.derossi: bæ

hater5: i thought her and kairi were a thing
celia: huh 🧏‍♀️

hater6: goldi is a homie hopper pt.36

hater7: haha we don't care haha

avani: i don't understand the hate towards her.. but tbh she looks like me 😀
goldi.derossi: hi avani
avani: y'all neva had me 🤚😣

hater9: girl looks like a roach
user1: pls shut up you strawberry marshmallow

hater10: i hate them sm

hater11: why has she not died yet
kairicosentino: that is not funny, death threats are never funny
hater12: stfu kairi

user2: the hate she gets worries me, she's a human
hater13: who the fuck cares


Goldi started to drive, already feeling anxious. Her and Kairi were talking today, and though she knew it was important, she hated the idea of possibly losing one of her first best friend.
She was picking him up and they were going to get food, maybe drive around for a while.

She pulled up to his house, Kairi coming out just a few seconds after she texted him. He looked slightly upset, Goldi even more nervous about the talk.
"Hey," He smiled as he got in, Goldi saying hi to him back.
They started driving, heading towards McDonalds. There was a slight tension in the car, like neither of them knew how to start the conversation.

Goldi ordered their food as they got to Mcdonald's, parking in a random spot so they could eat.
"Goldi i wanted to start off by saying i'm sorry," Kairi said.
"I'm not even 100% sure of what happened," Goldi said, a slight annoyed tone in her voice.
"I don't trust Mattia, and I didn't want you guys to get back together so i made up a lie to get him mad," Kairi said, guilt laced into his voice.
"That's just not at all your place Kairi," Goldi said, eating her food.
"I know, and I'm really sorry I should've never done that, " Kairi said, Goldi feelings like he was sincere.

"It's ok, just please don't do that again Kai," She said, shaking her head as she though the conversation was over.
"I won't, i promise. But there's another thing i need to tell you," He said, Goldi looking at him with a confused face.
"What?" She asked.
"Well, while we were talking i wasn't taking it as serious as i should've. i was actually talking to celia at the same time, and that's not fair at all to either of you," Kairi said, Goldi surprised.
"I'm kind of angry, but i don't think i should be," Goldi said, taking a sip out of her milkshake.
"You have every right to be mad," Kairi said.
"Not really, because i was my talking to anyone but i definitely did not take it seriously either. It was just something to distract me, and that isn't fair to you either," Goldi said, being slightly guilty.
"That's ok. I kind of knew, i'm just happy you admitted it," Kairi said with a laugh.

They both reached over, giving each other a hug. They felt relieved, happy they didn't loose their friendship.
"Thank you for this Kairi," Goldi said as they started to pull out of the parking lot.
"Thank you too, me and you can't loose each other, ok?" He said, repeating the phrase they said to each other all of the time as kids.
"Ok," She smiled, pinky promising him as they both laughed, happy they had each other back.


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