Goldi ✨

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Authors note:
You don't have to read this chapter but I recommend you do. I wanted to do a background story of goldi so you not only understand her more but also the rest of this story.
Her background is extremely important, however, I need to put a tw for sensitive viewers.

Goldi was always a happy child.
She loved family, her hometown, and most importantly she loved her life.
It's not like she was rich or anything. They were about middle class, however, her parents never failed to make her feel loved. They never blamed her for financial issues or made her feel less than.
She lived in Italy, laughter ringing in her house daily. Her parents never fought, she was always well behaved; however, she always dealt with mental health issues.
From an early age, she developed abnormal tendencies.

They started with small things, like picking at her fingers or biting the inside of her cheek. However, these quickly grew, especially as she started grade school.
She'd cry every day before school, begging for her mom not to take her. She'd hide in the bathroom as teachers searched for her. She was easily scared, and always on edge as if she was waiting for something to happen. She was untrustworthy, having a hard time finding friends.
She started to develop small tics, just like her hand twitching or her head jolting.
She also developed intrusive thoughts, ones that would tell her to hurt the people she loved, or even herself.
As a 6 year, she didn't understand what was going on and would consistently cry to her mom about 'The Voice'.

Her mom didn't believe in medication, though she should've been helped far sooner than she was.
Her symptoms grew rapidly, less than 6 months passing as she became a completely different person. Quickly withdrawn from everybody, scared of her own mind.

This created huge problems with her mom and dad. It was like a switch, like everything changed quicker than anyone could've stopped it.
They'd fight almost every night, screaming and blaming each other for the problems their child was facing.
Mental health stigma made them unaware of what was happening, thinking they raised Goldi wrong.
They'd yell at her, punish her, ground her, all because they thought she was just misbehaving.

Goldi would do her best to stop their fights, but a 6 year old can only do so much.
Everything got worse for her, not only becoming withdrawn from her loved ones but also society.
This continued until she was about 7 or 7.5, becoming numb as the fighting continued and got worse.

One day a big fight broke out between them.
All Goldi heard was a shattering of glass, and screams from her mother.
She ran downstairs to see her mom laid on the floor as blood poured from a gash on her head. Her dad held part of a broken vase, a look of regret on his face while his daughter cried.
She remembered the ambulance coming, and her dad making up some excuse for what had happened.

Her mom almost died that night, and the only person she blamed was herself.
Her mom had a concussion as well as a fractured skull from falling.
Her mom was 5'0, even smaller than Goldi, her body taking the shock a lot worse than it would with a bigger person.

It took her a while to recover, and the second she could think properly she divorced Goldi's dad.
This took a toll on Goldi, as the process was extremely long and stressful.

Her dad became extremely aggressive as the process went on, blaming Goldi for everything that had happened.
Her dad moved as soon as he could, going to New Jersey as he started to study for the job he always wanted.
The relationship Goldi had with both of her parents was completely ruined by the time she turned 9.
Her mom was amazing and tried her best to care for her, however, she didn't have the energy to take care of her, and Goldi couldn't love as deeply anymore.

Goldi's dad plummeted, becoming a completely different person than he was before.
Goldi's symptoms never subsided, however, they got so much worse as she struggled with her thoughts and actions every day.
Teachers would worry for her as her mood completely switched in 3 years. A person she never thought she'd become came out. She had no emotions.

She spent her last year of grade school in America with her dad, which she hated. She was bullied because of how withdrawn she was, as well as not knowing English very well.
She practically took care of herself as her dad would constantly work.
The only friends she made while in America was Kairi, Hailey, and Aiyana.
They did practically everything together, however, Goldi couldn't handle what was going on in her brain separate from the place that she was raised.

She spent all of middle school in Italy, struggling every day to keep herself afloat.
She went to America every summer, and the only thing she ever looked forward to was seeing Kairi.
She and her dad's relationship was horrible, and she knew it would never be the same.

She started high school and everything got drastically worse. Of course, she started to grow and mature, however, that came with its downfall.
Her mom blamed Goldi's mental health issues on hormones and told her she was over exaggerating.
They began to fight all of the time, and Goldi could barely handle the pressure of school and home.

She met Mariano 2 months into her freshman year, and he immediately became her safe place.
She quickly fell in love with him, and from the beginning, she thought he was in love with her.
Everything was amazing, and though Goldi still struggled she felt like she had someone to help her.
However, it was so much more than love. He developed an obsession with her.
He didn't want anyone to look at her, let alone talk to her. He started to become aggressive, and though Goldi knew, she didn't have the power to break it off.

Everything quickly got worse. One night he forced her to have sex with him, even though she was extremely uncomfortable with it.
The next day she tried to break it off, however, this made him furious.
He began to hit her, screaming at her as she cried. She became extremely scared of him, giving him anything he wanted at any time.
This didn't help. He got worse, hitting her in places you couldn't see and using her for her body.

He insulted her, calling her fat and disgusting even though she was completely normal.
She developed a horrible eating disorder, starving herself constantly.
It was never enough, like he wanted to push her to the edge. She became horribly underweight in just a few months, to the point where she resembled a skeleton.
She couldn't stop even after she knew it was an issue, her mind still telling her to starve. It became an illness, among many others she dealt with.

She got even worse, her intrusive thoughts taking her over.
She was constantly depressed, her grades dropping dramatically.
She felt used, unimportant, like a burden, and there was nothing she could do to stop it.
She went through her entire freshman year the same way, unable to break free from Mariano.
He cheated on her multiple times and would only get aggressive each time she called him out, until one day he broke up with her.

She didn't understand why it happened, however, it made everything worse.
He spread rumors about her causing constant torment. Most importantly she was weirdly in love with him.
He had this power over her, and she couldn't get away from her own emotions.
She was used for months, her mental health diminishing. However, in its own fucked up way, he meant so much to her.

Eventually, she plummeted even lower than she ever has, completely breaking.
Right before the end of her freshman year, her intrusive thoughts won, and she attempted.

She spent the majority of the summer either in a children's psychiatric ward or the hospital.
It took awhile for her body to recover, as she had to get her stomach pumped and was required to gain weight before she could leave.
Her immune system was destroyed, and her body struggled to keep weight on.
She was diagnosed with Anorexia nervosa, General anxiety disorder, and Depression.
She was started on 2 different medications which helped her get on top of all of her issues. However, she now struggled with appetite and numbness.

She was released a while later, however she decided to move back with her dad in America so she wasn't such a burden to her mother.
And now where we are now, the beginning of Goldi De Rossi's beautiful tragedy.


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