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Goldi laid on her bed, her head pounding as she scrolled through her phone. She'd gotten a lot of followers from being in the boy's Tiktok, not very much though.
School had been exhausting lately, she was always either sleeping or doing school work. It was almost 7:00 Pm.

She got a text from Mattia that they were coming over, forcing her to get up.
She was wearing a white tank-top with black sweats, putting on white Nike socks so her feet wouldn't get cold. She laid back down, waiting for the boys to say they were here.

About 5 minutes later all of the boys got to her house. Goldi let them in, they had way too much energy for her.
"What are we doing," She asked as they walked in, she handed them water bottles.
"Food, then mall," Mattia said.
"why-," Goldi started, throwing her hands up in the air.
"you don't have a choice," kairi joked.
"Fine, just let me get dressed real quick," she said, running up stairs.

Mattia sat on her couch, rolling his eyes as all of the boys sat next to him. They were pissing him off lately, either not taking anything serious or taking things too seriously. He also thought they were changing a lot, Alejandro was constantly on his phone, obsessing over how many views he would get.
A couple of minutes later Goldi walked down, catching Mattias eye. She wore light baggy jeans with a big beige sweatshirt, air forces of course.

She smiled with a light blush once she noticed.
"Ready?" Alejandro asked.
"Yeah, " She replied. Everyone got up and headed toward Kairis's car.

Alejandro sat in the front, Mattia and Goldi sitting in the back. Kari turned on music, everyone in the car singing along as they drove toward the mall.
About 5 minutes later they arrived, walking into the food court.

They walked up to McDonald's, Goldi's head still pounding from earlier.
"Can I get a large fry and a Medium vanilla milkshake, " Goldi said.
"Our ice cream machine is broken, " The worker said, Goldi laughing lightly.
"Ok then just the fries, " Goldi said.

She forced the boys to let her pay for the food, the cashier laughing as they argued.
They finally sat down to eat. Almost immediately a fan came up, asking to take a picture with all of them.

Goldi laughed at it, not really being used to things like that happening.
"We should have a sleepover, " Kairi said as he sat back down.
"At who's house, " Mattia asked.
"I have the biggest house so we can go to mine," Goldi responded.
"What about your dad, " Kairi asked
"He's on a business trip, " Goldi said, taking a bite out of her French fry.
"Goldi's house it is, " Kairi said.

The teens continued eating. They laughed, making jokes with each other as they ate.
They got up and started to walk around after finishing their food.

Fans continued to say hi and take pictures with them, Goldi taking a lot of the photos. They all joked around with each other, chasing each other and causing all of the store employees to get annoyed.
There was a crowd of people behind them, all recording as they were followed around the mall.

Alejandro kept getting dared to do embarrassing things, his vlog camera out while everyone laughed.
Goldi had a lot of anxiety, but at the same time she was having fun.

They got word that security got called, meaning they had to leave as soon as possible.
They quickly walked outside, basically no people following them anymore as they got into the car.

Music played loudly, the teens singing while Kairi drove. He stopped by all of the boy's houses so they could get clothes, Mattia last since he lived the closest to Goldi.

Mattia and Goldi kept catching each other's eyes. Goldi had a slight blush on her cheeks. She couldn't tell if she liked him or not, and the whole situation made her feel anxious.

They eventually got to Goldi's house, walking in and setting their bags down.
"Can we go live?" Mattia asked.
"I don't know how our fans are going to react, " Kairi said.
"What do you mean?" Goldi asked.
"Our fans get weird whenever there's a new person, " Kairi said, "We can try though, " He said.

Goldi was extremely confused, she didn't understand why they would be weird.
They walked up to Goldi's room, Mattia setting his phone up on her vanity. Goldi stood next to him, seeing in the camera how tall he was compared to her. She thought it was really cute, smiling with a slight blush.

He started the life as people started joining. It was crazy how fast people joined, getting 7k viewers within the minute.

"Hi guys, " Mattia said, sitting on Goldi's bed.
Goldi sat next to him, Alejandro and Kairi sitting slightly behind them.

He talked to his fans for a while, Goldi noticing a few hate comments pass by. There weren't that many, but as the views went up the comments went up.

"Why is she sitting so close to Mattia"
"she looks like a twig"
"not the cake face"

"Oh guys this is Goldi, " Mattia said, wrapping his arm around her shoulder jokingly.
"Hi, " She laughed
"She just came from Italy, and if you guys could maybe not be assholes that'd be cool, " He said, all of the teens laughing.

Goldi stopped paying attention to the comments, instead joking around with her friends and laughing. She wouldn't admit it, but she knew it'd get to her if there was too much hate.


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