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Mattia and Goldi walked downstairs, hand in hand as they smiled from ear to ear.
Hailey saw them, a confused look flashing on her face before realizing they were back together.
"Finally!" She yelled as they came closer to her, Ayiana and Alejandro jokingly clapping as they all laughed.

Goldi saw Kairi standing further away, slightly awkwardly. She rolled her eyes, not letting anything bother her right now. She was extremely upset with him, but right now she wanted to focus on the moment.

Everyone talked for a while, realizing it was almost midnight.
"I'm gonna order the uber, it'll probably take a minute for it to get here," Hailey said, taking out her phone.
Everyone agreed, also noticing the party slowly getting crazier.
Mattia and Goldi decided to dance together, him spinning her around as they both laughed.
Something Special by Pop Smoke started playing, Goldi laughing as they both started to sing along to it.
"I played this purposefully in the car, by the way," Mattia said, Goldi laughing sarcastically.
"I'm aware," She said, standing on her tippy toes and saying it into his ear as well so he could hear her.

It seemed like the music had gotten louder, Mattia and Goldi walking to the kitchen to get more alcohol.
Their friends were also in the kitchen, taking shots together.
"Y'all want shots?" Ayiana asked, taking two more cups and pouring liquor into them, not giving them a chance to answer.
"Sure," Goldi said, throwing the strong liquid back.
"The uber says it'll be here in like 10 minutes, and it's meeting us at the park down the street so we have to leave soon," Hailey said, helping Ayiana pour more shots.

They agreed, taking two more shots before walking out of the room.
All of them were extremely drunk, alcohol running through their systems as they laughed together.
All of a sudden they heard police sirens outside the house, feeling shocked for a second before following almost everyone out the back door.

It was hard to get out, everyone crowding the door as the house quickly emptied, police officers entering and getting a few kids in handcuffs.
All of them got out, climbing over the back wall as they quickly got out of the alley.
Goldi and Mattia laughed, running together as their friends were close by them.

They started to walk down the street, slightly stumbling. The park was only a couple of minutes away, them getting there just a few minutes later.
They sat on a park bench, laughing with each other about what just happened before the uber got there, the teens piling into the car.
It had third-row seats this time, Kairi and Alejandro sitting in the back. The driver was automatically annoyed with them, turning up the music to entertain them.

They all sung along to it, dancing as they enjoyed the ride. All of them were dizzy, the alcohol hitting them even stronger than earlier.
It was 1:00 am, the teens finally getting back to Goldi's house.
"Me and the boys are just gonna walk back to mine, it's not that far," Mattia said, the uber driving away.
"Ok," Goldi said, hugging him tightly.
He gave her a bunch of kisses, all over her face before kissing her lips.
"Gotta make up for the missed kisses," Mattia joked, Goldi laughing as their friends started to complain.
"I love you, bye bye," Goldi said, walking towards her house with Ayiana and Hailey.

She smiled as she unlocked the door, all of the girls walking into her house.
"Oh my gosh is it bedtime yet," Hailey said as they stumbled up the stairs.
"Yeah, my dad gets home soon," Goldi laughed, making them run up the stairs faster.

They went into the bathroom, taking turns washing their faces and brushing their teeth. They laughed at each other's sloppiness, taking a lot longer than they needed.
They went back into Goldi's room, getting changed into pajamas quickly.
Goldi wore a pair of shorts and an oversized hoodie, Ayiana wearing the same thing besides sweats, And Hailey wearing basically the same as Goldi.

"We get to cuddle guys," Goldi laughed, all piling onto her bed.
They couldn't stop laughing, although they were extremely tired. Goldi was in the middle, all of the girls close to each other. They felt warmer being closer, it only being 36° outside.

They saw the room get slightly illuminated, meaning Goldi's dad had gotten home.
"Be quiet, bedtime," Ayiana said, shifting slightly before hearing the door open.
"Goodnight shawties," Hailey whispered, everyone repeating it back.
It didn't take long at all for them to fall asleep, each of them knowing how dreadful tomorrow was going to be.
They ignored the thought, falling asleep anyway.


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