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It had been a week since Amelia and Goldi's mom's death, and it seemed like little too nothing had resolved.
This entire process had been horrible on Goldi. She rarely got out of bed, she rarely ate. She had spent almost the entire time crying, a weight falling on her chest that could never be lifted off. She was at the bridge with Mattia, who had to practically beg her to get out of bed.
She never imagined her life without her sister and mom, and never thought they would ever leave her.

Her and Alejandro had been there for each other a lot throughout what happened, especially since they were the closest to Amelia.
Goldi couldn't explain the way she felt. All she could say was that everything hurt, and life was just so fucked up.
She would forget sometimes, still feeling the harsh numbness till unforgiving pain flooded her. It was like a cycle, one that would never end.

She had barely slept as well, bags under her bloodshot eyes 24/7.
She barely talked to or saw her dad, he was either going to work or sitting in his room. She hadn't even tried either. Her dad was never one to be there for someone after a tragic event, he'd just close off to the entire world.
She hated it, and she hated even more that she couldn't resent him. It was impossible.

Everyone had come over to check on her all of the time, and they all looked distraught. Missing Amelia was an understatement. She was a light in the friend group, one we had lost so quickly.
She loved that they came over, but most of the time she wanted to be alone.
The fact that Goldi had also lost her mom made everything worse. She didn't know if she'd be able to go to Italy again.

The place that has always been her happiness. The place her and Mattia had planned to grow together in. It would just bring too much pain.
The beautiful summer she dreamed of was over in just a second. The last time she hugged her mom just last august, being the last time she could feel her presence. How Amelia promised she'd be there in March, it all ended.

Goldi was hit with an aggressive depression, and she wasn't sure how long it would take for her to climb out.
All of her friends were leaving in just a few days for playlist live , and after that she would be completely alone.

The way she clung onto Mattia as they stared at the stars, not ever wanting him to leave her.
She was scared now, how quickly the people in her life could just disappear.
2 days after she had just talked to her mom and Amelia, and they were gone just like that. It was so much to wrap her brain around.

The moon was plump that night, the sky filled with dozens of stars. It slightly relaxed her, knowing that people could but the stars would never leave her.
All she had to do was walk outside, and they would always be there looking right back at her.

Mattia had his arms wrapped around Goldi, feeling so lost in his own mind.
He wanted to make her feel better, it's all he ever wanted, but right now all he could do is be here. All he could do was hold her, and hope that one day the girl that once gleamed at every word would return.


time skip: 4 days later

Goldi drove by the coast, her facial expression blank as music played in the car.
She was dropping her friends off at the airport today. They were all flying to Orlando for playlist.
She was extremely anxious about them leaving. She didn't want anything to happen to them, she'd thought of every way she could possibly lose them.

She felt like things were getting slightly better, but sometimes everything would go right back to where it used to be.
She wanted to be better, but nothing was letting that happen. Not anytime soon at least.
Everyone in their group was grieving, and she felt so bad that they had to go do this. They all wanted to stay home, but knew it'd disappoint their fans so much.

Goldi pulled into the airport parking lot, putting the car in park as everyone got out.
They all grabbed their suitcases, stopping to say bye to Goldi.

They all held her for a long time, knowing how bad everything was for her right now.
She hugged Alejandro, immediately fighting back tears.
"Don't push yourself too much, ok?" Goldi said, him nodding as he went to stand with everyone else.
She hugged Mattia tighter than everyone else, not wanting any of them to leave but knowing it was selfish to think of.
"Take care of yourself, ill call you every night," Mattia said as he looked into her eyes.
"Ok, I love you Mattia," She said, him pressing his lips against hers.
"I love you more, my forever," He smiled, Goldi returning a weak smile back.

She waved at them as they walked away, immediately getting sad again.
She got into her car as tears started to pool in her eyes, driving out of the airport.
She started to drive, not wanting to go anywhere near her house. She didn't want to be there right now. She needed to get away from what would right now only remind her of what she'd lost.


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