50 ✨

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liked by cynthiaparker and 89,438 othersTiktokroom whew

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liked by cynthiaparker and 89,438 others
Tiktokroom whew... the tea this playlist is astronomical. Posted by #mattiapolibio ☕️


user1: eye-

hater1: LMAOOO

hater2: the bitch gets what she deserves
liked by cynthiaparker and 658 others

cynthiaparker: lmao @/goldi.derossi
goldi.derossi: uhm... ok?

hater3: are we supposed to feel bad or something?

user2: wait why are we defending a cheater now...

kairicosentino: please don't assume anything from this.
hater4: please don't come up with stupid ass excuses...

hater5: repeat after me, we don't care

haileykae: really mattia...
goldi.derossi: please go away

hater6: he's really not gonna comment...
alejandrorosario: he's asleep

hater7: hey, we still fucking hate Goldi
user3: hey, i don't think she cares

hater8: she deserves everything coming her way.

hater9: hopefully she'll see her mom and sister soon 🥺
hater10: LMAOO

hater11: how many times do we have to ask for you to stop posting this group 🤣

hater12: fuck goldi but also fuck him for cheating

user4: i feel so bad for her tbh.
user5: fr... she has gone through a fucking lot lately.


Goldi froze when she saw the post, not wanting to believe what was right in front of her face.
She couldn't believe it, the guy that had told her he loved her so many times before. How can you do that to someone you supposedly love.
Anger ran through her body, not even noticing the tears start to fall down her face.

How was everything going so bad, why was this happening to her? Why did she trust him again?
She quickly picked up her phone, opening Mattia's contact.
She typed out 'we're fucking done.' Sending it without hesitation.
It hurt so bad, she didn't understand what she did wrong. Everything started to hit her at one, everything that happened just this month.
Before she could let her emotions out she got a call from Kairi, declining it right away. He called her again, then again as she finally answered it.

"What the fuck do you guys want," She said angrily, seeing a worried expression on Kairi's face.
"Goldi, you need to listen to me for a second," Kairi said, angering Goldi even more.
"No, tell Mattia I said fuck you, I can't fucking do this anymore," She practically yelled, Alejandro grabbing the phone.
"Goldi shut up right now," Alejandro said in the same tone, getting Goldi's attention before anger filled her face.
"Why are you talking to me like that?" She said with annoyance, not wanting to deal with anyone right now.

"Goldi just shut the fuck up for one second, this is serious We think Cynthia drugged him," Alejandro said, Goldi's eyes going wide.
"What?" Goldi said, being immediately filled with guilt.
"We aren't sure, but Cynthia made him a drink and was being really weird about it. He was super annoyed by her the entire night and was trying to get away from her. After he drank a bunch more they went into the bathroom together and Cynthia came out holding his phone. Mattia was holding onto her like he was about to fall over and she was treating it like some joke," Alejandro explained quickly, Goldi's mouth slightly open in disbelief.
"Wait, what the fuck? Where is he now," Goldi said with a worried tone, Alejandro flipping the camera to show Mattia passed out on the bed.

Goldi was immediately filled with guilt, they didn't know for sure but the story lined up with it.
"Have you guys tried to wake him up?" Goldi said.
"He won't wake up to shit, he's completely out," Kairi said, walking over to him and slapping him in the face.
"Kairi what the fuck," Alejandro said with an annoyed tone.
"Yeah, he didn't budge," Goldi said, holding her head in her hand.
"Ok, I'll call you in the morning after he wakes up, alright?" Alejandro said, Goldi agreeing as they hung up.

Goldi sat worriedly as she thought of everything that could've happened. They wouldn't know until the morning but right now she was worried about him. She didn't know what to believe.

time skip: next day

Goldi had been worried the entire morning as she waited for Kairi to call her.
It was 1:00 pm by the time she got a call, seeing Kairi's face pop up on the screen.
"Is he awake?" Goldi asked, Kairi nodding and he handed the phone to Mattia.
Mattia looked sickly, like he hadn't slept in a week even though he slept for most of the day.

"I'm so fucking sorry," He said, his voice raspy as he talked to her, "I don't know what the fuck happened last night,"
"Do you not remember it?" Goldi asked, Mattia shaking his head. He looked stressed by what had happened.
"No, all I remember was being really drunk and Cynthia handing me a cup. I drank it the. got really dizzy, I thought I just passed out," Mattia said, running his head.
"What the fuck," Goldi said, surprised that someone would do that at such a public place.

"I've been puking all morning, and I have the worst fucking headache ever," Mattia said with an annoyed expression, "Are you mad at me," He asked worriedly.
"No, I have no reason to be mad at you. I'm mad at the situation," Goldi said, rolling her eyes as she glanced around her room.
"Ok, well I have to go. Our flight leaves soon," Mattia said, Goldi feeling horrible for him.
"Bye, love you," Goldi said, Mattia saying it back before hanging up.

She fell back onto her bed, huffing out a breath.
Goldi rubbed her eyes as she turned onto her side, relieved but still filled with stress.
"What the fuck, " She whispered to herself, wanting the day to be over.


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