9 ✨

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Big dick boys+Goldi ✨😗

Are we going to the party

Olaf ⛄️:
Yeah I guess

Goldi✨ left the chat


Goldi, Hailey, and Aiyana did their makeup for the party as music played.
Goldi told her dad she was just spending the night at Hailey's house, which of course wasn't fully a lie. She was spending the night, and her parents weren't home this weekend.
The party started at 8:00 and it was about 7:30. They weren't going to be on time, but honestly, no one is on time for house parties.

Goldi did her makeup like she usually did, except drew on a soft wing to make her eyes pop.
She straightened her hair, fluffing it out slightly to give it volume.
She wore a fitted black dress that fell right in the middle of her thighs. It had lace trimming on the areas where fabric stopped, the neck showing off her collarbones. She wore an oversized black jean jacket with her air forces.

Her mood has been ridiculous lately. Constantly up and down. She felt uneasy knowing Mariano not only lived in the same city as her, but also went to the same school.
The party was a little far away, about 15 minutes.
It was just about 8:00 as they left, getting into an Uber. Hailey didn't drink but just to be safe they didn't take a car.

The driver was really fun, playing music and dancing around as they drove through the city.
Goldi had a bit of anxiety, pushing it down in hopes to just enjoy tonight.

They got to the party, already hearing music playing loudly and seeing lights flashing.
They thanked the driver, walking into the house which was already filled with people.
The house was huge, in a richer part of jersey, and they were guessing that not only people from their school were here.
"Time to take shots," Aiyana laughed, all of the girls walking into the lit-up kitchen.

"Hey Kairi," Goldi said as she saw him in the kitchen, hugging him before walking over to the bottles.
"You look happy," He said in a questioning tone.
"I'm not, just good at faking it," She said in a joking tone, however she definitely wasn't joking.

She poured 4 shots, handing them out as the teens all threw them back.
Goldi's faced scrunched up slightly before she poured a few more, she wanted to be happy, to feel nothing.
"Woah slow down," Hailey laughed, grabbing the bottle out of her hand, "Let's go dance or something,"

The teens walked into the living room where the majority of people were, crowds of teens talking.
They saw Alejandro, Kairi, and Roshaun, walking up to them.

Alejandro was obviously drunk, smiling widely as he sipped from a cup. Roshaun laughed at his antics as Kairi had an annoyed grin on his face.
"Sit the fuck down," Kairi said, pushing him onto the chair.
They talked for a minute, laughing as the alcohol from earlier slowly kicked in.

They all walked outside, the cup pong table open.
Goldi and Kairi were on one side, Roshaun, and Hailey on the other. Alejandro and Aiyana stood in the middle of the table.
"We have to win, going against the short squad and shit," Roshaun said, making the first ball.
"Roshaun, shut the fuck up you giraffe," Goldi joked.
"What- I will not accept abuse from a 5-foot girl," Roshaun said as he made another cup.
"I'm 5'2," She said, glaring at him as she picked up a ball, tossing it and making it into a cup.

They continued to argue across the table, drowning back the cups as they made it in.
Alejandro and Aiyana couldn't stop laughing, passing a bottle back and forth.
"Fuck you!" Kairi said as Roshaun made another cup.
"Me and Goldi are carrying this game," Roshaun said, shaking his head as Hailey missed the cup.
"I'm not very good at this," Hailey laughed.

Roshaun ended up winning by one cup, sending him and Goldi into another argument. Everyone laughed, walking back into the house to get more drinks.
Goldi immediately made eye contact with Mattia. He sat on the couch, Jenna's legs resting on top of his as she laughed with her friends.
Goldi rolled her eyes as they walked back to the kitchen, immediately pouring a shot.

"I've never said a word to Jenna and every time I see her she stares me down," Goldi said, rolling her eyes as she threw back a shot.
"It's cause Mattia likes you, she's jealous," Aiyana said, Goldi looking straight to her.
"Mattia doesn't like me. If he did he would've taken shit serious," Goldi responded.
"I think he does. Mattia always gets scared and pushes people away if they make him feel too much," Alejandro said drunkenly as he looked through the fridge, Kairi immediately punching him in the arm.
"What the fuck is wrong with you," Kairi said, Alejandro looking up with wide eyes.
"Shit I wasn't supposed to say that was I," Alejandro laughed.

Goldi and the girls made a confused face.
"What the fuck are you talking about?" Goldi asked, a strong buzz running through her body.
"Look, I wasn't supposed to say but Mattia likes you. He just doesn't want to hurt you so he pushed you away," Kairi admitted, Goldi's face going soft for just a second before it switched to anger.
"What the fuck is wrong with him," Aiyana said.
"I'm going to the bathroom," Goldi said, grabbing the bottle as she practically ran to find one.

She didn't understand why he'd do that. She wanted him to keep things real, the last thing she wanted was issues between all of them.

She quickly found a bathroom, shutting the door and leaning against the wall.
She stared at the mirror as she chugged some of the alcohol, slightly dizzy as she ran her hand through her hair anxiously.
She held her head in her hands as music faintly played, the alcohol running through her system.

She heard the door open and shut, looking up to see Mar. Her eyes shot open as he smirked and pushed her against the wall, his hand wrapped around her neck.
"Stop," She said anxiously.
"I don't like the way you treated me baby," He grimaced, trying to kiss her as she moved her head.
"Please stop Mar," She cried as his hand pressed harder against her throat. She felt powerless, the alcohol
running through her system. He laughed, looking away before smacking her hard in the face.
He ran a hand along the seam of her underwear, grabbing her body tightly as she begged for him to stop.
"What the fuck is wrong with you?" He yelled, tears falling down Goldi's face, "I could treat you so nicely, but you choose to disobey me,"
She gained strength, pushing him off of her quickly as she ran downstairs to find her friends.


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