17 ✨

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Mattia and Goldi woke up slowly.
They'd been spending a lot of time together, and by now everyone knew that they were a 'thing'. Goldi didn't want to be alone, he made her feel safe.
Mattia hadn't asked her out yet, but they were aware of each other's feelings.

It was Sunday, meaning goldi had to go back to school tomorrow.
For some reason her school counted weekends as suspension, so Mariano would be back by Thursday. It made Goldi extremely anxious, Mattia wouldn't be there and she didn't know what he'd do.

"Morning Princesa," Mattia said as he kissed the top of her head. Goldi mumbled morning back to him before tucking her head into his chest.
They barely slept the night before, they snuck out to go to the bridge then came back and watched movies.

Mattia's hand lightly ran through her hair, hearing his mom call them up just a few minutes later.
They both walked upstairs to the smell of freshly cooked food and coffee, his mom and dad saying good morning as they ate.
They both plated some food before sitting next to each other at the breakfast bar.

Goldi felt happy waking up like this. This is how it was in Italy before everything went bad. Laughter would ring through the house as classic Italian music lightly played in the background. Smiles on everyone's face as they talked amongst each other.
She wished it was like this all the time.

They ate slowly while the sun shined in through the blinds.
Mattia and her thanked his mom before walking down into his room. Goldi's dad wanted her home but agreed on letting Mattia come with her.
She threw her shoes on, tying her hair back into a messy bun.

Mattia smiled at her lightly, pulling her down onto the bed as she laughed joyfully.
His arms wrapped around her, kissing her lightly a few times as they looked at each other happily.
"We have to go Mattia," Goldi laughed. He kissed her one last time before standing up and grabbing his keys.

They walked upstairs, saying goodbye to Mattia's mom before hopping into his car.
Her house was less than 5 minutes away so they arrived quickly.
Goldi's dad wasn't even home, making her wonder why he wanted her home.

Her and Mattia walked in, laughing with each other but stopping as soon as they walked into the kitchen.
"Why," Goldi laughed, seeing Alejandro and Amelia sitting in the kitchen. Amelia was sitting on the counter with Alejandro standing in front of her.
"Oh! Hi!" Amelia laughed as Mattia set his keys down.
"Bitch what the fuck!" Goldi said, pointing to a small hickey poking above Amelia's shirt. Alejandro and Mattia laughed loudly.
"Uhm! Mattia what are you doing with my cousin" She yelled in return, pointing to the hickey on Goldi's collar bone.

Goldi covered it, running upstairs and into her room as the rest of the teens laughed.
"Hey Mattia," Amelia yelled before Mattia got to the stairs, "I will beat your ass if you hurt my sister," She smiled.
"Understood-" He started.
"Shut up Meli," Goldi laughed, looking down from the top of the stairs.

Mattia met her at the top of the stairs, walking into her room. Goldi laughed as he pulled her onto the bed with him, talking amongst each other about everything and anything.
It scared both of them, the way they felt around each other. It was unlike any other person they've been with, and the truth was, they were falling in love with each other.


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