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Goldi has been questioned and interviewed all day long, multiple physical examination of her body and cameras flashing in her face.
It was 8:00 pm and she was finally going home. She felt relieved, but at the same time anxious. She knew everything was going to kick in, and then everything would be so much worse.

She sat in silence as her dad drove, desperately wanting Mattia to hold her. She felt like her dad was mad at her, the way he's been reacting with annoyance.
They finally pulled into the drive way of the house, Goldi sighing softly as she got out. She unlocked the door, walking slowly up to her room were Mattia sat.
He stood up, wrapping his arms around her protectively. A tear fell from Goldi's eye as she hugged him back, never wanting to let go.

"I um, need to take a shower," She said as Mattia let go.
He nodded lightly, Goldi grabbing her towel and walking into the bathroom.

Mattia fell back onto the bed. He felt absolutely horrible, like he somehow could've stopped this from happening.
All he ever wanted to do was protect her, and he felt like he had failed. Goldi meant everything to him, he's in love with her.

Goldi let the hot water cascade down her body, immediately tears started to fall with the relaxation.
She ran shampoo through her hair slowly, trying her best to just breathe as she lathered in conditioner.
She scrubbed her body, wanting to erase the day.
She finished off by washing her face, luckily she didn't wear makeup that day because it'd be smudged all over her face.

She got out and quickly put lotion all over her body, finally getting a good look at herself.
She had bruising all over herself, light scratches trailing her waist and thighs.
She wrapped the towel around her body again, barely being able to look at herself. It all reminded of her of what had happened just earlier that day. It hurt, so much.

She walked out as she pulled out a pair of sweats and a hoodie, quickly throwing it on so Mattia didn't have to see her that way.
He noticed it, however. The bruises, scratches, even how skinny she'd become.
It was evident, so much worse than he thought. He wanted to help her, to tell her it was all ok, but he knew that right now nothing could do that. All he could do was try and help her through this bad mental patch.

She sat down at her vanity, barely able to look at Mattia who seemed so worried about her.
She brushed through her hair slowly, working through the knots before putting moisturizer on her face.
She leaned back onto her bed, tucking a leg into her chest as the other dangled above the floor.

She deeply sighed, holding her head in her hands. Mattia scooted up to her, wrapping his arms around her waist.
She felt tears starting to poke at her eyes, finally just letting them fall.
"Come lay down, " Mattia said as he scooted back to his spot. Goldi stood up, turning the light off as she laid next to Mattia.

She curled into a ball as he held her, her head tucked into his chest. Tears fell more rapidly, she periodically sniffled as silence filled the room.
"Mattia?" She said with a slight crack in her voice.
"What's up?" He asked, looking down at her who continued to hide her face in his chest.
"Thank you. For being here for me. And I'm sorry, that I'm bringing you into all of my problems, " She said, the pain in her voice extremely obvious.
"Never apologize. I'll be here for you forever, you're my forever Goldi De Rossi, " He said in return. And it wasn't a lie, she will always be his forever.

It seemed like what he said made her sadness increase, her tears thickening as he held her closer.
Her state hurt him so much, he wanted to take all the hurt away.
He felt her start to shake with her tears, kissing her head lightly. She took a deep breath, slightly relaxing as she got tired.

Mattia knew she was falling asleep, glad that she would finally be able to relax.
"I love you. So much, " He whispered lightly, thinking she'd be asleep by now.
"I love you too, " She managed to get out, adjusting herself before falling asleep.


liked by mattiapolibio and 36,834 others goldi

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liked by mattiapolibio and 36,834 others
goldi.derossi (tw) Hi guys. I felt like it was important to address this, so I'll be momentarily making my account public for others to see. Mariano Castro did sexually assault me at school on Thursday. He's currently in custody and we are all awaiting trial. I remember telling you guys the story of our relationship, but I didn't tell you everything and I'm not going to. There are certain things I need to keep between me and my family, and because of this, I ask you guys to stop making assumptions about what happened. I'm forever grateful for my friends who are here for me during this time, and I've decided that I'm going to take a break. I'll be deactivating my account for a while, but I ask all of you to take care of yourselves and pay attention to your mental health. Love you all 🖤.


user1: Stop cause i actually feel so bad for her :(
goldi.derossi: i'll be ok :)
hater1: why 😭

hater2: not her trying to get pity

mattiapolibio: here for you always 🖤
goldi.derossi: 🖤

hater3: girl- get away from our boy mattia
hater4: frls though 🤣
haileykae: 'our boy'- who are you again?
user2: period you tell em

hater5: We all know mar would never do that. he's being falsely accused.
amelia_: girl- you look like a clown

hater6: free mar tbh
user3: NO

user4: you guys have no proof besides your own beliefs of what happened. just stop.
hater7: she's a slut, that's all we need.

alejandrorosario: 🖤
kairicosentino: 🖤
robertgeorges: 🖤
roshaun_diah: 🖤
haileykae: 🖤
amelia_: 🖤
aiyanarandolph: 🖤

jennahablitz: uhm- chile anyways 🤣
goldi.derossi: respectfully, get off my page 😀
hater8: what did she do to you?
hater9: us for once agreeing with jenna 🤣

hater10: please goldi, please deactivate your account.

hater11: tbh you can just kys. tired of seeing your face everywhere.
user5: nah, that's outta pocket.
hater12: no i think that's reasonable.

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