46 ✨

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It was finally the first day of February. January was honestly horrible, everyone was constantly stressed out and on edge.
Goldi missed Amelia so much, happy that she'd be coming in just a month. All of the boys were as well, but Mattia was super distant, Goldi hated it so much.
When he was around he scrolled on his phone more, and when he was gone they wouldn't talk as much.

She heard everyone talking about playlist and how stressful it'd be, Goldi assuming that's where a lot of their stress was coming from.
She also realized that Mariano was probably released by now, and that made her constantly anxious. He most likely didn't change, she didn't think he was capable of it.

Goldi finally walked out of her last class, letting out a relieved breath as she saw Mattia waiting for her by the lockers.
He smiled at her, grabbing her hand as she started to walk out of school.
"How was your day?" Mattia asked, opening the door for her.
"It was ok, just super tired," She said, continuing to talk to him about their day as they got into his car.

He began to drive towards their neighborhood, Goldi holding her knees against her chest.
She always said that tasks made her tired, but in reality that's how it always was. She was always tired. She stopped losing weight rapidly, but she wasn't getting back to a healthy weight either. She was just stuck in a weird limbo.

Goldi and Mattia walked up to his house, his mom and dad hugging her and saying hi before they went to his room.
Goldi laid her head on his chest, his arms wrapping around her. She was glad she wore sweats today, it was so much more comfortable.
Goldi's phone dinged, Amelia asking if she wanted to facetime.
"Meli wants to facetime," Goldi said, her face suddenly gleaming, "That means I probably get to talk to my mom,"
"Do it," Mattia laughed.
"Do you want to meet her?" Goldi asked. She's told her mom about him but they've never talked.
"Yeah, I'd actually love to," Mattia said, Goldi smiling wider as Amelia called.

"Ciao Goldi," Amelia said happily, both of them smiling.
"Ciao, what's up?" Goldi asked, they were rarely able to talk because of the time difference.
"Well I missed talking to you, and momma wants to talk to you," Amelia said, Goldi getting slightly scared.
"Did I do something," Goldi said worriedly.
"No stupid, she just wants to catch up," Amelia laughed, Goldi hearing the door open.

"Ciao my Goldi," She heard her mom say, her face taking up the screen with a smile.
"Hi momma, how are you," Goldi said joyfully.
"I'm good, how are you," Her mom said, her thick accent extenuating her voice.
"I'm ok, I'm getting better," Goldi said, her mom making a doubting face before Mattia popped his face on the screen.
"Ciao," He laughed, her mom getting excited.
"Is that the Mattia you've told me about?" Her mom said joyfully while she waved at him.
"Yeah, It's nice to meet you ma'am," Mattia said, continuing to talk to her for a while.

Goldi smiled as she listened to their conversation, happy that her mom liked him.
They all talked for about 30 minutes, laughing with each other before they had to go.
"Ti amo momma," Goldi said, slightly sad that she had to be hanging up.
"Ti amo, I can't wait to see you. Keep your head up, ok?" Her mom said with a smile, blowing a kiss at the screen.
"Ok, me either momma, bye," She said as she hung up, sadness filling her.

She fell back on the bed, rolling her eyes. She hated being vulnerable.
"What's wrong?" Mattia said, grabbing her waist and pulling her in.
"I miss my mom so much," Goldi said, her voice cracking slightly.
"It's ok Goldi, a few more months," He said, looking at Goldi who laid next to him.
"I know, I just miss her. And Italy, and all of my family. It's so much better there," She said, wiping a tear from her face.

"I know you stressed bub," Mattia said, pushing a strand of hair behind her ear, "But soon Amelia will be coming back, and after that it'll almost be summer," He said, a few tears running down Goldi's cheek, "And guess what happens after that?"
"What," Goldi laughed, Mattia trying his best to cheer her up.
"We'll have the most beautiful summer in Italy, even if we can't see each other every day," He said, Goldi smiling as she still tried to push stress and anxiety away.
Mattia knew, pulling her into a hug as her head tucked into his chest.

She knew he was right, but at the same time everything felt so wrong. She didn't know what to do anymore, everything felt like it was moving slow, and the world didn't want her to get there.
It felt like everyone was running away from her, and she wasn't sure if Mattia was even being genuine.
She was just trying her best.


Hey guys, these last couple were more filler chapters. I have the rest of the book planned out, and shit is about to go down.
Anyways, love y'all 🖤

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