43 ✨

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Goldi quickly got dressed, excited for the party tonight. Everyone was already there, and they were leaving in just a few minutes.
It's was about 9:00 pm, the party had started at 8:30 pm.
They didn't want to get there too early since it was New Year's Eve, spending a lot of time together at Goldi's house.

She wore a black lacy bralette, a pair of light blue distressed skater jeans, and a big letterman jacket with blue lettering on it.
She wore her obsidian's, finally being ready and sitting down.
Mattia sat next to her, wrapping his arm around her shoulder.
"We're both wearing our obsidians tonight? That's scary, " He laughed, checking out her outfit.
"Why is it scary, " She questioned, Mattia pulling up her bralette jokingly.
"Well, we're getting drunk. That means we could ruin them, and that would not be fun, " He said, Goldi regretting wearing them.
"Whatever I'm not changing, " She laughed, laying her head on his shoulder.

Their friends came down one by one, all of them laughing as they finished getting ready.
The house was just the next street over, meaning they just had to walk this time.
"Are we all ready?" Goldi asked, looking around the room.
"Yeah, let's go," Kairi said, everyone standing up.

Goldi locked the door before catching up with her friends, Mattia's arm slinging around her shoulder.
They all laughed while they headed towards the house, the teens excited for the night to begin.
Goldi walked hand in hand with Mattia, a slight skip in her step.

Just a few minutes later the house came into view, seeing multiple people outside and cars parked down the street.
"Holy shit, this is a big party, " Amelia laughed, all of them walking into the house.
There were people everywhere, music blasting as everyone danced along to it. The atmosphere was chaotic, but a good kind of chaotic.

They all naturally walked into the kitchen, grabbing cups and pouring themselves shots.
They counted down, always taking their first round of shots together.
"Ew, " Hailey said, all of the teens slightly squirting their eyes as they got ready for another.
The kitchen had a lot of people in it, all crowding the bottles. They weren't even sure how they got to them.

They laughed with each other, taking a few more shots. Alcohol already started to rush through their systems, all of them walking out into the main area of the house after making drinks.
So many people were dancing, jumping around, and girls twerking all over boys.
"Let's dance, " Goldi said joyfully, guiding Mattia onto the dance floor as she started the jump around with him.

They already lost track of their friends, not thinking twice about it as they were engulfed in the atmosphere of the party.
There were people taking shots, people making out on the couch, people doing lines of coke. Parties were always insane in Jersey.

Mattia's hands fell to Goldi's hips, them dancing close together as various rap songs played.
She turned around, grinding her hips on his to the beat of the music. They continued to drink out of the cups they had as they danced, alcohol rushing through their bodies.
Mattia's hands guided her hips as they danced. People were everywhere, but they could only focus on each other.
"I don't think you want to keep doing this, " Mattia whispered into Goldi's ear, sending shivers down her spine. She noticed his slight hard, smirking and biting her lip.
"Why not, " She laughed, Mattia rolling his eyes as she continued.

Her hips moved in circles around his, Mattia getting angered the more she teased him.
"Let's go upstairs, now, " Mattia demanded, Goldi's eyes going slightly wide as he grabbed her hand and led her up the stairs.
Butterflies ran through her stomach at the sudden aggression, Mattia pulling her into an empty room and pushing her on the bed.

He harshly connected his lips to hers, his hands moving underneath her legs and pushing her further onto the bed.
Their lips moved in sync, both slightly dizzy from the alcohol.
Mattia started kissing down her neck, stopping right above her collar bone making her let out a small moan.
He pulled her pants and underwear down, throwing them across the room as he reconnected their lips.

"Be a good girl, don't make a single sound," Mattia growled, Goldi nodding as she craved his touch.
He quickly pulled his pants off, rubbing her clit making her slightly tense up.
"Always so wet for me," He said again, a devilish smirk on his face as he connected their lips, lining up with her entrance and slamming into her.

He made out with her as he pumped his cock in and out of her pussy, Goldi trying her best not to make any sounds.
He wrapped his hand around her throat, harshly slamming into her over and over again.
Her eyes squinted shut as pleasure ran through her body, the alcohol making everything intensified.

He pulled out and quickly flipped her over, her ass in the air as he slammed back in, making her let out a soft moan.
"Fuck- faster," She said quietly, Mattia quickening his pace.
He held her waist tightly, pulling her back in with every stroke.
The sound of heavy breathing and skin slapping filled the room, Mattia's pace going faster.

He smacked her ass making her let out a soft moan, covering her mouth to stop any sounds from coming out.
He fucked her at an ungodly pace, his thrusts getting sloppier as they got closer.
He flipped her over once again, slamming into her at the same pace.
He pressed his lips against hers and wrapped his hand around her throat, biting and kissing her neck and chest.

"I-I'm close," Goldi stammered, Mattia reaching a hand down to rub her clit making her head fall back.
Her hands went to his back as the pleasure built up in her body, her nails slightly digging into his skin.
"Cum," He growled into her ear, pressing his hand against her throat as he continued to slam into her.

She quickly obliged, her back arching slightly as she grabbed his back harder, pleasure running through their bodies. Her eyebrows knitted together, Mattia looking into her eyes as they came.
A warm liquid filled Goldi, their thrusts slowing down as they rode out their high.

Mattia's lips pressed back against hers, their bodies still connected.
Goldi glimpsed at the clock, her eyes going wide as Mattia noticed as well.
"Shit," She laughed, the time reading 11:56.
They both quickly stood up, there luckily being a bathroom connected to the room. Goldi cleaned herself up a little bit before throwing her clothes and shoes back on, Mattia doing the same.

He grabbed her hand as they finished, stopping before they walked out.
"Goldi, your hair," He laughed, fixing the strands that had fallen out of place before they ran back downstairs.
"We've been looking for you guys everywhere," Alejandro said, Goldi and Mattia laughing.
Their friends realized, rolling their eyes and telling them they were gross. Hailey handed them shots and another cup just filled with liquor, both of them throwing back the shot.

It was 11:59, the countdown starting soon.
Everyone crowded one area around the TV, Mattia and Goldi gleaming as they faced each other.
The countdown started, everyone in the house chanting out the numbers as lights flashed in the house, practically everyone drunk.
"3, 2, 1, Happy new year!" Everyone yelled, Mattia grabbing Goldi's jaw and pressing his lips against hers.
Everyone cheered loudly, the two teens in their own world.

Both Mattia and Goldi smiled from ear to ear, whispering I love you to each other.
His arms were wrapped around her, kissing her over and over again as they both laughed.
Happiness ran through their body at the thought of going into the new year together. Both of them were convinced they'd spend their lives together.
Mattia never thought he would find someone who made him feel the way she did, and Goldi didn't either.
They were both so in love, and everyone could see it.


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