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~where it all started~

She stood up, dizziness overtaking her as she heard her mom rush into the room. She tried her best to stay up, holding onto her dresser as she took deep breaths. She couldn't exactly make up what she said but heard the urgency in her tone. Sounds of sirens filled her head.
Her body collapsed, unable to hold herself up any longer. Echoed screams filled the room as she was encircled by unfamiliar faces. Her tiny body was lifted onto a gurney, her chest tight, unable to breathe.
An oxygen mask was placed on her face as she struggled to stay conscious.
She was quickly wheeled out of her room, outside into the cold night. She could only hear one voice, her mom's.
"Please stay with me"
as she was wheeled next to an ambulance truck, the bed quickly lifting up. Everything was moving in slow motion.
" I love you"
Was the last thing she heard before the doors of the truck shut, and she lost all consciousness.

~6 months later~

Goldi quickly got ready for school, it's the first day and she was already going to be late. She hadn't eaten but doubted it'd worry her dad too much. She was in eating disorder recovery but still struggled to keep her weight up.
"Shit, " She said, realizing the pants she wanted to wear were dirty. She put on a white cropped wife-beater with black baggy jeans. She got a call from Kairi as she threw her airforces on.

"Hi Kairi!" She said, out of breath
"Goldi! Are you coming outside I'm here, " He laughed.
"Yes, I'm putting my shoe on, and ill be right out, " She said, "Ok I'm coming, bye, " she said before hanging up.
She grabbed her bag, spraying perfume all over herself before running outside.

The truth was, Goldi never fully recovered from that attempt. She rarely thought about it but that was only because she pushed it to the back of her mind.
She still had intrusive thoughts, and still had depression. The only difference was medication. It helped, but it took away her appetite and honestly just most of her emotions.

"Kairi!" She yelled, running outside and engulfing him in a hug.
"Oh my gosh I missed you Gold, " He said with a smile.

She didn't see her friends for over a year. She was originally supposed to move to Italy with her mom, but after the attempt she just felt like a burden and decided to come back.

She hugged Aiyana and Hailey tightly, smiling widely as she finally got to see her friends again.

"This is Alejandro, and This is Mattia, " Kairi said, pointing out his friends who sat in the back of the car.
"Hi guys!" She said with a smile.
They said hi back, she couldn't help but notice how attractive Mattia was, he immediately thought the same about her. He noticed her accent, wondering where she was from.

They all drove to school, blasting music on the car radio. Everyone sung, and danced around as if nobody else could see them.
They quickly pulled up to the school, Goldi's anxiety rising. She'd never been here before, and honestly hoped she'd never have to. The idea of public school scared her.

They all compared classes. Mattia and Goldi had the same first period which was Italian. She had both 3rd and 4th period with Aiyana and Hailey. Her, Kairi, and Alejandro didn't have any classes but they were also a grade above her.
They stepped out of the car, Goldi crossing her arms uncomfortably. Kairi wrapped his arm around her shoulders to calm her down, shooting her a supportive smile.
She looked around seeing kids swarm into buildings as the bell rung. She gave everyone a quick hug as she started to walk towards her class with Mattia.

"Why'd you take Italian? It's a really hard class, " He laughed, she noticed almost everyone's eyes on them making her shift uncomfortably.
"I speak Italian, I just moved from Palermo, " She said with a shy smile on her face.
"Oh I should've known, you can hear it in your voice. I'm from Piemonte, " He said. His voice had a coarseness that caught her attention, she wanted him to just keep talking. They got to know each other while they walked, talking about their families, and telling each other jokes.

She had a slight blush on her face as they walked up the stairs. The 2 teens had just got to class as Goldi heard a high pitched voice behind them.

"Baby!" A girl about her height with light brown hair said, slinging her arms over Mattia. Her face twisted in disgust as she decided to just walk inside, slightly disappointed.
"Ciao!" Her teacher's voice rang as she walked in, Goldi gave her a quick smile and wave before sitting in the back.
She was already tired, and honestly just wanted to go back home already.
Mattia sat next to her soon after as class started.


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