20 ✨

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⚠️TW mention of sexual assault⚠️

Goldi sat still as tears fell down her face. She was in disbelief of what had just happened.
Everything happened so quickly, and she felt absolutely disgusting.

She sat in shock not knowing what to do while tears covered her face.
She felt used like she meant nothing.
She finally got ahold of herself, shakily texting Mattia who almost immediately responded.
She asked him to pick her up, and to get there as soon as possible.
She knew he was worried, she already felt bad knowing this was going to blow up.
She didn't want to drag anyone into this, and she most definitely didn't want to burden her friends.

She sat with her knees tucked into her chest, waiting for Mattia to text her.
She didn't notice how much time had passed, the bell had already rung and everyone should be almost done with 3rd period.
She couldn't bring herself to stand up, feeling

She knew what she had to do. She had to go to the hospital as soon as possible.
She never wanted to see him again, especially after what had just happened, and she was going to make sure of it.
she got a text from Mattia a little bit over 5 minutes later.

She weakly stood up, adjusting her clothes as she quickly left the building. Nobody was in the hallway which she was extremely grateful for.
She saw Mattia standing outside of his car, anxiously waiting.
He finally saw her, noticing the state she was in. He ran up to her, hugging her tightly as her head sunk into his chest. She shook lightly as she cried, feeling safer in his arms.
He already had an idea of what had happened, but hoped it didn't.

"I need you to take me to the hospital," She said, a slight crack in her voice.
"Ok, let's go," He said worriedly, grabbing her hand and guiding her into his car.
He knew his suspicions were correct. All he wanted to do was go in there and beat his ass. He wanted to put him in the hospital, to make sure he could never hurt another girl again. But he also knew that was the worst thing he could do right now. He couldn't leave Goldi's side.

Mattia quickly drove, Goldi having her legs tucked into her chest as she lightly cried.
She was in shock, not fully understanding what had happened.
The thought of it all hitting her later made her so anxious. She already felt horrible.

The hospital quickly came into view, Mattia opening the door for her and guiding her towards the hospital quickly.
The receptionist looked worried, Goldi speaking up since Mattia had almost no idea what had happened.
"I need a rape kit," She muttered shakily, feeling Mattia squeeze her hand and sigh. She tried her best to sound confident, but she physically couldn't.
"Ok honey, please sit and we'll have a nurse out in just one second," She said sweetly.

Goldi sat as she spaced out, Mattia held her close to him.
She wanted to scream, to sob, to let it all out. She felt so alone, she couldn't even put her feelings into words.
A couple of minutes later a nurse called her name, Her and Mattia standing up.
"I'm sorry but we can only have Goldi in the room," The nurse said, Mattia nodding as he went to sit back down.

Goldi walked with her, the nurse taking her weight and writing it down as she shook her head.
"Are you eating enough?" She asked as Goldi stepped off the scale.
"That isn't why I'm here," Goldi responded.
The nurse apologized as Goldi was taken into a room.
A female officer stood by the door, introducing herself. It was the same officer from before.

Goldi felt like she was being rude, but she could barely pay attention.
She was sat down and given a gown, the nurse telling her everything that was going to happen.
She just agreed to everything that was said, barely listening.

She changed into the gown before she was laid down.
She had to put her legs up, feeling extremely uncomfortable. She knew she could stop them at any time but didn't want to have to do this again.
She stared at the wall, biting her lip as tears slowly fell down her face. She jumped at every movement, anxiety filling her.
Just 2 hours ago she was happy. Everything was fine. And now she could barely talk. Everything hurt.

The nurse told her everything as she did it, trying her best to make her comfortable.
Goldi didn't want to be there, she wanted to skip over this. Go to the part where she feels happy, safe, secure.

They finished the vaginal examination, the nurse looking over her body to chart all of her injuries.
She had bruising on her neck, legs, arms, and waist. She also had bruising on the inside of her mouth as well as blood, However that was from biting her gums.
They took pictures of everything, Goldi flinching at the flash before she completely depersonalized.
She felt like she wasn't there, which she liked. She momentarily felt better, numbness filling her entire body.
She was knocked out of this feeling immediately as the nurse started talking to her.

"Do you know who did this?" She asked calmly.
"Mariano Castro," Goldi answered bluntly.
She continued to answer questions, wanting to completely disappear. She wished this had never happened, and wished she hadn't gone to school today.

She wanted to go home. She wanted Mattia. Anything but this.


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