5 ✨

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Do you want to go
Out to eat tonight?
Like just me and you

Yeah, of course
What time?

7:00, dress nice :)


Goldi sat on her bed, confused at the texts her and Mattia had exchanged. She didn't know if she liked him or not, but she was always happy around him. A feeling would come over her, one she's never felt before.

She jumped up realizing it was already 6:00, quickly getting into the shower to start getting ready.
Mattia combed through his hair, a slight smirk on his face as he got ready.

He was on the face of his feelings as well. All he knew was that she was different, she was special. He knew she was important in his life and couldn't help but be drawn to her.
He planned on taking her to his dad's restaurant. He'd never taken a girl there before and was extremely nervous.

Goldi was doing her makeup, slight anxiety in her chest while she blended concealer. She couldn't tell if the feeling she kept getting was good or bad. Like this was about to be either the best or worst decision she'll make.

Once she finished she got up and walked over to her closet, looking through it to find an outfit. She put on a flowy blue floral Dress, pairing it with her air-forces.
Once she finished getting dresses it was about 6:45. She brushed her teeth and sprayed perfume all over herself.
She had shaved her whole body, her legs tingling as the perfume hit them. She doubted anything would happen between them, just wanted to be prepared.

She grabbed her phone, seeing Mattia had just texted her that he was on his way. She paced around, hitting her phone against the palm of her hand. They live extremely close to each other as he was there only a couple of minutes after.

She walked outside and up to Mattias door, he wore a nice grey sweatshirt with black jeans and nice shoes.
She immediately had a blush on her face as he started driving. He had told her she looked beautiful, a smile on her face as she thanked him.

She sat down, shutting the door lightly
"Where are we going?" She asked as music lightly played.
"That's a surprise, " He replied. Goldi pressed her lips into a straight line, she hated surprises.
"I hate surprises, " She said
"Oh really?" He said with fake concern in his voice.
"Yeah, " She laughed, slightly mocking him.
"Well that's too bad, " He laughed.

She rolled her eyes, turning up the music and singing along to it. They drove along the coast of the beach, driving into the city.
They pulled up to a nice restaurant, the name Cucina 545. Goldi smiled, she's passed by this restaurant a few times but she's never actually gone.
Mattia and her walked into the restaurant, the smell of food adorning the area.

"Hi Mattia," The host smiled, waving at Goldi, Goldi was slightly confused, "Right this way," She said with a smile, walking into the dining room.

Mattia grabbed her hand to lead her through the crowded restaurant, his hand huge compared to hers.
They walked through the kitchen as Goldi scanned the restaurant, she thought he had just come here a lot. They came into a fancier room in the back of the kitchen. It was lit up by candles with only 4 tables.

"Do you come here a lot?" Goldi asked as the host left the room.
"This is my dad's restaurant, I have to warn you though. He's probably going to come in and say hi, he wants to meet you," Mattia said with a smile.
"Wait really?" Gold questioned. She slightly blushed knowing he told his dad about her.
"Yeah, he's had it for a while but it's gotten more popular this year, " He said.

Right after he said that we heard the door open, a large Italian man walking in with a smile on his face.
"Ciao Mattia, " He gleamed.
"Ciao pappa, questa é Goldi," Mattia said with a smile.
"Ciao, piacere di conoscerti," Goldi said, his dad giving her a quick side hug.
"Nice to meet you to Goldi, his mom isn't here tonight but she'd love to meet you sometime, " He said, a thick accent in his voice.
"That sounds nice, " She smiled, glancing at Mattia who was also smiling.

They continued to talk before he went back into the kitchen, his dad was extremely nice. Right afterward the waiter came in, they both ordered Pasta alla norma and a small cheese board.
"Do you have to be home at any specific time?" Mattia asked.
"No, where else are we going?" Gold asked.
"I can't tell you that, " Mattia said, Goldi laughing with slight frustration.

Her and Mattia continued to talk, laughing as they told each other stories and got to know each other. The conversation just flowed, it wasn't awkward or boring. They both felt immediately close, Goldi's anxiety from earlier melting away.

The food soon came out, it was more of a fine dining restaurant so the food was paced. All of the servers were extremely nice making the restraints atmosphere extremely inviting.
Goldi and Mattia ate as light Italian music played, laughing while they made small talk.

They finished a little bit later as they walked through the kitchen. They said bye to Mattias dad before walking outside and getting into Mattia's car.


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