14 ✨

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Goldi quickly did her makeup, Mattia sitting on her bed and waiting for her to be ready.
They were probably going to be late, neither of them set their alarms the night before.

She finished her makeup, throwing on distressed baggy black jeans, a navy blue lacy crop top, and her black and white converse.
She knew one of her teachers would try to dress code her but she didn't have time to change. She quickly said bye to Amelia as she left.

Her and Mattia got in the car, quickly driving toward school. It was only about a five-minute drive, looking like they'd make it just in time.
Goldi turned up the music, Pop Smoke playing as they both rapped along to the song.

They pulled up to school right as the bell rung, stepping out of the car and walking into the building.
Mattia wrapped his arm around her shoulder, talking with her to try and distract from the judgemental stares.
Goldi noticed them, however. She tried to hide it but it made her extremely anxious
It was even worse since everyone knew what had happened, and of course, everyone was doubting that what happened was true.

They walked upstairs and into class, the teacher looking at her worriedly as she sat down.
"do the teachers know too?" she thought, mentally face palming herself.
A couple of minutes later Mariano walked in, late of course.
"Mariano, do you have a late pass, " The teacher asked with an annoyed expression.
"No, " He said, practically starting down Goldi as he walked to his seat.

Goldi rolled her eyes, she wanted to go home already.
He had a horrible black eye, a couple of cuts on his face and lips.
Mattia had a bandage on his face, the black eye already healing. The teacher probably knew the two of them got into a fight, which Goldi worried about.

The teacher continued to teach the lesson, but none of them could focus. Goldi was riddled with anxiety, Mar and Mattia filled with anger.
The teacher gave them time to talk to their groups, Goldi pulling out her phone so Mariano didn't have an excuse to talk to her.

"Mattia Polibio and Mariano Castro?" A security guard asked, walking into the class, "I need you two down in the office, now, " He said, The teacher handing him a slip of paper.
Goldi's eyes shot up to Mattia, who mouthed to her "It'll be fine."
"Oh, we need Goldi De Rossi as well, " He said, Goldi grabbing her bags and walking out of class.

She wasn't worried about herself, only Mattia.
They walked alongside each other, Mariano behind them. Mattia held her close to him, seemingly protecting her.
"Hey, " He said quietly, Goldi looking up, "Just tell them the truth, " Matti said, Goldi nodding before looking down at the floor.
"Did you hear me, " He said, turning his head toward Mariano who nodded his head in agreeance.

Goldi took a deep breath before they walked into the office, surprised at what she saw.
Kairi, Alejandro, Roshaun, Hailey, and Aiyana also sat in the office, along with a kid they didn't know.
This immediately made her more anxious, not knowing what they were doing anymore.

They sat down, the principal coming out a couple of minutes later.
"Ok, I'm going to talk to all of the friends together and you 3 separately," He said, calling in Alejandro, Kairi, Roshaun, Hailey, and Aiyana.

Goldi held her head in her hands, feeling extremely guilty that her issues may be getting her friends in trouble.
Mattia's held her close to him, knowing she was stressed out.
Mattia's dad walked in, saying hi before checking in and sitting down.

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