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Goldi's body trembled as she cried. She didn't want to be dramatic, but this was probably the worst its ever been. She was losing everything so quickly, she couldn't handle it.
She got multiple calls from her friends asking where she went.

She practically ran home, the freezing air stinging her eyes while tears continuously fell.
Everything felt so impossible at that moment.
A few seconds later she got a text from Alejandro saying he was there, Goldi rolling her eyes as she weakly stood up, her body not wanting to cooperate.

She slid her shoes and a big hoodie on, grateful that she took her makeup off.
She walked foot by foot downstairs, every step causing actual pain.
Alejandro's car waited outside as she got in, immediately tucking her knees into her chest while he drove.
"I couldn't leave you alone, not when you're like this, " He said, the car silent as he drove.

Goldi couldn't respond, knowing that it would hurt so bad just to try.
It felt like everything was hitting her at once, every loss, and heartbreak. It had all happened so quickly, and it felt like the world was slowly giving up on her. Maybe she was giving up on herself as well.

Alejandro quickly pulled up to the beach, getting out and coming to Goldi's side to open the door.
He held her close to him as he led her to the rock wall, knowing that right now she needed silence.
They sat down right on the edge as the cold winter air hit them, Goldi looking out at the stars.

They only reminded her of Mattia and her sister. Tears starting to fall more rapidly.
Pain filled her entire body, one she had never experienced before. One she wouldn't wish on anyone. She couldn't explain it with any word other than the worst pain in the world. One that fills your entire chest, and eyes, and throat. It'll never go away, because it's a violent cycle.
One that tears people apart from the inside out.

Alejandro held Goldi close to him, a few tears escaping his eyes as well.
It pained him so much. The girl that once could light up an entire room with her smile, could hardly even force one anymore. He was trying his best to be there for her in the only way he knew possible, but was scared it was too late.

"Why did he do this? If he loved me why would he do this, " Goldi quietly said, but the pain in her voice was evident.
"I don't know Goldi, I really wish I did, " He said, Goldi falling back into the silence while she made herself as small as she could, tucked into Alejandro's side.

Her tears started to come out in small sobs, Alejandro feeling her body slightly shaking.
The plump full moon, and the sound of waves crashing against the shore that had once brought her joy only reminded her of loss, and defeat.
The fewer words that were spoken made her fall further into the darkness of her mind, a place nobody ever deserved to be. She was losing hope.

"Can you take me home please, " She said shakily, Alejandro nodding as he helped her off of the wall.
They got back into the car while Alejandro drove along the shore, Goldi's head resting against the cold window.

They quickly got back to Goldi's house, the darkness in all of the windows as Goldi stared into the place she never thought of as home.
"Goldi, " He stammered as she got out, "I know it's never my place to say this. But Mattia really did love you. I'll never understand why he does what he does, but he was crazy for you, " Alejandro said, Goldi looking down at the hard asphalt.
"I love you Alejandro, " Goldi said with a weak smile.
"I love you too, " He said quietly, knowing how horrible she felt.

She turned around before grasping the Gold chain on her neck, hesitating before taking it off.
"Give this to Mattia, " She said weakly as she handed it to him, her voice slightly cracking.
He nodded as she shut the door, watching Goldi disappear into the darkness of her house.
He stayed for a couple of minutes, clutching the chain as he let a few tears fall. All he wanted to do was take the pain away, but he knew he couldn't.


Goldi I love you so much
I promise you this isn't what
it seems. I need to talk to you. I
can't just let you go.
I just want to hold you, and kiss
you, and call you mine. But i know
i've caused to much pain, i don't
deserve that. I just want you to know the
truth. I'm so sorry.
I know how you're feeling
right now and you don't deserve
to be alone.

It's ok, I forgive you
for everything.
Don't worry about me, please,
i'm going to be happy so soon.
Just remember I love you, so much.
I never stopped loving you and
I never will, thank you for making
me so happy. Don't let this ruin you,
i'll always be here.

Goldi what do you mean? Of
course your still here.
Please text me back, what
are you doing Goldi.
Goldi you're scaring the fuck
out of me please just respond.
read 1:47 am


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