6 ✨

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Mattia and Goldi pulled up to the beach. He had given her his hoodie, saying bit was gonna be cold.

They got out of the car, Mattia grabbing Goldi's hand as he lead her to the pier. They started walking, the night sky beautiful. The stars as well as the plump moon reflected off the surface of the water.

Sounds of water splashing against the shore filled the area while the two teens slowly walked across the pier.
The pier slowly started to lead downward, almost looking creepy.
"Where are we going exactly?" Gold asked, thinking it was extremely weird.
"You will see gold, " He laughed, the nickname making Goldi smile slightly.

The pier connected with the ground, leading them around the beaches rocky area.
As they turned around the corner a beautiful view came into sight. The rocks wrapped around a huge area, a small bridge connecting right in between them.
They walked up the rocks from a staircase built onto them, sitting in the middle of the bridge.

"Woah, " Goldi laughed as she looked around. There was practically no light, making more stars come into view the more you stared.
"I know, it's so beautiful, " Mattia said with a smile. All he could pay attention to was Goldi. He thought she was one of the most beautiful girls he seen.
"How'd you find out about this place, " Goldi asked.
" It's kinda a long story, " He said, scratching the back of his neck.
"Tell me, I love long talks, " Goldi said.

"Well, I've always loved the stars and the beach. I used to come out here and just wander around, getting lost in the way the stars flickered. I never took the turn where the pier starts to droop down, But one day when I went on a walk with my Nonna she brought me down here, " He said, smiling at Goldi as he talked.

"That's so cool. I love the stars too, they always make my problems feel smaller, " Goldi laughed.

"Yeah, I feel like they hold so much value. We think we're so important, but what's to say the stars aren't more important? We're so small compared to them, " Mattia said with a smile.

"I agree, I spend countless nights just sitting on my balcony and staring at them. It's one of the only things that can make me calm anymore, " She said, biting her lip lightly.

"Goldi is it ok if I ask a semi-personal question?" He asked, curiosity coming over him.
"It depends, I might not answer it, " She said jokingly, both her and Mattia lightly chuckling.
"Ok, it's from one of the first times we hung out when Kairi was sitting with us. I'm not even going to lie, the entire time I've known you I've found you so beautiful. Kairi punched me in the arm when he caught me looking at you and said something about how much you've been through, I'm just really worried about you, " He said, Goldi slightly froze, looking down at her fingers and playing with them.

"Is that why you brought me out here?" She laughed, "Because you're worried about me?"
"No gold, not at all-" Mattia said, immediately regretting the question when he heard her tone of voice.
"Mattia I don't need you to save me. I don't need your pity. Yes, I've been through shit but it's really nobody's fucking business, " She said with slight anger.
"Gold-" Mattia started.
"No, I think I'm done here, " She said, starting to stand up before he yelled for her to wait.

"Goldi stop. I'm not here to give you pity. I'm not here to make you uncomfortable. The first time I saw you, I felt immediately connected to you. I can't get you out of my mind, I feel like I have to be with you, you're special gold, " He rambled, Goldi, standing still as she looked at the ground. Her eyes held a small amount of tears.

She sat back down on the bridge, pulling her legs into her chest. She felt the same way about him. Like his presence was just a mere mistake, they were meant to meet.
They sat for a minute before Goldi started to talk, taking Mattia by surprise.

"My parents always fought. They'd scream all night long and hit each other no matter how many times I asked them to stop, " She said, one tear running down her cheek.
She stayed silent for a second before continuing, "Italy was beautiful. We were always happy no matter how much they fought. Like there was this barrier keeping us from feeling those emotions. They had one big fight, my mom almost died and I witnessed the whole thing. They got divorced the next day, " She said.
"Afterwards one thing lead to another. Switching from my mom's to my dad's, fighting over the phone, fighting over me. I developed depression but I'd constantly push my emotions away. I also developed Anorexia, more and more things built up, and uhm.." She said, pausing at the end as more tears built up in her eyes. It was an extremely tough subject but she felt like she could trust him.

Mattia could tell there was something else. He wrapped his arm around her, pulling her into his chest protectively.
" It's ok, you don't have to share any more of you don't want to, " Mattia said.
"I attempted, " She said, Mattia, surprised by what she just said.

He held her tighter, her hand wiping her tears lightly.
"I'm sorry, " she said, he could hear the sadness in her voice.
"Don't apologize, it's ok, " He said.

He continued to hold her, staring off into the stars. He knew she wasn't better. Just by the way she talked, and acted. He wanted to protect her in every way she could. She meant so much to him.

He sat with her, looking into her eyes as she stared at the stars. He had remembered what she said about them making her calm, the tears slowly going away while they just sat in thought.

Eventually they decided to head back, slowly walking down the pier. The night was quiet, a slow buzz from bugs and animals was all you could hear.

Goldi felt protected. She felt comfortable. At the same time, however, she was scared. She couldn't get over this lingering feeling.

They walked up to Mattia's car, getting in as music lightly played again.
Mattia drove, the ocean still in view. Goldi stared into the moon, her elbow resting on the window. It was a comfortable silence, the streets empty as they drove.

Mattia quickly pulled into the neighborhood, Goldi's house coming into view as he parked right in the front.
They both got out so he could walk her to the front, crickets chirping loudly.

He pulled her in for a hug, her head resting on his cheat lightly as she hugged him back. His scent was intoxicating, the strong cologne filing Goldi's senses.
"Have a good night, " Mattia said, looking down at her with a smile.
"You too, thank you for tonight, " She said as she looked up at him with a smile.
"No, thank you, " He said, looking at her for a second before slowly leaning down, pressing their lips together softly. Goldi kissed him back, his hand resting on the back of her neck.

"Goodnight gold, " He said after they pulled away.
"Night, " She smiled.

Authors note:
Lowkey vote so I can get more reads, lmk if you like it :)


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