10 ✨

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Goldi ignored the stares as she quickly walked to the kitchen, tears streaming down her face.
Her friends still sat in the kitchen, arguing with each other but stopping as soon as they saw Goldi's expression.

Hailey's eyes went wide as Goldi fell into her, hugging her tightly as she cried into her chest.
"Wha- what happened, " Kairi stammered, all of her friends trying their best to find out what happened.

Mattia ran into the kitchen with a worried expression, his presence making Goldi much more upset.
"He fucking hit me, " Goldi stammered out, not wanting Hailey to let go of her. She felt so much more unsafe, knowing he still wanted to hurt her.

"Who?" Mattia questioned as Kairi looked at him with wide eyes, "Who the fuck hit her, " He yelled. Kairi knew exactly what Mattia was capable of, and knew Mar was about to go to the hospital.
"Mariano, " Goldi said weakly.
"That fucking-" he said as he ran out of the kitchen, Alejandro, Kairi, and Roshaun following behind him.

A couple of seconds later all of the girls heard a yell, running out of the kitchen to see a crowd built up. Goldi pushed her way through as she saw the boys beating the fuck out of Mar.
Her eyes went wide, her hand covering her mouth.
Alejandro, Kairi, and Roshaun stepped back as they attempted to pull Mattia off of Mariano. Mar balled up as Mattia continued to punch him.

Aiyana pulled Goldi away, she had tears on her face as Mattia was finally pulled away.
"I brought my car, " Mattia said out of breath, passing his keys to Hailey as they quickly left.
They quickly walked down the street, piling into Mattia's car. They saw cop cars driving into the neighborhood as they left.

Goldi tucked her knees into her chest, tears slowly falling down her face as Kairi held her protectively.
Her emotions were in scrambles, she had absolutely no idea what to think. She knew eventually what just happened would set in, she didn't want to break down.

They drove in silence, but the silence was so loud. The car was filled with stress, worry.
They arrived at Hailey's house, quickly walking in.
Goldi caught sight of Mattia's face. His eye had started to bruise, his nose bleeding, and a large cut going across his cheek.

"Shit, Mattia, your face, " Kairi said, "Do you have the stuff to clean it up, " He asked Hailey who nodded.
"I'll do it, " Goldi said.
" It's fine-" Mattia started.
"No, Kairi sucks at it. Plus I owe you, " She said as she walked in front of him.

Mattia followed her into Hailey's bathroom, Goldi grabbing Peroxide, bandaids, and Gauze.
She had Mattia sit on the sink, wetting a towel to wipe the blood off of his face.
"I don't know how he cut me, he only hit me a few times, " Mattia said to break the silence.
"He wears a ring, " She said as she looked down to put peroxide on the towel.

He didn't respond, looking forward as Goldi pressed the cloth against his skin.
He winced in pain, the peroxide immediately bubbling up.
"How do you know him?" Mattia asked.
"We dated in Italy. He was extremely abusive, " Goldi replied, almost no emotion sitting on her face.
"I'm sorry you had to go through that Gold, " Mattia said, looking at her with remorse.

She took a deep breath, a single tear falling down her cheek. She couldn't look him in the eyes. It didn't matter how nice he was right now, he cut her off quicker than she could get to know him.

She put a bandaid on his cut before starting to put stuff away, tears blocking most of her vision.
"Gold, " He said quietly, "I'm sorry, "
" It's whatever, " She said, it was easy to hear the hurt in her voice.
"No, it isn't. It's not fair for me to do that to you, " Mattia said, Goldi looking up at him.
"I don't understand why you can't just say you aren't interested, " Goldi said with a slight chuckle.
"No, that isn't true. I like you so much Goldi. You scare the fuck out of me. You make me feel like nobody else has before. I'm not used to feeling this way, I can't hurt you, " He ranted, a tear falling down Goldi's face.
"I don't know if I believe you, " Goldi said. She wanted to so bad.
"You have to. I can't bear you being mad at me. I hate seeing you cry. I fucking need you gold, " He said sounding slightly choked up, the alcohol making him spill more than he wanted.

Goldi leaned against the counter silently. She felt so conflicted. There was too much going on for her to make any decisions, she was also too drunk.
Mattia wrapped his arms around her, not wanting to see her cry anymore. She flinched slightly before relaxing into the hug.
Her tears got heavier, the emotions from today being almost unbearable.

Mattia continued to hold her, both of them felt immediately better even if they weren't 100%.
This is what both of them needed. They needed each other.


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