13 ✨

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liked by mattiapolibio and 6,328 othersgoldi

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liked by mattiapolibio and 6,328 others
goldi.derossi: I had the best of days with mattia tbh


user1: y'all are so cute ❤️
liked by goldi.derossi and  258 others

mattiapolibio: the way I took this right after I ate your- lemme stop 😳
comment deleted by goldi.derossi

user2: y'all seen that?
↳ mattiapolibio: I ain't seen nothin'

↳ goldi.derossi: STOP

amelia_: you got some explaining to do
liked by 158 others

alejandrorosario: uhm..
↳ user4: ...
↳ mattiapolibio: ...
↳ goldi.derossi: ...

hater1: didn't she just fuck mar 😭
↳ goldi.derossi: uhm.. what the fuck?
↳ hater2: @/marianocastro

hater3: to the streets

hater4: I knew she was a hoe tbh 😭😭
↳ mattiapolibio: y'all don't know shit

hater5: how many STD's y'all think she has?
↳ hater6: over 2
↳ user5: y'all are ridiculous

marianocastro: 😳
↳ goldi.derossi: you know not shit happened, stop spreading rumors.
↳ mattiapolibio: can you like.. fuck off?

comments were disabled


big dick boys ✨

Olaf ⛄️ added Goldi ✨
Olaf ⛄️ added Meli

Olaf ⛄️:
ok what in the fuck


I didn't plan on telling y'all this
He tried to touch me.
I got away before he could
do anything but he tried.
I'm sorry for not telling you.

I'm coming over.

what the fuck?
Goldi why didn't you
tell me about this?

Me and Hailey are on
our way too.
read 8:45 p.m


Goldi laid on her bed, curled into a ball with her head tucked into Amelia.
She was tired of crying. It's so exhausting. Now all of her friends were on their way, surprisingly her dad was okay with it, he just said they had to be quiet.

Her account had flooded with hate once again. She felt like she couldn't live, like every mood she made was watched.
She eventually heard people walking in, talking to her dad which she assumed was them introducing themselves.
Mattia walked in first, Amelia moving so he could take her spot.

She caught a glimpse of his face, seeing cuts and new bruises forming.
"Mattia-" She started.
"Don't worry about it. I just had to take care of something," He said, smoothing down her hair while she let out a deep sigh. She knew what it was from, but didn't have the energy to make a big deal of it.

He wrapped his arms around her, her head laid on his chest as tears slowly fell.
"I don't want to overwhelm you but we have to figure this out," Amelia said. Everyone sat on her bed or pulled chairs closer to the bed.
"Yeah.. they're going to continue badgering you until you address it," Alejandro said.
"Tiktokroom posted about it, you can comment so you don't have to make a whole post," Hailey said.

"What do I even say," Goldi said, stress in her voice as she wiped the tears off her face.
"Just say what happened. tell them the truth," Hailey said.
"I don't want the whole internet to know. It's none of their business," Goldi said.
"You don't have to tell them everything, just enough to shut them up," Mattia said.

She sighed, pulling out her phone and opening Instagram. She found the post, starting to type.
The whole comment section was filled with hate, people who didn't even know her calling her horrible names.

"it's not like any of this is any of your business, but since it's been blown up so much I need
to address it and tell you the truth. I went to a party the other night. Me and Mariano were both extremely inebriated. He walked in on me in the bathroom and forcedly pressed me against the wall, proceeding to try to touch me even when I told him to stop. please don't make assumptions about situations you don't know about.
please take care of yourselves ❤️"

She showed everyone the text, hesitating before pressing send.
She took a deep breath, rolling her eyes and placing her phone on the bed.
"Can we get food or something?" Goldi said, trying to break the silence in the room.

They all agreed, Goldi going to the bathroom and washing her face before they left, piling into Kairis and Hailey's car.
They drove to Mcdonald's, Goldi getting large fries and an oreo milkshake.
Since they were in 2 different cars they decided to meet at a park and eat there.

They went to one of the closer parks, sitting at a table as they talked amongst each other.
They laughed, joking with each other as they ate.
Goldi still had a lot of anxiety, she hadn't picked up her phone yet and didn't plan on it.

She saw Alejandro and Amelia talking and laughing with each other, smiling to herself. She knew her sister wasn't going to make anything official but was happy they were hitting it off.
It was dark outside, kids playing basketball and soccer around the park.
Goldi laughed along with her friends, however she doesn't even know if she was happy. It was like she was just picking up everyone elses emotions.
Like she wasn't actually there.


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