29 ✨

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Goldi woke up from her phone ringing off the hook, already annoyed as Kairi's name popped up on her screen.
"What, " She said, answering the call with an annoyed tone. It was barely 10:00, and a Saturday.
"Wake up, " Kairi said with a laugh.
"Do I not look awake to you?" Goldi said jokingly.
"Not really. Do you want to come over today? We were gonna hang out at mine and go to the mall a little later, " Kairi said.
"Is Mattia gonna be there?" Goldi said, sad at even having to ask that.
"No, I didn't invite him I don't think anyone else did, " Kairo said in response.
"Ok, sure what time. I have my dad's car today so I can drive there, he probably won't want me to drive to the mall though" She said.
"Be here at 12, and that's fine Hailey's driving since she has the biggest car," Kairi said, saying I love you before hanging up.

She hated that she couldn't be around Mattia anymore, she used to love being around him. However, she was just starting to get better and didn't want to be around him just yet.

Goldi rolled her eyes, sitting up slowly as she stretched awake. She put on socks so her feet wouldn't be cold, walking downstairs, and seeing her sad at the counter talking on the phone. He was arguing with someone, like always.
She walked over to the espresso machine, pressing two shots and putting some creamer in them.
She sat on the counter and drank her coffee, waiting for her dad to be done.

"Dad, can I take the car to kai's?" She asked as he finished.
"Yeah, I'm working from home today. I need to get you a car soon, " He said, obviously stressed out.
"I'm fine with that, " She laughed in hopes to make her dad smile.
"Of course you are, " He said, making Goldi's smile drop, "Have you eaten yet, and have you taken your meds?" He asked, Goldi being surprised that he cared.
"Uhm, food no, meds, " She said, reaching behind her and grabbing the bottle from the cabinet, taking them quickly, "yes,"
"Ok, I bought ensure because the hospital called and said you're losing weight, drink one before you go, " He said as he opened his laptop. Goldi immediately got annoyed, he never cared what she ate and she didn't know why he all of a sudden did.
"I'm not drinking that shit-" she started.
"Don't cuss at me Goldi De Rossi. If you keep losing weight you're going to get emitted, and you know that, " he said loudly and with annoyance.

Goldi scoffed, grabbing one out of the refrigerator.
"You got the worst flavor dad, " She said, opening it and taking a sip.
She knew she had a problem, but she hated when her dad tried to act as if he cared. He only did because he knew it would be a process to get her emitted again.

Goldi walked up to her room with the ensure in her hand, dumping it in the sink and throwing it away. She couldn't drink it, it made her sick.
It was almost 11, Goldi getting in the shower.
She ran shampoo through her hair, rubbing it around before rinsing it out and adding conditioner.
She quickly shaved her legs, yelping as she cut her ankle.
"What the fuck, " Se said to herself, rinsing of the cut that seemed to never stop bleeding.

She ignored the cut, quickly washing her body with a dose scented body wash. She washed her face before getting out, putting lotion all over her body and brushing her teeth.
She brushed and put product in her hair before going into her room and putting sweats on.

She sat down at her vanity to do her makeup. She filled in her brows, then blended concealer and foundation all over her skin. She put on bronzer, blush, and highlight after baking. She curled her lashes and put on mascara, adding her final touches before checking the time.
"Shit, " She laughed, seeing it was already noon.

She quickly went to her dresser, throwing on black distressed baggy jeans, a brown crop with lace trimmings, and an oversized black zip-up. She put on her air forces, quickly tying them as she got a call from Kairi.

"Hii, " She said with a laugh.
"Are you still at home?" He asked annoyed, Goldi standing up and bringing her face into view.
"Yeah but I'm coming right now, " She said, Kai scolding her as she hung up.

She walked downstairs, grabbing her dad's keys and whispering bye to him as she left.
She got into the car, starting it as she pulled out of the driveway.
Kai's house was just 5 minutes away, Goldi getting there a few minutes later.
She knocked on the door, his mom answering.
"Hi Goldi!" She said, giving her a hug with a smile on her face.
"Hi, " Goldi said nicely.
"The boys are upstairs, " She said, Goldi thanking her before walking upstairs.

"Finally!" Kairi said, hugging her as she walked into the room.
"Hi guys, " She laughed, giving everyone hugs as she sat down on Kairi's bed.
Roshan and Alejandro played FIFA, arguing with each other as everyone watched. Alejandro kept yelling, obviously losing by Roshauns laugh.
"Period bitch!" Roshan yelled as he won, doing his stupid laugh.
"Shut the fuck up, Goldi play me, " Alejandro said.
"You just want a win, but sure, " She said, getting the remote from roshaun and taking his spot.

They started playing, Goldi having absolutely no idea what she was doing.
She laughed nervously, Alejandro obviously winning as she already started to give up.
"This isn't even fair, " Goldi laughed, trying her best but still behind.
"Oop, winning shot, " Alejandro said right before shooting it in.
"Girl- you know I've only played this once shut up, " Goldi laughed, giving the controller to Robert.

She sat next to Hailey who wrapped her arm around Goldi's shoulder. The feeling reminded her of how Mattia used to hold her, her smile slightly dropping before she pushed it aside. She couldn't ruin today.

Goldi continued to talk with her friends, laughing even though she was super stressed.
Everyone took turns playing, Goldi just deciding to watch.
The room rang with laughter and happiness, music playing from Kairis Alexa. Goldi leaned on Kai, wanting to just fall asleep. She continued to smile and laugh with

Minutes later they heard the front door open and Kairi's mom greeting another person. Goldi didn't think anything of it, before Kairi's door opened revealing A smiling Mattia. Both of their smiles dropped as they saw each other.
"I thought you said he wasn't coming?" Goldi said to Kairi louder than she wanted to. Her voice slightly cracked as tears formed without her control.
"I'll leave," He said, pain laced into his voice.
"No, I will, bye guys," Goldi said, grabbing her keys and phone as she stood up.
"No that's fin-" Mattia started.
"Bye Mattia," She said, scooting past him as tears threatened to spill. She couldn't be around him.
"Shit," She heard him mumble as she walked down the stairs.

Mattia's heart immediately dropped as he sat down where Goldi once did. He missed her being his. And he noticed how sick she'd gotten, how much weight she'd lost.
"Fuck dude," Mattia said with a sarcastic laugh.
"That was hard to watch," Hailey said, looking back at her phone.
"I need her back bro, I can't keep doing this," Mattia said.
"Just be patient," Kairi said, patting his shoulder. But Mattia was so scared, scared she wouldn't forgive him.

Kai's mom wasn't in sight meaning Goldi could leave without pity from anyone. She sat in the car, finally letting the tears fall. She started driving, going anywhere but there or home. She couldn't be in either of those places.
She just needed to get away.


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