35 ✨

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Goldi, Aiyana, and Hailey danced around the kitchen joyfully as music played.
The Christmas party was tonight, all of the girls spending the night at Goldi's since her dad wouldn't be home till late at night.

The party started at 9 pm and it was 7. However, all of the boys were coming over at 8:30 so they wanted to be ready by then. They'd probably be late anyways, everyone was late to house parties.
Right now everyone was still wearing sweats and hoodies, their hair up in messy buns.

Goldi didn't even know if she wanted to get drunk, but knowing her she probably would.
Every time she went to a party something happened, but she was done constantly being scared of what might happen. She wanted to live, and be happy with it.

The girls finally decided to get ready, only having an hour till the rest of their group got there.
Goldi got in the shower, having to hurry since there was only the other guest bathroom.
She quickly washed her hair and her body, washing her face before hopping out.

She put lotion all over herself, putting sweats and a t-shirt on for doing her makeup.
She put music on her TV, sitting down to do her makeup. She started out doing it practically normal, putting on a touch more foundation than usual.
Aiyana started dancing around halfway through Goldi and Hailey being done, she barely wore any makeup.

Aiyana started hurrying them up, telling them that the boys were already on their way.
Goldi stopped trying, just realizing she wouldn't be done by the time they got there.
She was right too, then walking in just a few minutes later, Goldi's house already becoming loud.
"Y'all seriously aren't done yet," Kairi said, throwing his arms up.
"I'm just putting on my lashes," Goldi said, finding it harder to focus now that everyone was in the room.

She finally finished, grabbing her clothes and going into the bathroom to change.
She wore a white fitted dress that fell right in the middle of her thighs, putting on an oversized black leather jacket.
She brushed her teeth before going back into her room, Hailey going into the bathroom after her.
(ch.31 to see the outfit btw)

It was already almost 9 and the house was actually pretty far out.
Goldi put on her white air forces, spraying herself with perfume.
"I'm ready!" She yelled jokingly, startling Kairi who sat in the middle of her bed.
"Congrats?" Mattia said sarcastically, her stomach jumping as she heard his voice. She wanted to get over him, but it was nearly impossible. She knew he was mad at her right now, and that hurt.
Goldi flipped him off jokingly, sitting down as she looked through her phone. They already ordered the uber, just waiting for it to get there.

"Can we go yet," Ayiana complained, falling onto the bed.
"Does it look like the uber is here?" Alejandro said, Ayiana laughing at herself.
"Oh I didn't know we were raking an Uber, " She said.
"Well do you want to be designated driver?" Alejandro asked, Ayiana's face twisting in disgust.
"Absolutely not, I'm getting smacked tonight," She laughed, checking the time once again.

The teens continued to talk amongst each other, the uber arriving just a few minutes later.
They all got in, Goldi having to sit on Hailey's lap. Matt is and Alejandro both looked at her weird, wondering why she didn't choose to sit with Kairi. She hadn't told them yet, but she would probably end up telling them tonight.

The Uber ended up being really boring, all of the teens just silently sitting in the car. Music played but it was on a super low volume, definitely not what they wanted right before a party.

They all just scrolled through their phones, waiting for the dreadful ride to be over.
They finally got to the house, seeing lights flash and hearing distant bass. They let out a sigh of relief as they got out of the ride, thanking the driver before walking up to the house.

The house was huge, in one of the super rich parts of Jersey. They walked to the kitchen, seeing a bunch of expensive liquor bottles.
"Group shots baby, " Hailey said, grabbing a few cups and starting to pour 7 shots.
"What is this shit," Goldi laughed, looking at the alcohol label.
"Girl, just know that we will not remember tonight, " Ayiana joked, handing her a shot.

They counted down, taking their first shot of the night all at the same time. Their faces scrunched up as the hard liquor made it's way to their stomach.
"Holy shit, " Roshaun laughed, the group starting to pour more alcohol.
This is going to be a fun night.


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