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The teens laughed, driving around the city as music blasted from the stereo. The sunset, creating a beautiful array of pinks and oranges.
Kairi's hand rested on Goldi's thigh as she drove, a comforting feeling. She wasn't sure if she liked him, but she liked the comforting feeling of someone being there for her. She just felt horrible because of Mattia, knowing he thought she was moving on. Plus the thought that he might be moving on.

All of them had hung out almost every day, during and after school. Everyone was packed into Goldi's car as they drove to the mall.
They had already eaten, going to the mall so Roshaun could film. They were going to do dares at the mall, Goldi saying she'd record so she wouldn't have to do any.
She helped write some of the dates, she was anxious just for the boys to do them.

They finally got there, getting out and walking into the mall. It was packed, mostly because Christmas was in a week. All of the dares would be so much worse since there were adults all over the place.

Roshaun went first, Goldi holding the camera as she tried not to laugh at everything they were saying.
"Say I got my step sister pregnant out loud," Roshaun read out, laughing hysterically as he walked up to the middle of the stairs.
He yelled it out as loud as he could, everyone laughing as he received judgmental stares from almost everyone in the mall.

They continued to do dares, laughing as the night went on. Fans came up to them every once in a while, Goldi receiving judgmental stares from some of them.
They started to dare random people around the mall, some of them actually doing them.
Kairi got a dare to tell a store associate that he was a virgin, Goldi having to secretly record him so the worker didn't see.

Alejandro had to stare at someone, the entire group laughing as he stood in one spot and stared at some guy.
The worker caught a glimpse of the camera, calling security. No one was surprised, they always got kicked out.

They ran out of the mall, making sure the security didn't see them before getting back into Goldi's car.
Goldi drove out of the mall parking lot, luckily no security card following them.
They all laughed, Roshaun finishing the last of the video before turning the camera off.
"Our next video should be trying to not get kicked out of the mall," Kairi laughed, turning around to face the boys.
"That just sounds stupid," Roshaun said, sparking an argument between everyone.

Goldi laughed as they all yelled, trying her best to stay focused as she pulled into her driveway.
"Are we gonna hang out for a while?" Kairi asked as everyone got out.
"Well duh," Goldi laughed, walking to unlock the front door.

They all sat down and started talking, playing a movie that no one was paying attention to.
All of them started arguing, Goldi laughing as Roshaun and Alejandro started boxing.
"If y'all break my TV I will beat your asses," Goldi yelled, Roshaun pretending to throw something at it purposely.
"I hate you," Goldi said, jumping slightly making everyone laugh.

The boys finally sat down so they could watch the movie, Goldi running to turn the light off before sitting next to Kairi.
He pulled her into his side, Mattia immediately rolling his eyes. He hated seeing them together, it infuriated him. The truth was, Goldi knew all she wanted was Mattia. Kairi knew it too, but neither of them would admit it.
She wanted to be curled up with Mattia. She wanted to be with him again. She trusted that he wouldn't hurt her again.

They continued to watch the movie, Mattia's annoyance increasing the more it went on. Goldi played with her fingers, knowing how mad he was.
"Fuck this dude I'm leaving," Mattia said, Grabbing his phone and keys before storming out of the house.
It took Goldi completely by surprise, immediately feeling even worse.
"What the fuck," Goldi said, bringing her knees to her chest.

It created an awkward tension, Goldi was obviously upset.
"You seem like you want to be alone, Mattia said if we want him to take us home to come out," Alejandro said, grabbing his phone.
"That's fine, bye guys," She said, a fake smile on her face.

Alejandro and Roshaun gave her a quick hug before leaving, her and Kairi sitting in a awkward silence for a couple of minutes.
"Do you want to talk?" He asked, tears built up in Goldi's eyes.
"I don't know," She said, holding her head in her hands.
Kairi took a deep breath, like he was preparing himself to say something.

"You're still in love with him. Aren't you," He asked, turning towards her.
"I don't know why," She said weakly, pain laced into her voice.
Kairi just hugged her, tears slowly falling down. She was beyond stressed, she couldn't control it.
"I think we should stay friends Goldi," Kairi said, his arms still wrapped around her, "Fix things with Mattia," He said, an encouraging tone.

Goldi didn't say anything, nodding as she wrapped her arms around him as well.
Her and Kairi couldn't date, they were better off as friends. Neither of them would say it, but they were a lot more relieved than sad.
And Kairi held a secret, one that led him closer to his decision. one that he hoped Goldi wouldn't find out about.


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