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It was now a week into the New Year, Amelia was leaving in just 2 days.
The year had already been weird. Goldi noticed Mattia acting strange, but also that everyone was acting weird in their friend group.
It was like everyone knew this year wasn't going to be good, and everyone had already come to that realization.
They all hated it though, and neither of them would admit it but they were all extremely anxious.

Goldi drove to pick everyone up, Mattia, Amelia, and Alejandro already with her. He scrolled through his phone, being completely silent. It kind of annoyed her, but she knew he was stressed out right now.
They only had to go to Kairi's house, Roshaun being over at his. They were going to the mall today, the boys trying to not get kicked out.
Music played in Goldi's car, them quickly making it to Kairi's house.

"Hey guys," Roshaun said as he climbed into the car.
"Why we so sad," Kairi said, shutting the door while Goldi started to drive.
"Meli leaves soon," Alejandro said, jokingly frowning.
"No," Roshaun yelled, Amelia laughing at his sudden burst of energy.
"2 days," Amelia said sadly, laying her head on Alejandro's shoulder.

"Why don't y'all dare already," Kairi said jokingly.
"We are dating," Alejandro laughed.
"What?" Goldi yelled, catching the attention of everyone in the car, "When were you going to tell me this Amelia,"
"We thought you guys already knew. We've been dating for a couple of weeks already," Amelia said.
"No Amelia, we didn't know," Roshaun said with a disappointed expression.

Goldi pulled into the mall a little bit later, all of the teens getting out and walking in.
Mattia held Goldi's hand, swinging their arms back and forth as they started to walk through the mall, it being a busy day.
"Let's go to victoria's secret?" Kairi said, heading towards the direction.
"Why? so y'all can look at naked women?" Goldi joked as they walked.
"Yeah, basically," Kairi said, getting into the escalator
Goldi laughed at his response as she stepped on as well, a group of fans waiting at the top.

The boys took a bunch of pictures with them, talking to them for a while before going into victoria's secret.
"You should get that Gold," Mattia said, pointing to a black lingerie set that was on display.
"Absolutely not," She laughed, guiding him to where everyone else was.

"What the fuck," Kairi said loudly, Alejandro getting perfume in his eyes.
"Oh shit I'm sorry," Alejandro laughed, putting the bottle back.
"How does that even happen Alejandro," Kairi complained, rubbing his eyes to make the burning stop.
"I was trying to spray it on the paper," Alejandro responded, everyone laughing at their conversation.

They left not too long after, getting bored already.
They decided to go downstairs, renting the little drivable animals.
They all laughed as they rode around the mall on them, all of the adults giving them dirty looks.
"Bitch-" Roshaun said, Mattia crashing into the back of him.
"Come here daddy," Mattia said in a girly voice, Roshaun screaming as he tried to get away from him.
Goldi laughed, Kairi going up to Roshaun and pushing him off the animal.
"Get off bitch," Roshaun said, smacking him in the back of the head.
"Oh I got a new daddy?" Mattia said, everyone laughing as he tried to drive towards Kairi.

A security guard already came over to them, telling them they had to return the animals since they were crashing them.
They all went to return them before starting to walk more around the mall, all of the boys throwing random things and yelling.
"BAH!" Roshaun yelled, gaining a bunch of stares from everyone around them.

There was a big crowd building up behind them, everyone knowing they'd get kicked out soon.
"I want to touch the signs," Goldi complained, trying to jump up to the signs that hung from the ceiling.
"Get on my back," Mattia said, Goldi jumping on as he continued to walk forwards.
"I still can't touch the signs," Goldi said, her voice monotoned even though she had a lot of energy.
"Too bad," Mattia joked, grabbing Goldi's legs tighter and quickly spinning around.

Goldi yelled at him to stop, laughing while all of the teens messed around.
They were all surprised that they hadn't gotten kicked out yet, before they got word that security was called by one of the stores.
They all quickly ran back to the parking garage, having to walk through practically the entire mall to get there.
Goldi quickly got into the driver's seat as they all laughed, continuing to drive back to Goldi's house.


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