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liked by mattiapolibio and 94,634 othersGoldi

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liked by mattiapolibio and 94,634 others
Goldi.derossi: I know a lot of you hate me, and I absolutely understand. I just wanted to come on her one last time to explain why this had to happen.
I know this is going to hurt a lot of people, and I'm so sorry about that. This has been a huge issue I've dealt with and hidden since before I can remember. I'm grateful for everyone that has been there for me, thank you for everything. No one could've prevented this, and I promise you it isn't your fault.
All I want is to be able to breathe, and be completely happy within myself, and it'll happen sooner than everyone expected. I'm sorry for everyone that had trust in me, and I'm sorry for doing what you wished I never would. I love you all so much, thank you for everything.

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Mattia immediately sprung up as he saw the post, Grabbing his keys and a jacket. He knew exactly what everything meant, but more than anything hoped it wasn't true.
Mattia, Alejandro, and Kairi piled into the car as he quickly pulled out of the driveway and sped down the street.
Kairi quickly called the ambulance, urging them to get there quickly.

Goldi's house quickly came into view as Mattia pulled along the street. He dragged himself out of the car as he felt like he could hardly move, his body only wanting to collapse on the floor.
Alejandro was already at the door, trying to open the door that he realized was locked.
"Fuck! Where's her dad!" He said frantically searching for a way to get inside.
"He's in New York until tomorrow morning," Mattia forced out, a huge knot forming in his throat.

He remembered the key underneath the flower pot, quickly grabbing it and jamming it into the door.
All 3 of them rushed into the house, Mattia already getting multiple calls that he guessed were from his mom.
Everything felt like it was moving in slow motion, like the world around them didn't want them to know what they'd see behind Goldi's door. They were all scared it was too late, pushing open Goldi's door and rushing in.

Her room was dark besides the glow from underneath the bathroom door, hearing the light hum of the shower.
They tried to open the door that Goldi had locked, tears streaming down their face as anxiety shot through their bodies. Mattia rammed himself into the door in hopes to force his way in, his shoulder spasming as it flew open on the third try.

The entire bathroom had filled with steam from the hot shower, Mattia forcing the curtain open to reveal what he wished to never see.
Her frail body wearing nothing but a sports bra and spandex, curled into a ball in the corner of the shower. Kairi immediately froze as his body was struck with a wave of pain, seeing his best friend in a way he had never wished.
He quickly climbed into the shower and turned the water off as he stuck his fingers down her throat, pleading as he tried to make her throw up what they all knew she had taken.

His attempts failed as he finally understood they were too late, letting out a choked sob as he held the girl he fell in love with, and broke so many times.
Alejandro leaned and slid against the wall, hiding his head in his hands. He felt more guilty than ever, like he could've possibly stopped this.

Mattia let out multiple sobs, not wanting to believe what was right in front of him. The girl he loved had taken her pain away, but unintentionally passed it along to everyone she loved. Red and blue lights began to flash in through the window, paramedics rushing in with a stretcher.
They pried the small girl out of his arms as they laid her onto the stretcher, quickly taking her out.

Mattia completely fell as his emotions took over, curling into the small corner that Goldi had once laid. The sound of the ambulance slowly became distant, as Goldi was stripped away from all of their lives.
Alejandro quickly climbed in next to him as he forced his best friend into a hug, him slightly fighting it before accepting and relaxing into the hug.
He quivered as tears poured out of his eyes, the pain he was feeling indescribable.
Alejandro knew he couldn't say anything to calm the pain Mattia was going through, but instead held him as he died inside over and over again.


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