51 ✨

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Goldi was on her way to pick the boys up from the airport. She enjoyed the quietness of the world right now.
The sun was just falling behind the ocean, the coast sparkling with beautiful colors. It was like the world lit up pink, the sunset being beautiful today.

She was immediately pulled out of the serene feeling as she turned away from the coast, nearing the airport.
It sucked, now not having any girls around her. Her friend group had thinned out so quickly, nothing in her control.
However, nothing had ever really been in her control, it all just happened so fast while everyone expected her to get used to the changes.

She finally turned into the airport, waiting till Kairi texted her that they were coming out. She was excited to see Mattia, to realize that what happened last night isn't true.
She stared into the busy building, seeing others smiling faces while they reunited with their loved ones.
This immediately saddened her, missing and remembering the warm feeling of hugging her mom and sister. She hated that they were gone, so much.

She got a text from Kairi, knocking her out of her thoughts.
She stepped out of the car and walked up to the front of the building, seeing Mattia, Alejandro, and Kairi walk out.
Mattia pulled her into a hug, his arms wrapping around her shoulders as he kissed the top of her head.
Goldi felt safe with him. Last night scared her, it was a horrible feeling.
She didn't know what she'd do without him, and right now both of them were completely reliant on each other.

She gave Alejandro and Kairi a quick hug while they walked back to the car, all of them seeming stressed out.
She started to pull out of the parking lot, taking all of them to their horse to drop off their suitcases.
Kairi was being really quiet, just sitting in the back and scrolling on his phone. She wouldn't be surprised if all of them were still hungover but his quietness still worried her.

She got to Mattia's house first, dropping his stuff off and getting back into the car.
"My mom asked if you guys want to come for dinner, she's making puttanesca," Mattia said as Goldi started to drive towards Kairi's house.
"Please I'm so hungry," Alejandro said, Goldi giggling slightly at his reaction.

She drove by Alejandro and Kairi's house as they sang along to music, the drive going by fast as they quickly got back to Mattia's house.
Mattia forced her to sit down at the front of his house to take pictures of her, Goldi and Mattia laughing joyfully as she posed. She could barely be serious, but he was adamant about getting pictures of her whenever he could.
"Mattia it's so fucking cold can we go inside," Goldi laughed.
"One more," He said, snapping the picture and holding his hand out to help her up, "You'll thank me one day,"
"For taking pictures of me?" She questioned with a confused face.
"Yes Goldi, pictures," He said jokingly as he opened the door for her.

She laughed quietly, his mom smiling when she saw her.
"Ciao Goldi," His mom said with a smile, walking over to give her a quick hug.
"Ciao," Goldi responded.
"I'll call you guys down when dinner's done, ok?" She said, her accent complimenting her voice.
"Grazie, " Goldi said as Mattia grabbed her hand, leading her down into his room.

Goldi fell onto his bed, Mattia and Kairi setting up FIFA. Goldi laid her head on Mattia's lap while he played, extremely tired today even though she was able to sleep a lot the night before.
She hummed along to music that had been stuck in her head,  scrolling through her phone as everyone around her yelled at the game.
"You ass-" Kairi said before Mattia won, cheering jokingly while Alejandro took a controller.

Kairi and Alejandro started to play against each other, Mattia running his hand through Goldi's hair while they watched the two play.
"What," Goldi laughed, catching him staring at her.
"You're so beautiful," He smiled, leaning down and kissing her lightly.
"Shut the fuck up," Alejandro said, turning towards them as they both laughed.
Kairi glanced at them, his smile dropping before he looked back at the TV.

Mattia didn't notice, but it immediately struck Goldi. She wondered if he was upset with her for some reason, and hated the thought. She wanted to know what was wrong.
She knew it'd probably be about everything that's happened lately, and if it was she wanted him to be able to talk to someone.
Mattia's mom called them up for dinner a few seconds later, pausing the game before they quickly went upstairs and sat down.

They all served themselves before sitting down, classic Italian music lightly playing in the background.
They all talked amongst each other as they ate, smiles on their faces despite the recent events.
Goldi noticed Kairi still looked upset, or like something was weighing heavy on his mind.
She wanted to talk to him, but she also knew it wasn't an appropriate time.

She decided to continue eating, trying her best to get it off of her mind. She hated when her friends were upset, especially when things were as stressful as they have been lately.
There was a party the next night that they were going to, Goldi deciding she'd most likely talk to him there.


Thank you guys for 2k views i love you 🖤
This was kind of a crappy chapter because i was stressed today, but hopefully things will be better tomorrow. Goodnight :)

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