8 ✨

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Goldi's dad insisted on bringing her to school today, he thought something was up and had almost no trust in her. He wasn't wrong, however.
Goldi scrolled through her phone, the car quiet and filled with tension.
She wore a big graphic T-shirt with light-colored skater jeans and her air forces.

Eventually they pulled up to the drop off at her school.
"I'll pick you up," Her dad said, thanking him before she got out.
She walked into school, the bell ringing as she headed inside and towards her class.
She gave Aiyana and Hailey a hug as they passed by her, they hadn't been hanging out much which made her a little upset.

She walked upstairs and towards her first class, she was excited to see Mattia again.
She looked down checking the time on her phone before looking up, her eyes meeting Mattia. And Jenna.
She hung her arms over him, kissing him right next to the lockers.
Her heart sank, she couldn't help but build some feelings for Mattia the past couple of days.
She couldn't believe she trusted him, she told him everything. Well, almost everything.

Mattia looked up with a laugh before meeting his eyes with Goldi. He'd never seen her with such an angry expression before. He kept his expression blank, showing no emotions toward her, That hurt the most. He didn't want Jenna he wanted Goldi, but Goldi was too precious. He couldn't hurt her.

Goldi continued inside, her teacher saying they had new seats. She was so relieved as she heard those words, however she was sat in the same spot. She didn't care, as long as Mattia was nowhere near her.

She sat down, staring off into space. She felt so betrayed, like she'd gotten punched in the chest.
"Hi baby, did you miss me?" A familiar voice asked, pulling her out of her daze.
She and Mariano were in a toxic relationship when she lived in Italy. He constantly cheated on her. However worse than that he hit her and forced her to have sex with him. He caused a lot of issues between Goldi's friends and family. It's one of the things she couldn't tell Mattia.

"Mar? what the fuck are you doing here," She said angrily.
"Woah calm down baby, I transferred," He laughed, anger now running through Goldi's system.

"Mariano, don't call me that," She said quietly.
"What? What's wrong with you-" He said, reaching down to grab her hand.
"Don't you dare touch me. I don't want to hear your voice, you understand me?" She said confidently, Mariano sitting down and rolling his eyes.

She saw Mattia looking over at them, obviously confused at the interaction. He looked away the second she noticed him but was instantly worried.

Goldi sat quietly as her teacher taught a lesson. She couldn't imagine how today could get any worse. She came to America to get away from toxicity, and it feels like it's following her.

Her teacher gave them time to talk to their group about an assignment, Mariano of course trying to talk to her.
"Hey, I really don't like the way you talked to me," He said, his tone manipulative.

"Miss," Goldi said, raising her hand to get her teacher's attention, "Can I go to the nurse?" She asked, her teacher nodding.
She grabbed her backpack, quickly walking out of class. She walked into the bathroom, going into the stall quickly.
She tucked her knees into her chest as she sat down, laying her head on her knees.

Tears pricked her eyes, the last person she wanted to see was Mar. He manipulated and took advantage of her so much, constantly making her feel less than.
She grabbed makeup wipes out of her bag, taking all of it off knowing it was destroyed.

She let the bells ring, kids coming in and out. She couldn't bring herself to leave. She didn't feel heartbroken, she barely had time to catch any feelings for Mattia. She just felt betrayed. She trusted him.
She left the bathroom as the lunch bell rung, knowing Mattia usually sits with Jenna during lunch

She walked up to the table which sat Kairi, Alejandro, Hailey, and Aiyana.
"What's wrong?" Kairi asked, seeing an annoyed expression on her face. He hated that he knew exactly what was wrong.
"Your friend is an asshole," She said, rolling her eyes.
"We been knew that," Hailey said, shaking her head.
"Wait what happened?" Aiyana asked.
"Mattia said he had feelings for me, then completely ghosted me and got with Jenna again," Goldi said with annoyance.
"He's obsessed with her, it's fucking annoying," Hailey said.

She stayed quiet, not wanting to talk about him anymore.
"There's a party tomorrow, do you guys want to go?" Alejandro asked.
"Ooo can I come," A voice said, Goldi looking up to see Jenna and Mattia sit down at their table.
"Bye guys," Goldi smiled, grabbing her backpack and walking out of the lunchroom.

She didn't know where she was gonna go, she just knew she didn't want to be there.


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