11 ✨

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2 weeks later

Goldi gleamed as she talked to her sister Amelia. She was rarely able to see or talk to her because of the time difference.
She just found out Amelia was coming down for 2 weeks, she had a huge smile on her face.

Mattia sat next to her, Goldi's smile contagious. Amelia was so similar to gold, however, it felt like she was more of a supportive figure for her.

They laughed with each other, Goldi talking with Amelia and her cousins with a laugh.
They all liked Mattia as he joined in for the conversation, talking loudly in Italian.

Amelia did online school this year so she could come down and still stay on top of her grades.
After a little while, they had to go, saying I love you before hanging up.

"Meli is coming over!" Goldi chanted, jumping up and dancing around her room.
"When is she coming?" Mattia asked with a laugh.
"Tomorrow morning," She gleamed, "Less than 24 fucking hours,"
"I'm excited to meet her, you guys are so similar," Mattia said, Goldi's smile dropping as she got a text.

"What's wrong?" Mattia asked worriedly.
"My dad's almost home," She said. Her dad had found out about him, immediately demanding to meet him. She just hoped he liked him.
"It's ok, I don't think he's gonna get mad. I'll be nice I swear," Mattia laughed, holding her hands and kissing the top of her forehead.

He was extremely nervous, however. He didn't want to mess this up, but he also didn't want to worry goldi more than she already was.
They heard the door open and shut a couple of minutes later, her dad's voice echoing through the house.
Goldi sighed, "He's on a business call," She said.
"Where does he work?" Mattia asked.
"I'm not supposed to tell anyone, but he's like a top tier manager in this governmental information security thing. He knows shit," She laughed
"That's crazy, kinda scary, but crazy," Mattia said.

She nodded, opening her door so they could walk downstairs.
Her dad wore a black suit with nicely polished shoes. He looked extremely put together, almost intimidating.
He was slightly shorter than Mattia but towered over Goldi. Mattia could see why she'd be afraid of him.

He talked to the people on the phone for a bit, practically arguing with them before hanging up.
"Dad, this is Mattia," Goldi said with a smile on his face.
"Nice to meet you, sir," Mattia said, shaking his hand.
"Nice to meet you too, are you Italian? you look Italian," Goldi's dad said with a laugh.
"Yeah, I actually lived in Piemonte till I was 6, but my mom is from Mexico," Mattia said, finding her dad less intimidating than he thought he would.
"That's cool, I'm happy Goldi found someone within her own culture," He laughed, Goldi blushing slightly.

"Dad, do you know Amelia's coming tomorrow," Goldi asked.
"Huh? oh, yeah she planned that with me. Just make sure the guest bedroom is set up," He said, grabbing his file case.
"The office is busy, I'll be home by 8:00 though. Have a good time," Her dad said as his phone started to ring again. Mattia and Goldi waved goodbye as he left.

"That was better than I thought it'd be," Goldi laughed as they walked back upstairs.
"Me too, I was nervous," Mattia said.

Goldi laid on her bed, curling up to Mattia who kissed her sweetly on the head. She smiled, feeling like a weight was lifted off her chest.
The past two weeks have been so much better, she felt happy and her and Mattia were getting closer.

"You're so beautiful," He said, kissing her again as she blushed. He was holding her waist, Goldi laying close to him.
"Shut up," She laughed.
"No," He said, kissing her again, "Didn't your dad say to have a good time?" Mattia joked, sending a shiver down Goldi's spine.
"I don't know? did he," She questioned jokingly, She bit her lip, Scooting herself so she was sitting up.

He laughed as he pulled her onto his lap, kissing her softly as he trailed his lips down her neck.
He found her sweet spot, right above her collar bone. He kissed it softly, slowly leaving a hickey before pulling her hoodie over her head.

Her breath thickened, hips slowly moving against Mattias. He kissed around her chest before quickly flipping them over and trailing down her stomach.
She bit her lip hungrily, wanting more.

He slowly pulled her pants down, smiling at the white lace panties she wore.
He slowly ran his hand into her panties, Goldi sucking in a breath as he swiped a finger against her folds.

He grabbed her throat, bringing her lips to his as he slowly moved his hand against her heat.
"Look how wet you are," He said, showing her the finger, "All Mine," He growled before pulling her panties down slowly.

He kissed around her area, licking a bold stripe up to her heat before kissing it softly.
"Beautiful baby," He said before starting to flick his tongue against her clit, making her immediately let out a soft moan.

He precisely moved his tongue, sending waves through her body.
His hands held a strong grip on her waist, her legs parted open as he made out with her pussy.

He stared into her eyes as she softly let out moans. All he wanted to do was pleasure her, she made him so happy.
His movements became more aggressive as she got closer, his movements driving her crazy.
He inserted 2 of his fingers, curling them as he pumped them in and out.

Her back arched with the new pleasure, letting out a louder moan as she got closer to finishing.
Her hands went to his hair, pulling it lightly as she knitted her eyebrows together, moaning louder as the pleasure built up.

She felt a knot start to form in her stomach, her climax coming closer as his hand traveled her body.

"I-I'm close," She moaned out, barely able to speak.
He intensified his movements, making her loudly moan his name.
"Cum," He said, Goldi quickly obeying as she let out a string of cuss words, her hands tangled into his hair.

She squinted her eyes shut, squirming slightly as her body filled with euphoria.
He stopped his movements, smirking as he looked into her eyes.
He connected their lips, his hand softly holding her throat. He stuck a finger in her mouth letting her taste herself, she moaned softly as hickeys formed on her collarbone and down her stomach.
"Good girl," He said in a slightly devilish tone, kissing her once again.

Pink bubblegum by Lavi Kou "Head between your thighs as I stare into your eyes, " Type beat.

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