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Big dick boys+the girls✨

Do y'all want to hang out after

Why not right now
Oh lol nvm

Dumb ass

Shut up Alejandro.
I miss my girlfriend where
is she

Y'all are official-
I'm being cheated on?

Ugh stop complaining 🙄✋
Mattia is my bæ Kairi

Uhm let's not forget who introduced
y'all ✋🙄

Aww Mattia's officially a simp

Be quiet rebound


I will take no Robert slander.

Can y'all shut up
My phone was going off at dinner

Congrats to my little sluts

So proud 👁💧👄💧👁

Shawty goldi=shawty mine

That didn't make any cents but
it was cute 💕


It was finally Thursday, the day Goldi had been dreading for the entire week.
She had just gotten out of the shower, brushing through her hair slowly while stared off into space.
Music played lightly in her room, softly humming along to it as she put the product in her hair.

She was slightly happy, Mattia had officially asked her to be his girlfriend the night before.
She put on light make up, taking her time since she woke up early.
She could barely sleep last night, constantly having nightmares and just general anxiety.

She got up as she finished her makeup, walking downstairs, and making herself a cup of coffee.
She just ate a piece of toast, not having much of an appetite.
Not only was she anxious about seeing Mariano, but she also just didn't feel good today.

It was about to be 8:00, meaning Hailey would be here soon.
She walked upstairs, throwing on a pair of leggings and one of Mattia's big hoodies.
She put on her air forces, getting a text from Hailey just as she finished.
She fluffed her hair up lightly before grabbing her bag and walking outside.

Music played as she got into the car, instantly smiling as she saw her friends.
Kairi, Alejandro, and all of the boys were also in the car.
They all sung along to the music as they drove to school, Goldi's anxiety slowly going away.
She knew her friends wouldn't let anything bad happen to her, and she was grateful for that.

All of the teens laughed, arriving to school quickly as they all got out of the car.
Mattia texted Goldi, saying 'Have a good day princesa.'

She smiled as she texted him back, Hailey bumping her lightly making them laugh.
The bell rung, Goldi hugging all of her friends before walking towards her class with Alejandro. His class was right next to hers.
They talked and laughed before hugging each other and walking into their class.

Mar wasn't there yet, Goldi sighing in relief before her teacher called her name.
"Yeah?" Goldi asked as she walked up to her desk.
"Do you want to sit somewhere else? you can sit behind Lilliana if you'd like," She said in a nice tone.
"Sure, thank you," Goldi smiled as she walked up to her new desk, sitting down and putting an earbud in.

They started doing work after the bell rung, Goldi quickly going through it.
Just a minute later Mariano walked in, the teacher scolding him for being late.
He glared at Goldi, her heart beating faster as he sat down.
She just wanted him to leave, or maybe she wanted to leave.

She continued doing her work, occasionally feeling eyes on her that she knew was Mar.
She turned in her assignment, seeing Mariano continue to glare at her as she sat down.

She tucked her knees into her chest, waiting for the bell to ring.
She thought of seeing Mattia after school, which made her happy.

Eventually the bell rung, Goldi quickly leaving as she walked to her next class.
She stopped at her locker, grabbing her book, and continuing towards her English class.

She sat down as her teacher started class, zoning out as she got stuck in thought.
She spent almost half the class that way, knowing her teacher wouldn't say anything.
She was extremely anxious, not exactly knowing why anymore.

The entire class was silent as they read, Music playing in Goldi's headphones while she pretended to read.
It was the easiest class, however Goldi hated English.
She thought the teacher talked too much, not giving the students enough time to think.

She sat thinking for a while, asking if she could go to the bathroom.
She grabbed her phone and walked out of class, the bathroom being on the other end of the hallway.
She scrolled through her phone, getting annoyed at the sight.
She gained a following on Instagram and just about every other social media she had. However, everything was hate. Rumors would spread around, they'd call her names and shame her, all because she was Mattia's girlfriend.

She sat down, not actually having to use the bathroom.
She scrolled through her phone for a while, hearing a couple of kids go in and out.
About 5 minutes later she decided to go back, washing and drying her hands.
She passed Jenna as she left who glared at her.
She saw Jenna laugh with her friends and whisper something to them as Goldi walked past her.

⚠️TW for sensitive viewers⚠️

She walked slowly, still filled with tremendous anxiety.
She held her phone tightly as she heard footsteps behind her, in a split second being pushed into the janitor's closet by her throat.
It was too dark to see, but her hand grabbed theirs trying to pry it off.

"Please stop," She pleaded as she felt their hands explore her body, their grip strong as she could barely move.
"How's your little boyfriend going to help you now, huh?" He said, Goldi immediately recognizing the voice as Mariano.

She pleaded for him to stop, feeling powerless as she squirmed under his grip. She just wanted someone to hear her, but could barely breathe or move. Tears fell down her face quickly as he called her vulgar names.
He did exactly what she was scared of.
The entire reason she was anxious about today.
Her fears came alive.


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