36 ✨

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The group danced in the middle of the house, alcohol just starting to run through their bodies.
The party was crazy, people everywhere. The house would be way too packed if it was smaller. However, the house almost looked like it should be hosting a ball, not a house party for a bunch of teens.

Hailey, Ayiana, and Goldi danced around with each other. Random rap music playing as they laughed with each other.
"Do y'all want to play beer pong," Kairi yelled over the music, everyone nodding their head.
They decided to stop in the kitchen to get drinks before going outside.
Goldi just mixed a bunch of hard liquor with orange juice, taking a sip and immediately adding more juice.

"Is that just liquor," Ayiana laughed as they left the kitchen, walking towards the backyard.
"Basically," Goldi responded, setting up the cups on the table that was surprisingly empty.
The teens started filling cups with beer, 2 people getting on either side.
Mattia and Kairi played against Hailey and Aiyana, starting the game and already arguing with each other.

Goldi stuck with Hailey and Roshaun with Mattia, drinking the cups they couldn't finish.
"Bro you're so fucking stupid," Mattia yelled at Kairi who couldn't seem to get any cups.
"Shut the fuck up you aren't any better," Kairi said, rolling his eyes as Hailey made a cup, chugging down the gross liquid.
"I missed one shut up," Mattia joked, All of the girls laughing at their argument.

They continued to play, Kairi and Mattia randomly starting to catch up.
"What the fuck dude, " Hailey said, looking at another cup of beer she had to drink.
"ill do it, " Goldi said, more of a questioning tone as she pointed towards it. Hailey nodded, Goldi chugging down the gross liquid.
"Whoever says beer is good needs help, " Goldi said, throwing the cup to the side.
"I think it's go-" Roshaun started.
"No," Hailey interrupted him, "It is not,"

Goldi laughed at her tone of voice, Mattia making another cup in. Goldi once again drank it for her, yelling ew.
Mattia and Kairi were almost winning, Having only two more cups to make.
Of course they won, the teens going back inside to see that house was even more full than it was before. There had to be over 100 people there.

Goldi was already feeling extremely tipsy, it only being 10:00. She didn't care, continuing to drink as she danced with Hailey.
She saw that Mattia was extremely drunk too, seeing him talking to Kairi with an annoyed expression on his face.
Goldi could tell there was tension between them, getting nervous as Kairi angrily walked towards her.
"What's wron-" She started, Kairi starting to guide her to the backyard.

"Kairi what are you doing?" Goldi asked, Kairi looking around before taking a deep breath.
"Mattia's trying to start unnecessary shit," He said, an annoyed expression still on his face.
"About what?" She asked, looking behind her to see Mattia. He shook his head, turning around and going back into the house.
"It's irrelevant-" Kairi started.
"I need to talk to him," Goldi said, turning around before Kairi grabbed her arm, making her stay with him.
"What the fuck Kairi," She said, tugging her arm away from his.

He rolled his eyes as Goldi continued to walk inside, now annoyed that Kairi was being so weird. She wondered why, but knew she'd find out once she talked to Mattia.
She went to the kitchen, taking a shot first before trying to find him. She needed the courage to talk to him right now.

She walked out into the main area of the house, rolling her eyes as she saw a girl twerking on him.
"Mattia I need to talk to you," She said, crossing her arms as he looked down at her.
"Go talk to Kairi," He said, completely ignoring the urgency in her tone.
"I said I need to talk to you Mattia-" She started, annoyance in her voice,
"Can't you see we're bu-" The girl started, she recognized her as one of Jenna's friends.
"Bitch I am not talking to you, go steal another one of your best friends ex's please," Goldi said, clear disrespect in her voice.
Mattia shooed her off, the girl scoffing as she walked away. Goldi grabbed Mattia's hand, leading him upstairs and into an empty room.

"What do you want Goldi," Mattia said, Goldi could tell he was drunk as she sat down on one of the chairs in the room.
"Why have you been so mad at me," Goldi said, looking down at her hands,
"Are you serious? Are you really asking why I'm fucking mad at you," Mattia laughed sarcastically, walking towards the door before Goldi told him to stop.
"Mattia I know why but I promise you it's nothi-" She started.
"Really? you fucking my best friend is nothing?" He asked, Goldi making a confused face. She realized that was why Kairi was acting so weird.

"Who told you that?" Goldi asked, Mattia rolling his eyes.
"Kairi told me Goldi. It's fine though, you moved on so I should too right?" He said angrily.
"Mattia- Kairi and I never fucked. I'm not even comfortable with that yet," She said, slight annoyance in her voice. It was harder to group her thoughts, and harder to get Mattia's attention since they were both drunk.
She felt like she was about to cry. She hated that she always cried, it made her feel weak.

"Yeah right. You don't have to lie to me Goldi, I know my place," Mattia said, not at all believing her.
"Mattia me and Kairi talked for 3 weeks. I don't even like him like that. You're the only guy I've ever felt comfortable with in that way-" She started, Mattia once again interrupting her.
"I'm sorry I just don't believe you. I don't know why Kairi would lie about that-" He started, Goldi finally having enough.

"Mattia I was fucking raped. I am not at all comfortable even wearing this dress. I don't know why he lied but it didn't happen. We talked just the other night about only being friends, I don't know why he's starting all of this shit," Goldi said loudly, finally catching Mattia's attention who looked extremely guilty.
"I-I'm sorry," He stuttered.
"I'm still in love with you Mattia I-" She started, alcohol kicking in more and turning her brain into a fog, "I don't know. Maybe this is for the best, maybe we aren't meant for each other," Goldi said, obvious pain in her voice.

"No, no I can't do that," Mattia said.
"What do you mean? We always fight. It's not good. Maybe it's best for us to just move on," Goldi said, but it was the last thing she wanted.
"No," He said loudly, slightly scaring Goldi.
"Mattia this isn't a healthy relationship-" She started.
"Goldi I can't fucking see you with anyone else" Mattia said, slight anger rushing through his body.
"Mattia-" she started
"I can't just be friends with you," He said, knowing this had to be said now.
"me either Mattia. it fucking hurts, " Goldi agreed.
"can you just be mine again, all I want is you" he blurted out, Goldi's eyes going wide for just a second.
goldi stood still as thoughts ran through her mind, her anxiety was going crazy. she didn't know what to say. everything tonight was taking her by surprise.
She didn't know what to do. She had major doubts.

"Mattia, I want to so bad-" she started as Mattia cut her off.
"Just say no if it's a no. but I can't be around you, it hurts goldi," he said, his anger slowly turning into anxiety and sadness.
"N-no it's a yes. it's a yes. I just need you to promise me something," goldi said, tears starting to build up in her eyes.
"Anything," Mattia said, inching closer towards her.
"Don't ever fucking do that to me again," She said, Mattia bringing her in as tears threatened to spill.
"I promise. please don't cry gold, I can't let you cry over me anymore," He laughed, wiping her face with his sleeve before pressing his lips against hers, smiling into the kiss.
They both felt safe in each other's arms. Like the whole world melted away. Goldi was still unsure, possibly just making a bad decision. But she knew that no matter what she loved him. And right now this felt right.

Thank you all so much for 1k views, it means so much. Let's continue to grow, more shawties y'know. Anyways, please take care of yourselves, Love you 🖤

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