18 ✨

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Goldi hurriedly got ready for school, throwing on a pair of light baggy jeans and a brown cropped tank-top. She put on a flannel so she wouldn't get dress coded and her air forces.
She was extremely anxious about going to school without Mattia. By now everyone knew what had happened, and she knew she'd get stares from everyone that passed by her.
She was just thankful Mariano wouldn't be there yet, he was the last person she wanted to see.

She ran to the bathroom, brushing her teeth quickly.
She quickly put on deodorant, then spritzing a vanilla-scented perfume all over her.
Right as she finished, Hailey texted her that she was there.

She grabbed her backpack and ran downstairs to see Amelia sitting at the breakfast bar.
"Have a good day," Amelia laughed, seeing her in a rush.
Goldi waved bye to her as she walked up to Hailey's car, quickly getting in.

Amelia had to leave today.
Goldi was dreading it so much, she didn't know the next time she'd be able to see her.
They got to spend a lot of time together, which was the only thing that mattered.

The teens sang out and played music, dancing as they drove to school.
They quickly arrived, Goldi's house being extremely close.
They grabbed their backpacks as they walked into the school.
Goldi and her friends immediately received stares, Hailey holding Goldi's hand to calm her down.
She just wanted to go home.

-time skip: later that day-

Goldi and Amelia packed her things, some of their friends sitting on the guest bedroom bed.
Music lightly played, slight sadness filling the room.
It was about 4:30, Amelia had to be at the airport by 5:30.
They finally finished packing, sitting on the bed as they talked amongst each other.

"When do you think you'll come back?" Hailey asked with a laugh.
"Probably around Christmas, I don't know though," She responded.
Amelia's leg fell on top of Alejandro's, her head on his shoulder as his hand rested on her back.

Goldi thought they were extremely cute, but she was almost certain They'd stop talking when Amelia went back to Italy.
Neither of them were good at long-distance anything, and Amelia likes to play everyone.

The teens laughed with each other while they awaited the time to come.
It passed quicker than they thought it would, Goldi's dad walking in and signaling to the teens that it was time to go.

They all walked outside as they waited for Goldi and Amelia's dad to come out.
Only Goldi would be going to the airport with her, the rest of the teens saying goodbye to her at the house.
"I'm gonna miss you," Hailey said as she tightly hugged Amelia, Aiyana hugged her on the other side making them all laugh.

They pulled away as Amelia hugged Alejandro, the other teens chanting 'ship' making them laugh.
They talked to each other quietly, nobody else being able to hear what they were saying.
They laughed, giving each other a quick peck before Amelia got in the car.

Goldi got in after her, waving to her friends as her dad pulled out of the driveway.
They drove along the coast, the view reminding her of the one in Italy. There was a little backroad they drove on that was placed right next to the ocean. It was beautiful, it made her feel content.

The view dissipated until it was all grass, meaning they were nearing the airport.
Planes flew over the car, taking off and landing one by one.
They finally made it there, all 3 of them getting out and helping Amelia get her suitcase out.
Her dad said goodbye next to the car, giving her a quick hug before getting back in.
Goldi and Amelia followed each other into the airport.

She walked with her, just to the point where she had to check-in.
"I hate that I have to leave," Amelia said, hugging Goldi tightly and slightly swaying back and forth.
"It's ok, we'll see each other soon," Goldi said, reassuring both Amelia and herself.
"Don't do any stupid shit," Amelia laughed, wiping a tear that had fallen.
"I won't, and you don't either miss gurl," Goldi said as they both laughed together.
"Ok, I have to go, Ti Amo Goldi," Amelia said, pulling her in for a hug one more time.
"Ti amo, call me when you land," Goldi said before watching Amelia walk away.

She walked sadly out of the Airport, wiping a few tears that cascaded down her cheeks.
She hated being away from Amelia, they kept each other safe.
She'd see her soon, that was the only thing on her mind.


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