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Liked by jennahablitz and 65,362 others
Tiktokroom: Sent in by #jennahablitz ☕️


user1: 🌝

user2: love you jenna but.. this is embarrassing


mattiapolibio: this is such a lie and she knows it, i literally have her blocked on everything.
jennahablitz: pls mattia... don't act stupid

hater1: as she should

hater2: i hate goldi with my whole soul but... uhm...

hater3: let's see the receipts
user4: she doesn't have any

goldi.derossi: i'm so conflicted right now
mattiapolibio: i'm gonna call you in a second

hater3: why are you so obsessed with him 🤣

jennahablitz: this is just public knowledge y'all
hater4: pls shut up

hater5: all of y'all are clowns pls be quiet

hater6: we don't care

hater7: can we stop posting about these 3? please?

user5: jenna-

hater8: as she should
user6: she really did nothing she's just causing unnecessary problems

hater9: just jump off a bridge hand in hand 😍

hater10: i'm so tired of all of them.


Goldi knew that the rumors being spread around weren't true, but she was still anxious. She needed Mattia to tell her they weren't true, she wanted so badly to trust him.
He hadn't called yet, she didn't know why. It'd only been 30 minutes, maybe he was just busy.

She listened to music, trying her best to get this situation off of her mind.
She hated always being involved in drama. It brought so much negative attention towards her. She only ever wanted to make people happy, and it was always impossible.

A few minutes later she got a call from Mattia, answering it to see Kairi and Alejandro with him.
She looked at the camera with a blank expression, obvious annoyance in her face.
"The rumors are just not true," Kairi said, shaking his head.
"Yes, that's very cool," Goldi said, a fake smile on her face.
"I was at Kairis house that day," Mattia said, "I have no idea what she's talking about,"
"It so dumb. Why do people have to make up so many fucking rumors," Goldi said, trying not to take her anger out on them.

Goldi held her head in her hands, annoyance running through her body.
"Are you mad at him?" Alejandro said, Goldi knitting her eyebrows together and looking at them.
"Alejandro why would i be mad at Mattia for something he wouldn't do? I'm annoyed at the situation," Goldi said, rolling her eyes.
"Jesus calm down," Alejandro said, Mattia smacking him in the back of the head.
"Shut up," He said with a slight laugh.
"Can i just like... disappear or something? Like pretend i've never existed?" Goldi said, not wanting to be in the public light anymore.
"I don't think that's possible," Kairi said, Goldi rolling her eyes.

Amelia walked in just a few seconds later, sitting next to Goldi and wrapping her arms around her.
"It's not true right?" Amelia asked, the boys nodding.
"Hi Meli, " Alejandro said with a smile.
"Hi Ale, " She laughed, taking some of Goldi's blanket.
"Get your own girl, " Goldi complained, taking it back.
"Bro your room is so fucking cold, " Amelia said, reaching to grab a different one off the floor.

"Are we going to the new year's party tomorrow?" Haiti asked, scrolling through his phone.
"Yes! I want to get drunk, like shitfaced, " Goldi laughed, getting up to pick out something to wear.
"I agree, and I have to leave soon I'm gonna make the best out of it," Amelia said.
"No not for like another 2 weeks, " Alejandro said
"I think it's a week and 2 days, " Amelia laughed, checking her phone.
"Im going to keep saying 2 weeks, " Alejandro responded.

The teens laughed, continuing to talk to each other as the night went on.
Goldi gave up picking out an outfit, getting distracted. She sat back down next to Amelia, continuing to talk to her friends.
They hung up a little while later, Amelia and Goldi deciding to watch movies.

Goldi felt better now that Mattia said it wasn't true. However, her anxiety was lingering. She felt lost, and like she was slowly disappearing.
No matter what, the feeling wouldn't go away. She knew something bad was going to happen soon, and she hated that she couldn't stop it.


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