2 ✨

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text messages:

Big dick boys ✨😗

Olaf ⛄️ added Goldi

I have a vagina
I don't belong here

Olaf ⛄️ changed name to Big dick boys+Goldi

Olaf ⛄️
Olaf ⛄️
Anyways we're all going to
Alejandro's tonight you want to

I already told my mom you're
Coming so you have to.

Do you have a dog.

His dog is an asshole.

Cool for you to join us Mattia
But we didn't need your input.

Haha 😀

Can I come?!

Who is this man
Actually I don't care, I'm coming
But only for your dog. What time.

Excuse me bitch?

Olaf ⛄️:
We're here 😀



Goldi quickly threw on her pants from the school day, tying up her airforces before running outside. She jumped into Kairis car, being forced to sit next to mattia. She noticed Alejandro was driving instead of Kairi.
"Hi Goldi, " Mattia said, goldi looking up and being met with his eyes.
"Hi maleficient, " She said with a smile.
"What did you just call me?" Mattia said with a laugh.
"you heard me," She said, hearing a soft chuckle from him.

"Goldi do you want to get food?" Kairi asked. Goldi made a disgusted face before shaking her head no.
"Im hungry motherfucker," He yelled at her.
"Why are you yelling, " She said, purposely thickening her accent, "If you want food just say that,"
"How are you not hungry, i haven't seen you eat once today," Mattia said.
"My antidepressants make me un-hungry, " She said with a straight face. Kairi and Goldi immediately laughed after an awkward silence.
Anybody else would think she was being serious, Kairi and her both knew she was joking.

Alejandro pulled up to a house, a tall guy with an obvious party city wig on walking up to the car. Goldi's eyebrows knitted together i. confusion.
"Hi guys, " He said in a high pitched voice, "Is that the bitch that disrespected me, " He said in a deeper voice, snatching off his wig and pointing at Goldi.
All of the teens laughed, hiding their faces.
"Hi, I'm Goldi, nice to meet you, " Goldi said, pressing her lips in a straight line.
"Listen here golden retriever, " Roshaun said, everyone bursting into laughter once again.

Alejandro tried his best to keep his eyes on the road, laughing as he drove towards his house. The 2 teens continued to argue, laughing as they jokingly insulted each other. Mattia looked at Goldi, slightly spacing out as he heard her voice. He couldn't explain why, but he was just so attracted to her. Kairi nudged his arm and sent him a disapproving look.
"What's wrong with you," He questioned.
"Chill off that shit Mattia, she's been through a lot and I don't want you to fuck her up again, " Kairi whispered, making sure only Mattia could hear.

He didn't respond, but looked forward as he thought of what could've happened. Usually, Kairi isn't that protective. He wasn't going to listen, of course, he was attracted to her in a different kind of way. He didn't want to break her heart, he wanted to cherish it. But was he even capable of that?

He brushed it off as Alejandro turned up the music, playing one of Mattia's favorite songs by Pop Smoke. He noticed Goldi singing, smiling at her as she rapped along to the song. She noticed him looking at her, smiling with a slight blush before looking away.

They finally got to Alejandro's house, Goldi walking behind them as they approached the front door. His mom greeted everyone, smiling as she saw goldi.
"Hola Mija!" She gleamed, hugging her quickly.
"Hi, I'm goldi its nice to meet you, " Goldi said with a smile on her face.
"Nice to meet you too!" She said, looking at the rest of the boys, "Pizza will be here in 30 minutes, " She said, walking back into the living room.

They all walked into Alejandro's room, sitting down as he turned his console on.
"Let's play fifa, i'm gonna beat Mattia's ass," Alejandro joked, grabbing a controlled.
"You've never won Alejandro," Mattia said as he grabbed a controller.

They picked out their teams as Goldi watched. She laughed as they yelled at each other, getting mad at the game. Mattia looked like he was winning, Alejandro trying his best to win before Mattia shot the winning goal.
"Ohh who the fuck is the champion!" Mattia yelled, everyone laughing as he jumped up and down.
"Whatever you're annoying, " Alejandro laughed, passing the remote to Kairi.

Kairi and Mattia played, they both kept making scores back to back. The entire room was quiet as Mattia and Kairi focused on the screen.
"Fuck, I'm done, " he said as he missed a shot.
"Yeah you are buddy," mattia said, getting the winning goal once again, "I'm god motherfuckers" he said, throwing the controller down.

Goldi laughed, taking out her phone and seeing she had a text from an unknown number. She was extremely confused, but finally understood after a minute of looking at it.



Stay away from my
Boyfriend bitch, I'm watching


"Mattia, " Goldi said, his eyes shooting towards her, "You need to put a leash on your girlfriend, " She said with a laugh.
"Huh?" He said in a confused tone.

She walked over to him, showing the text which made him start laughing. Goldi had a confused look on her face.
"We aren't even dating she's weird as fuck, " Mattia said, "Just ignore her, she's tried to fight every girl that's come near me, "

She nodded and sat back down, seeing them already changing the subject.
She hated when girls got jealous over stupid things, and she didn't want to deal with it.

Goldi blocked her right away. She hated fighting, and didn't want to deal with any girl drama right now. Everyone knew she was strong, but she wasn't the type to fight every girl that insulted her. She actually found fighting quite childish.
All of the teens continued to talk and laugh throughout the night, not a worry in their mind.


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