30 ✨

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Goldi had been in her head for the last couple of days. She decided she wanted to make things better between her and Mattia. However, she thought its be better to stay friends with him. No matter what, what he did was fucked up and she couldn't forgive him.
She quickly texted him, asking if they could meet up later to talk. She didn't know if she'd regret it but she couldn't do this anymore. She still has so much love for him, and she doesn't know if she'll ever be able to get over it.

Thanksgiving was also the next day, and she didn't want to ruin the day for all of her friends. She wanted to be around him without crying.
He texted her back, saying he'd pick her up in half an hour. It was 9:30 pm, Goldi's heart racing as she stood up to get ready.
She washed her face that had dried tears on it, putting on moisturizer so she looked less dead.
She threw on a pair of leggings and a big hoodie, putting sweats over her leggings. It was getting cold super fast on the east coast and Goldi could barely go outside.

Anxiety hit her as time slowly passed, Goldi was extremely anxious about talking to Mattia.
She didn't have enough time to let the anxiety take over which she was of course grateful for, Mattia saying he was there just a few minutes later.
She took a deep breath, re-grouping herself before walking downstairs and out the front door.

It was super cold, Goldi quickly walking into his car. He pulled away, driving as music lightly played. Goldi felt super anxious, and didn't know if she should even be doing this. It still hurt to be around him, she didn't know how she was gonna react.
There was a slight tension in the car, and they both absolutely hated it.

"I'm just gonna park it's too cold to walk around, " Mattia said, parking right on the beach parking lot.
Goldi looked around seeing the stars and the moon, the ones she once loved to watch alongside him. She never thought this would happen.
"Uhm, I have no idea what to say exactly, " She started, "But I just wanted to let you know that I'm trying to forgive you for this. I just want to know if there's like, anything else that you want to add to what happened, " Goldi said, slight anxiety in her voice.
"No, I told you the 100% truth, " He said, Goldi nodding.
"I just think right now, we should stay friends. It's still hard, you know?" Goldi said, feeling slightly better.
"No, I understand, that's for the best. Thank you for talking to me, " Mattia said, a slight smirk on his face even though he was still extremely stressed out.

They continued to talk, catching up about everything that's happened lately. Goldi was just happy that she could be around him again, and Mattia was certain he'd get her back.

Time skip: next day

It was finally Thanksgiving, Goldi putting the final touches on her makeup before walking over to her closet.
She put on a brown cropped cardigan, Light slightly baggy jeans, and her air forces.
Hailey texted her that she was there right after Goldi finished getting ready, her walking outside and going to the car.

"Y'all look hot," Goldi said to Hailey and Aiyana, buckling herself in as they started to drive. Aiyana complimented her outfit.
Hailey's house was a little while away, the teens playing music and laughing with each other as they drove. Her and Kairi kept catching each other's eye, Goldi choosing to ignore it.

They got to Haileys 15 minutes later, walking into her house. The entire house smelt like freshly made food, Hailey's parents greeting all of them before they walked into Hailey's room.
Hailey played music on her TV, all of the teens laughing as they talked about random things that would come to mind.
"Wait, Goldi," Kairi said, Goldi looking up as he had a worried expression on his face.
"Mattia's coming," Kairi said, Goldi's smile shifting awkwardly as she looked down.
"Uhm, we talked last night. We're good," Goldi said, looking at the time that read 5:30 pm.
"Oh, ok," Kairi said, a weird tone taking over his voice. Goldi chose to ignore it, everyone continuing to talk.

A few minutes later Mattia walked in, Alejandro alongside him. They both said hi to everyone before sitting down wherever they could.
There was a slightly awkward tension between Mattia and Goldi, but they both knew that they were the only ones that could feel it.
It sucked, not being able to talk to each other like they used to. Before Goldi would be climbed onto his side, not a worry in the world. But things change, and they change fast.

They all laughed with each other, Hailey's mom calling them out for dinner just a few minutes later.
The table was filled with food, all of the teens serving themselves before sitting down.
Goldi immediately felt anxious, not wanting to be rude and barely eat anything. She wasn't used to big meals like this.
She ended up serving herself small amounts of everything,  but the exception of green beans and sweet potato.

She sat down next to Hailey, Kairi on the other side of her. Mattia sat in front of her, Goldi finding his presence oddly comforting.
They all ate, the home ringing with laughter. The entire time everyone talked, no worries in the world. However, Goldi and Mattia still felt tension. They both knew why, there's so much love between them that neither of them can express. It stressed both of them out, but it's for the best.

Goldi laid her head on Kairis shoulder as she finished, her stomach full from the amount of food she ate.
She saw Mattia's facial expression change, like a flash of jealousy in his eyes. She moved her head, she didn't want Mattia to think anything was going on.

All of the teens helped clean up, Hailey's mom taking a group photo of all of them. Goldi felt so much better now that her and Mattia were on speaking terms, her friend group finally felt normal again.
She felt like everything was getting easier, it could only get better from here.


500 READS!! Thank you, I love you all. Take care of yourselves, my dm's are always open. Happy new year🖤

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