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Goldi and the boys were hanging out again today, this time in some random parking lot. She thought it was weird but they wanted to go so they could record some videos.

Goldi hopped in the frame as Mattia made a Tiktok, she swayed around jokingly as Mattia danced to a song. Her, Mattia, Kairi, and Alejandro have hung out almost every day since thursday. She started to get closer with all of them, no longer constantly worrying if they like her around or not.

Mattia and Goldi had also been getting more close, she wasn't entertaining the flirting much though because he still talked to Jenna all of the time.
As the song ended Mattia threw Goldi over his shoulder, her letting out a squeal as she kicked and yelled.

"Let me down zoccolo!" She yelled, her feet finally touching the ground again.
"Did you just call me a Zoccolo," He said, his mouth hanging partially open, "I'm offended," He said, placing his hand on his chest and pretending to be hurt.
She laughed hitting his chest lightly, "Calm down," she said.

She looked at Kairi, who seemed extremely annoyed at the situation. She furrowed her brows at him, confused at why he was mad.

Kairi looked away quickly, taking a deep breath. He knew Mattia was gonna go for her, he just hoped he wouldn't. He didn't want Goldi to get hurt, because even though she didn't say anything he knew she still had bad thoughts. He had no faith in Mattia to treat her right, or even know how to treat her.

Kairi just decided to let go of it. He walked over to the group and started talking with them. They continued to film more videos, laughing as they danced and joked around.

"Oh my gosh, ok, this is sketch the more that I think about it," Goldi laughed, looking around the empty parking lot.
"No one is gonna kidnap you," Alejandro said, pressing his lips in a straight line.
"No, I'm big," Goldi said, which was a complete lie. She's only 5'2 and could easily be kidnapped.
Mattia looked at her, scratching his head with a fake confused look on his face.
"I don't want to hear it," She said as she shook her head, setting up a phone to record.

They started the video, as Mattia came in first, then Kairi, then Alejandro, then Goldi. They all laughed as they filmed, Mattia telling Kairi he looked stupid millions of times.

Goldi felt extremely happy. like for once, she wasn't pretending to have emotions, but actually feeling them. That was good enough for her, the mere thought that she was getting better.
They recorded one more video before deciding to leave, piling into Kairis's car.

Kairi put music on, the whole car singing along to songs that played. They yelled and danced as the car drove right by the shore, a beautiful view that everyone took for granted. There were rocks that adorned the edge of the beach before the water started, a popular place to go cliff jumping.

Soon after Kairi pulled into Goldi's neighborhood, then her house. She got slightly sad, she enjoyed the night with them and didn't want it to end just yet. However she noticed her dad was home so didn't want to invite them in.
"Bye homies, " She smiled, giving mattia a quick hug since he was the one next to her. His arm wrapped around her making her smile.
"I'll pick you up Monday?" Kairi questioned. Goldi gave him a quick nod before shutting the door and walking toward her house.

Kairi continued to drive, continuing to play music while they all continued to dance and sing. All Mattia could think about was Goldi. He hoped the boys didn't notice, but she'd been on his mind since the day he met her.
"what is she doing to me" He thought.

Goldi felt the same way as she walked into her house. She had a smile plastered on her face before she saw her dad, an evil grin staring back at her. It was a look anyone else would think of as normal, or maybe slightly annoyed. She knew exactly what was wrong.
"he's fucking drunk"

It was 10:00, meaning she had an excuse to escape up to her room. It always confused her, how angry he'd become in the past months. It's like he was a new person. A person she's never met.
"A hello would be nice," Her dad said, slightly slurring.
"Sorry," She said, quickly trying to find an excuse but her words not coming out.
"You walked in with a smile, but frowned when you saw me. Do i really make you that miserable?" He asked, sarcasm and alcohol laced into his voice.
"I'm sorry, i was just surprised seeing you home," She said. Anxiety filled her body.
"Go to your room, i don't want to see you right now," He said with a hiccup, she instantly shot up to her room, closing the door behind her.

She sat on her bed, taking a deep breath while she tried to focus on something else. She hated her house, it exhausted her.

She got up to take her medicine, rolling it around in her hand before popping it in her mouth. She took an anti-depressant everyday but had anti-anxiety medication to take just when she felt anxious. She liked that it took away the bad thoughts, but hated that it made her practically emotionless.

She thought back to why her dad has started to become angry, huffing while she fell onto her bed. The worst part was knowing it was her fault, that if she didn't do what she did her dad would still be happy. Before it happened she became so accustomed to the numbness that when emotion finally hit her, she immediately broke. It was instantaneous, and unavoidable.

She constantly regrets what she did, but without those past experiences she wouldn't be where she was. She wouldn't have the friends she has.


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